No plus required
Cheapest delivered price $60
Amazon Select is now showing $66
Lowest historical from recent memory was ~$58 Amazon select and 2 for $102 ebay deal
Shopback extra $3
No plus required
Cheapest delivered price $60
Amazon Select is now showing $66
Lowest historical from recent memory was ~$58 Amazon select and 2 for $102 ebay deal
Shopback extra $3
Yes true haven't seen it that cheap for a while though
Must be our dollar getting smashed
The exchange rate has not been helping but a couple weeks ago, one lucky person got one of these (from this store) for $55.20. I had it in my cart but the price changed back to $60 while I was checking out.
exchange is interesting…cos the retailers increases the price quickly when the rate drops but
but don't decrease the price when the rate was parity or above USA rate when australian dollar was like more than $1 vs USD.
the same goes for banks..
it is also cos you need to buy 2..
just wait a bit and shopping square might have that again..
I see them doing this type of sale often.
also as the nigger size cards like 512GB gets produced more it should push the prices down more..
last year the 256GB was around $80-90 with the ebay coupon codes
now it has dropped to $50 to $60
Gear price for $256gb
any good price for 512?
$25.19 here surely it must be fake…
2 for $102 was a good deal
also I think these have drop to $50+ previously