• expired

Nintendo Switch Dock (Preowned) $73.50 ($129 When New) + Shipping / Pickup @ EB Games


Thought this was a pretty good deal. Yes $129 new is definitely over priced. But for under $75 i think this is a pretty good deal. There were a couple available at my local EB. I think the deal may be only till the end of this weekend but not too sure.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Just a heads up/warning that it may come with a skin already on it. Mine had a BoTW skin (not complaining!)

    • If you want a specific one, its probably worth asking staff, I doubt they care which one they give you.

  • About to go pick mine up. Hopefully it doesn't have a skin on it. But i'll take it anyway. Handy for playing the switch on the loung room tv. :)

  • does it come with the original/genuine HDMI cable and power supply or do you get a generic one like the chargers they give out with preowned 3DS consoles?

    • -1

      Beware. Only use the original HDMI cable and power supply for the dock. The switch uses non standard USB C charging and using other cables/power supplies can damage the system.

      • +2

        Warranty it if another cable damages it, you cant use the USB C plug and not expect it to work with a USB C cable.

      • +3

        This is not true at all. It is true that the dock does not comply with the USB C charging protocol, but a compliant USB-C charger is not going to damage your system.


        (And only the original HDMI cable? LOL)

        • -1

          You got me I just meant the USB C (wasnt thinking when I wrote HDMI cable and charger).

          But the USB C.. sure go use a cheap crappy cable that doesnt comply then it is on your own risk.

          • +1


            You could just admit that you were completely wrong and don't know what the hell you are talking about, but whatever dude. Have a nice day. :)

            • @caprimulgus: Calm down man

              • +1

                @Circly: Huh? I’m completely calm dude (the caps was satirical). ;)

                Just please stop spreading mis-information. Have a nice day! :)

        • I believe the problem is not charging, it's powering the system when it's in docked mode.

          • +3

            @mackdiddy: In terms of powering the dock, you just need to make sure the power supply is USB-C PD, and that it has the 15V profile. The dock requires 15V/2.6A, so you just need to make sure it supports 15V at 2.6A or more.

            The real problem is dodgy third party docks, which can brick the system by damaging the USB-C controller. (Note: It's third party DOCKS that are the issue, not chargers)

  • I'd love another one, but there are none near me, and $15 for delivery is ridiculous.

    • I doubt they are making much on that $15 delivery… Still I'd prefer pick up.

  • Wow, makes me think I should sell my dock. Have only used it several times in a few years

    • I'd be interested.

    • the dock is overpriced here
      considering how much the overall system cost

  • +3

    Useful if you want an extra dock to rehouse in a 3rd party shell

    • +3

      Adding on to this, there's a lot of third party shells that make the dock extremely portable.

      For an idea of the size, they are not much bigger then the square block in the back of the original dock where you plug in HDMI/usb/power etc.

  • +4

    So i just picked mine up. Had the genuine power adapter. And low and behold i got the smash brothers version of the dock. Super happy!


    • Wow, that's awesome! I don't even play Smash Bros, tbh, but I actually really like that dock!

      Nice one! :)

  • Just went to pick one up. Firstly these need to be ordered online and click and collect for pick up. You can't just walk in and pick up.
    Secondly, I noticed mine didn't have a HDMI cable, called the store back and they noticed that when getting the packet but just assumed it didn't come with it. They called another store for me and they had one without a HDMI cable too. So double check the packet first if you want to HDMI cable.

    • Does it have to be the Nintendo HDMI cable for the dock to work correctly?

      • +1

        Nah, it's just a generic HDMI cable.

      • +2

        HDMI is HDMI. For my other dock I'm just using a random cable that I had lying around and it works fine. It's the charging adaptor/dock that you don't want to mess with

    • +1

      Mine didn't come with a hdmi cable either. But seeing I got the smash brothers dock plus I have about 15 hdmi cables around the house I didn't bother asking for one.

      • +2

        Ahh interesting. On the website it does list that it should come with one.
        "Includes a Nintendo Switch Dock, an AC adapter, and an HDMI cable."

  • Just got mine from Epping Plaza (Vic). Looks new, original charging cable and solid (not flimsy) no name hdmi cable.

    • +1

      At least you got a hdmi cable. Sounds like it's a bit random if you get one. Still a decent price i thought.

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