• expired

Samsung Galaxy Fit3 Watch $66.60 Delivered / Free C&C @ BIG W

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For those who missed out on The good guys deal it is still available in Big W with free delivery.
Available in Pink Rose colour too.

Code supposed to be for Everyday Extra member only, but in the past I think it works with every one that have Everday Rewards.

Combined this with discounted Woolworth Wish Gift Card for more discount and possibly Shopback 10% cashback

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  • +9

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsnvO4GehOc obligatory scientific review

    • -4

      Thanks, was about to pull the trigger then decided to watch this first. Not having a Samsung phone reinforced my decision too.

      • +3

        Most of the trackers are essentially toys tbh, only some of the Huawei flagship ones are actually even semi accurate

        • +3

          But then Chinese Government would know my BP, Blood Oxygen & Heart Rate?

        • +6

          Not really a toy, just not a professional tracker. Personally thats fine by me, i mostly just want notifications, quick replies and a find my phone button on my wrist.

          Heart rate, sleep tracking ect after that is really 2nd.

      • -6

        You probably sit down to pee too.

      • +1


    • +5

      The review goes to show that it isn't as accurate as other watches, but a lot of those watches are 5-10x the price of this!
      For someone going from nothing at all to something that gives basic tracking and some notifications it's well worth the price.
      Makes for a real nice gift for older parents as well.

      • -3

        At the end the reviewer said the Huawei one is more accurate tracker although slightly more expensive. I might wait for a deal on that.

        Truthfully if I had a Samsung phone I will probably get this but my phones are iPhone 12 and a old Huawei one. Different needs for me I guess. I have a current xiaomi band that's OK for me but would prefer a larger screen and more accurate tracker.

        • Which one was that one?

          • -1

            @R3XNebular: Think the reviewer mentioned Huawei watch fit 2?

            • @Jared17: Just remember with Huawei you need to side load it on Android devices as it was banned from the Play store.

              To use a Huawei on an Android device you basically hand it completely unrestricted access to your phone when you turn permissions on.

        • +1

          At the end the reviewer said the Huawei one is more accurate tracker although slightly more expensive. I might wait for a deal on that.

          Its up to you how important that is. Personally a rough idea on steps and activity is fine. If i was a professional sportsperson then sure I'd get a professional sports watch. Is it critical your watch says the exact 12543 steps you took today or is the nearest thousand fine? If i go for a run or ride i'm taking my phone anyway so i'd use its gps for distance.

          I picked one us yesterday. It's impressive for the price. All the aminations and scrolling are perfectly smooth. Notifications work great. Lift to wake works better than any of my past smart watches.

          Note the slightly more expensive Huawei is probably based on the original price, not the 50% off price.

    • +2

      it's not a dedicated sports watch, and it's not expected to be scientifically accurate

      I just want to know how active I was today, compared to yesterday, last week, last month. I don't care how many actual steps were there

  • +1

    $75 direct from Samsung. Can probably get it cheaper with EPP or similar. Likely going to be similar at multiple other places given this is seemingly a Samsung discount

    • +2

      same price with EPP. OP's listing is cheaper

      • Discount not working

    • Gov EPP store is more expensive than these deals

    • I'm trying to check the Samsung Government Store but can't for the life of me manage to actually successfully log onto it. It seems to be… gone

  • +1

    Further 5% off with gift card.

  • +3

    Code didn’t work for me as an everyday rewards member.

    • same

    • +1

      Sorry, typo, code should be XFEB2025

      • Thanks. This worked.

      • Code supposed to be for Everyday Extra member only, but in the past I think it works with every one that have Everday Rewards.

        did you unleash pandora ?

  • Code not working. Im an Extra member

    • +2

      Code ain't spy friendly?

  • +8

    Code is XFEB2025

    $66.60 delivered

    • Yes that works. Assuming it's the standard monthly one use only code applicable to anything?

      • Not everything, but mostly everything

  • +1

    Shopback 10% discount not applicable im assuming?

    • It tracked for me. $6.60. Whether it will clear…..I dont know.

  • +1

    If I use 10% here will it not let me use my 10% for Woolworths in same month?

    • +4

      You get one use for Big W and another one for Woolworths every month, separately I believe.

      • This is correct.

      • Yep, it works that way: https://www.everyday.com.au/extra/partners.html

        I don't know if the capped amount is combined though.

        • I read it somewhere that it's not. I believe it's always been $50 cap each ($500 max spending to hit the cap)

          • @hanofee: $300 cap for $30 off

            • @Mr BoMBAStiG: Oh did they lower it? I think I did hit the $50 cap once (by buying >$500 worth of Lego) from BigW in the past, but yeah, rarely do big purchase myself

  • Thanks OP. Got one. I think, this also comes with 'change of mind' returns just in case if better deal comes around.

  • Why the frock is big w asking for my ph number to view their landing page?

    • +1

      They really want you to text them STOP in a few weeks.

  • thanks . got two.

  • Only for Samsung phones?

    • +1


      • If my kid is using iPhone, it'd still independently as watch/fitness tracker, right (just can't get phone/text notification)? Maybe similar question to the one below

        • Fit3 different. Read comments from other recent deals for this watch

  • Can kids use this standalone?

  • -2

    Dafuq Samsung is going back to square screen now? Are they evolving backwards to Samsung Gear again? What year is this 2015?

