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Samsung Galaxy Fit3 Watch $62 (via Price-Check/Beat Button) + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ The Good Guys


Crazy all time low, 58% off RRP$149.

Cheapest Samsung watch in Australia with a 1.6" AMOLED screen, long battery life (up to 13 days), fitness tracking and basic phone features like declining calls and quick replies to texts.

Grey and Pink Gold available. Postage varies between $3 and $16 if delivery is needed.

Stock ran out fast. Do not be surprised and complain if some orders are cancelled.

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The Good Guys
The Good Guys


  • +39

    basic phone features like declining calls and quick replies to texts.

    That's 90% of my phone use

    • +6

      I've written basic because some people will still expect things like NFC payments and GPS even if it's only $62

      • +27

        No NFC , no deal haha

        • agree

        • It has BT to NFC link - never leave your home without phone ;) why redundant features? I use my excellent Amazfit band 7 (was $45 & bought 2/partner, now we have 2 chargers/shower& bed). With S23U (galaxy family) Fit3 would be great, but I prefer longer batt life, bronze aftermarket frame with slim band for more sun on my skin. Bonus Alexa ;)

      • -2

        I got my ticwatch late last year from a deal on here that has all this for about 85 bucks, but since it's not Samsung only got double figure votes


        • Failing to see how $105.99 is "about 85 bucks", and that actual number is approaching double what this costs.

          • @lbft: There were other discounts to be stacked, feel free to check the thread

    • +16

      I thought 90% is scrolling up/down on ozb

    • Not sure if those features works with non samsung phone

    • Someone spends over 1k for a phone. Deepseek will fix it.

    • Phone is fine - Watch is fine

    • k

    • +5

      Most cheap watches don't have gps

      • +6

        I've had a Mi Watch Lite for over 3 years now and it has GPS for around the same price.

        Dunno how they could sell a $150 RRP watch without it.

        • That’s $89 and even $139 on Amazon but yeah.

          Actually just checked all the $89 is out of stock. Rip

          • @deadboom: Paid $90 back in late 2021

            Still has GPS for 40% less even 3 years ago. Also the Galaxy Fit3 was released early 2024.

          • +4

            @deadboom: Redmi Watch 5 Lite is the latest version, pretty cheap (if a little harder to find) - https://www.amazon.com.au/Smartwatch-Display-Tracking-Waterp…

            My smart band 9 has GPS too.

            I can understand Samsung having a better brand name (and probably better software and hardware), but there's still a lot of options at the sub-$100 mark to consider.

            • @freefall101: From my research it seems Huawei Fit 3 is really good too, though double the price (about $140 vs the $77.56 u sent)

              Any worries about privacy with a Redmi/Huawei? How is the app? Main thing for me is heartrate, steps and sleep tracking (as well as notifications for texts/calls)

        • Would make their higher end watches redundant if their low end watches had it all.

      • +1

        My Mi Band 8 Pro does.

  • +2

    Good for sleep tracking? any difference from regular galaxy watch line?

    • +27

      I went to fit3 after being disappointed with battery life on pretty much every galaxy watch. I had 3, 4, 5, 4 classic, 5 pro (battery life was more or less reasonable there), 6 classic

      sleep tracking is similar, but I notice fit3 always gives me lower sleep scores and looking at the charts it's more sensitive

      otherwise I am very happy. I bought fit3 as a joke, it was 80 bucks on EPP. I tried it and forgot galaxy watch ever existed. fit3 has been my main smart watch since it was released. 90% of galaxy watch, with more than a week battery life, for a fraction of the price. it's a win.

      AMOLED display is really good, and the watch doesn't really look cheap. people keep asking me what it is lol

      - no speaker or microphone, so you can't talk to it or answer calls
      - no GPS
      - no NFC
      - no LTE
      - no iPhone support. but this is a Samsung household

      I don't care about any of those.

      pro tip: "basic clock" watch face FTW. there's nothing "basic" about it, packs all info I need into a single view, and looks stylish as.

      I use it all the time for notifications (seamless), weather, timer, Samsung Health (sleep tracking, steps, heart rate etc), it shows month calendar, other time zones, silent alarm so that I don't wake up better half, media control, camera remote shutter..

      • Cheers, thats good to hear. All I really need it for is to sleep track and to use it as a regular watch so I can do without all the other extras :)

      • Did you ever get the 13 days claimed battery life?

        I plan to only use it minimally (time + steps), I wonder if I can get more than 13 days, or a week is more of a realistic expectation?

        • I use mine a lot, and I never really run it to 0% so hard to say. I definitely get a week out of it

          from my galaxy watch days I got a habit of putting it on charge when I go to shower, usually I put it back on it shows 100% or thereabouts.

          at the beginning I tested it for longevity kind of, and definitely got a week. it didn't go to 0%, I think 20 something. but then I put it on a charger and now just top it up every few days.

      • I bought this for 20 bucks.

        Battery is at 70% and its been on standby since 9th January.

        I get alot of compliments when i wear it

      • That's a solid review on the fit 3. I'm pretty much the same as you. I've tried majority of the watches and gear fit range aswell. At the moment i switch between a gear s3 for work/outings and everyday fitness i use the gear fit 2. My fit 2 easily lasts a week without charge burt it doesn't have the full screen usage and simple functions (as a fitness band should)

        I think if they made it look a little nicer i'd be keen to wear it everywhere but i guess it's similar to an apple watch design/competitor.

      • I bought fit3 as a joke

        Uhhmm.. hilarious?

  • +1

    Just scrolling past quickly. This I assume is not LTE i.e. not suitable to keep in contact with kids instead of a phone?

    • +18

      No, it's $62

      • Yes. On Voda had 85c * 24 = $20.4 TCL 5G (rrp $499, but batt now 86% health) after 2y (Galaxy Note 10+ similar after 5y). Just keep it in the bag.

    • +1

      Just get a second hand watch 3 lte from marketplace and install esim on it

      • Battery life on 2nd hand? :(

  • Does not pair with the Steve Jobs internet communication device.

    • Yeah sadly they stopped that in 2021

    • +4

      Let me reword it.

      Steve Job's Apple made sure 3rd party digital watches don't play nice with their internet communication device.

      • Thats because Apple pairing is insecure and they wont share it with anyone else or it will make it even less secure.
        Go figure.

  • I assume this doesn’t work with iPhone, Sucks. Anyone know a good watch <$100 that tracks sleep, steps and can view message notifications?

    • +6

      Xiaomi mi band 9 pro
      Redmi lite 5

      • From my research it seems Huawei Fit 3 is really good too, though double the price (about $140 vs the $77.56 u sent)

        Any worries about privacy with a Redmi/Huawei? How is the app? Main thing for me is heartrate, steps and sleep tracking (as well as notifications for texts/calls)

    • +1

      Amazfit Bip

  • +1

    Unless you can C&C Mobileciti will end up cheaper with free delivery using sign up offer :P

    • thought you meant c&C at mobileciti haha

    • -1

      Damn, could have saved $1. Time to hand in my ozb pass

      • +1

        Yep. If you're not paying full price at Aldi and calling it a deal you're not a true OzBargainer.

  • -3

    Can you use this with an iPhone or is it a brick?

  • +1

    These are a cracking great bit of tech, especially at this price

  • +1

    Love my mi band 9.

    • Awesome device. Just picked one of these up for my mum whilst in Hong Kong. Heaps of features for the price.

      • but they still don't have gps or nfc payments aye

    • -1

      I've had a mi band 3 and 6. They were essentially the same device, and will assume the 9 is similar. They are difficult to use honestly, the screen is too low resolution and too thin to do anything. Basically, forget trying to use its functionalities and just use it as a watch. Anymore more, use your phone to sync your watch.

      At this price the Samsung is a no brainer. It's actually usable for one, as opposed to just be worn like the mi band (unless you actually prefer Xiaomi for whatever reason).

      • same opinion. I had several mi bands and this is way more useful with larger screen and integration with the phone. it's no contest

  • +4

    Great deal, ordered both grey and pink. Don't forget 4% cashback too. Thanks for the post.

  • Will jbhifi price match good guys price match?

  • +8

    got this watch on release for 80 bucks from EPP as a joke, and my galaxy watch 6 classic has been collecting dust ever since.

    can't recommend this watch enough. buy 2 at this price

    • +1

      Nice joke

      • +2

        im still laughing!

    • What’s EPP?

      • +1

        Samsung partner store

  • +2

    Thanks OP. I managed to use off the remaining 10% off ultimate vouchers I had from a previous deal too :)

  • +1

    Good for birthday present or christmas gift

  • Bought one to replace my dead fitbit Charge 3, fitbit Charge 3, and fitbit Charge 4.

  • Does its band leak out PFAS?

    • +1

      If you're worried about it, yes it does

  • Shows as $74…how $62 or has price gone up?

    • +1

      Press the price beat button on the page

      • +1

        Aghhh, missed that in OP, oops. Thanks.

  • Got for $55 delivered after using snackback vouchers from a few years ago

    • How do you record vouchers for such a long period? Excel Sheet?

  • +1

    Thanks ordered one for my son. Mainly for tracking health.

    • -1

      Apparently, it's the only mainly function it has 😂

  • Would this be suitable for a 10 year old coming from a garmin vívofit jr 3?

  • Literally bought it from Samsung education store yesterday for $89 and thought I got a great price. Oh well.

    • Can you return/cancel that and buy from TGG instead?

  • Hmm, seems adding a third (two same, one different) during checkout, removed some of the price beat and made it $68 for each instead of $62
    The one that was different, was still $62

  • +9

    I just realised I had a $5 TGG giftcard from the SnackBack days of 2023! Too bad I already purchased and rarely use TGG. ;(

    Sooo first come, first serve! Just comment done if you used my code. :)

    • +2

      Mighty kind of you, have used it and will pay it forward in the future. Thank you for restoring faith in humanity!

  • +2

    Thanks OP. Bought one to use with my Samsung S25 phone now that they've removed the Bluetooth feature on the pen. Will come n handy for taking photos.

  • Does anybody use Sleep as Android and can comment on compatibility?

  • +1


  • +1

    Thanks OP. Got one.
    This really is the way!

  • +2

    Bought one. Never really worn a watch or been into these. Hopefully this changes that. Seems everyones opinion of it is great. I'm quite keen to track sleep and use the timer functionality on it. Thanks OP

    • +4

      don't forget to invest a bit of time to set up in Galaxy Wear app to suit your needs

      specifically you can edit what happens when you swipe left (tiles), down (quick settings), and up (app menu). also when you double press the only button

      this can give you super quick access to the things that matter most to you with a single swipe

      for instance I made timer the top app in the app list when I swipe up, so I can quickly start timers when needed. galaxy health summary is the first tile shown when I swipe left, so I can quickly check sleep score and other fitness metrics. and in the quick settings curtain (swipe down) I have DnD, sleep mode, find my phone, AOD. and double click of the button launches weather

      this basically covers 99% of how I use the watch. customisation is king

  • Better then Xiaomi Smart Band 9?

    • +1

      Plenty of online comparison reviews. Each have their Pros and cons but I think this wins out especially now that pricewise not much between them. I always liked the Mi Bands as battery lasts ages between charges but this seems decent enough but not still not as good as Mi bands.

  • Will this work with any android phone?

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