    • +1

      Dafuq wut rok u been hidin unda? Try Classic range cuz.

    • +1

      You're suppose to say da fuq after each sentence

  • Can't add to cart for some reason?

    Edit - works on different browser

    Edit2 - doesn't work on the other browser either after I've logged in…

    Edit3 - Somehow got it to work. Added $1 item and used $10 off discount code (from signing up to BigW online)

  • Thanks op, got it for $56.60, had $10 off from my reward (car insurance).

  • +2

    My local JB Hi Fi have it for sale at $74 and if you sign up for their Welcome bonus you get an extra $10 off that price. No delivery. No access to promo code.

  • Thanks OP!! got one.

  • Cheers OP! Missed out on the GG and JB pricematch, got this instead

  • +4

    execute order 66.60

  • +1

    Is this a good watch ?

    • Best to Google it as there are plenty of video reviews where you can see everything and then decide if it suits your needs.

      • Ok thanks

    • +2

      Depends on your definition of "good" but I got one last year and am very happy with it. I don't even have a Samsung branded android phone but all the trackers I've wanted ti use have worked fine and paired well with my phone. And it's inexpensive enough that I don't feel a need to baby it. Personally, the ability to see my calendar schedule on my watch makes it totally worh it — I keep track of time and know where I need to be.

  • It’s a great watch but more like an evolved fitness tracker. It does all the basics but doesn’t have a microphone or speaker. You can only respond to messages with the default responses, no on screen keyboard or text to speech. It doesn’t run wearOS (android) so no apps on the watch. Because its operating system is so light you get battery life for days (weeks?), awesome.

    I think it’s great as long as you realise what it is - don’t expect a full smart watch experience.

    • does it have always on display or it turns off with raise to wake?

      • +1

        it has always on, tap to wake and raise to wake

        • thanks for real info.
          because chatgpt was saying it doesn’t have always on display and only wakes up on raise.

    • I have a wear OS watch sitting here unused because i got sick of having to charge the stupid thing.

      Personally not going to touch one of these charge every 1 - 2 day watches until they can fully charge in the time it takes to have a shower and get dry.

      With a watch like the one in this deal i can top it up once a week while in the shower and it basically never goes flat.

  • How does this compare to the Huawei Band 6? Almost no difference besides a better screen?

  • Thank you to whoever bought the last two in my local stores. I was gonna jump on but think the money would be better spent towards a higher end watch.

  • Does this item fall under the category of 'BigW Market'? for Topcashback's cashback purposes?

    • +1

      nope, its an in store product.

  • +1

    Damn, I caved

  • Delivered, really nice watch small n simple

    • +1

      Likewise and totally agree. Coming from a many years using Mibands (only as far as 6) and this is a lot nicer.

  • Go to Deal from a Chromebook, was asked for postcode. Then no stock and no delivery. Go to Deal from a MacBook, add to cart, checkout, fill in discount code XFEB2025, all good and paid.


  • +1

    Just got this watch and came to leave a review because of how happy I am with it. It connects seamlessly to my Samsung phone. I wanted notifications on my watch without being glued to another device and this gives all the necessary notifications for messages, calls, and WhatsApp. The fitness functions are good but I can only compare to Xiaomi wearables in the past and it wasn't the primary reason for buying this device. Changing backgrounds and watch faces is seamless. As good as my wife's 600 dollar Apple watch if you are not wanting the speaker function. At 65 dollars it's an absolute bargain

  • +1

    The watch is great, syncing beautifully, lovely to use, light weight, looks like I'll get 4 or 5 days charge even with notifications and sleep monitoring turned on (just mucking around with that) and constant HR monitoring.

    Just wondering, has anyone else seen this or knows how to fix it?

    My watch started ignoring the "screen timeout" setting when I lift my wrist. It just does the 4 second time out.
    I've tried changing the setting, resetting it back to 4 seconds before changing it, etc
    Short of syncing then resetting the watch, is there anything else I can try?

  • is it good for samsung trade in ?
    price match and buy from samsung directly and get points?

  • Is this expired now?

  • I've tried swimming in a pool at the surface, and around 2m down. I initiated a swimming routine first (which turned on waterlock) and it counted laps, heart rate, estimated distance (I'm not fussed on how accurate it is). 30 minute swims. I like this watch :D

    It's suffered water, soap, foaming wash etc Running fine.

    I only need to charge every 3 to 5 days (I'm running sleep monitoring, notifications etc)

    If you want to watch your heart rate on the phone (eg keeping your rate in a range while in the gym), I think you have to turn off the "auto detect workout" on the watch, then kick off a workout in Samsung Health on the phone.

    • +1

      I get around 13 days with most of the guff turned off other than steps, notifications (from phone apps), reminders, alarms & basic sleep stuff. Not bad as I always liked MiBands for time between recharges. This isn't quiet as good but not far off and has a lot more info and control (connected to Samung phone). The software needs more control eg. assign apps within the swipe up/up down options and would like to see more button click options rather than just single and double click. Regardless gets a 4/5 from me considering it's price range.

      • +1

        I just put it on the charger for 15 min or so every few days while in the shower. More than enough to keep it topped up with charge. That's with lift to wake, heart rate tracking etc all on.

        • +1

          Yeah, I should do the same with the added benefit of potentially keeping the battery charge between 30% & 80% (perhaps less stress on the battery long term)

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