This was posted 13 years 8 months 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

JB Hi-Fi - 20% off All DVD & Blu-Ray - Heros Blu-Ray $12.78 Season


20% off all DVD and Bluray, a few for $12.78

Heros Seasons $12.78 ea!

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +2

    since the blu ray 2 for 30 is still running

    see here:

    potentially you could save quite a few dollars.

  • 'Welcome to the NHK' here I come. :D

  • Does that include the last season of heroes? Last time I looked it was $70

    Edit: it's only 1-3. Season 4 is still 59.99 on DVD and 67.99 on blu-ray

    • +2

      i bought home alone collection box set for $9 from amazon uk last week that jb is selling for $46.39 that include 20% off.if you want you can buy hero season 1-4 blu ray box set for around $64 delivered from amazon uk.i also purchased 24 season 1-8 dvd box set for $61 delivered from amazon uk when they were on sale last month that jb is asking for $278.

      • Ooo, cheap. I'll check it out. Thanks :)

    • +4

      it started to suck after season 3 anyways

      • +1

        yep, watch season one and two then just stop

      • True. But I want to know how it ends and complete the entire collection… Of a cancelled tv show. Why dd I ever buy it?

  • +2

    It's hard to get excited with JB sales on blu rays as you very rarely find any good value titles. They seem to price them way too high before they do any discounts.

  • +2

    If anyone wants the Life blu-ray disks, you can get them from Amazon UK and Zavvi for $25. JB's price with the discount is %69. So 20% off is nothing to get excited about.

  • +4

    JB is about: "I have to have it now". If you can wait a week for shipping, you will usually be able to buy most bluray and dvd titles cheaper at Remember that free shipping, no UK VAT or Australian GST applies to orders of 25 pounds or more. JBHIFI is not as cheap as they used to be. The 20% off is just a gimmick to make you think that you are getting a bargain, when you are not. It is the price that you pay that counts, not how many percent you get off. Real bargain hunters do their research and are not sucked in by a percentage off sign. Lovers gotta love.

    • +3

      johnd hating on JB again. Did you even bother looking at the prices before commenting?

    • -3

      john derp derp, I'm an avid blu ray buyer (not sure why lol), and it is sometimes more economic to source blu rays from within Australia, compared to overseas even with free shipping.

      • +4

        There is no disagreement on sometimes. However, most of the time, JBHIF rip us off with prices that are double what they are overseas. The only way to get cheaper prices in Australia is to spread the news about JBHIFI rip offs.

  • Geez, for $12.78 each, better off buying locally. If you buy online to save maybe $4 or $5 then you shouldn't be buying Blurays as it's obviously a luxury. Support the locals and stop stinging out for the sake of $4.

    • +3

      Except you can save a hell of a lot more than $4 to $5, in fact I wouldn't imagine for Blu Rays that that is a typical saving at all, especially when it comes to box sets.

      I bought a few from Amazon the other day and compared to JB's prices I was saving anywhere from about $30 to $60AU on each one, things like Aliens etc.

      Besides, even if it was $4 or $5 that adds up when you order multiple copies. The fact they may be "luxory items" is also completely irrelevant.

  • -1

    I'm getting a little sick of these constant "it's cheaper online" comments, especially when the saving amounts to <10% in most cases. I think 10% extra to not have to wait a week (or more, who knows with these friggin' volcanoes going off every 5 minutes) is worth it and then some.

    A local blu-ray from a B&M store for around the $12 mark is a bargain any day.

    • -1

      "…especially when the saving amounts to <10% in most cases." Why do you waste our time putting ridiculous comments like this on ozbargains. Please, in future do read what contributors have to say, before rehashing JBHIFI publicity department scripts.

    • +3

      Yes but the deal is for 20% off all Blu Rays, not just the one there listed at $12 and you can bet that most won't be that cheap. The remark about them being cheaper online is valid and gives people who are prepared to buy online another option that may be better.

      If you look at Amazon theres many examples where the price difference is greater than 10%…in my experience thats the norm, not the exception.

  • $12 for Heroes is great!

  • i hate the fact that it excludes music blu rays.

  • -2

    There are numerous examples of how expensive JBHIFI is. One example is Lost seasons 1 to 6 on dvd. After discount JBHIFI is offering this box set for $152.79.…. Compare this with where it is after conversion to Australian dollars $66.54. This is a saving on of over 50%.

    • +3

      I don't want to buy lost….. I want to buy heroes…… you negging this post may contribute to it disappearing…. and then I will perhaps never know I could have got it for less than half the price of Amazon…..

      Comment by all means, (although your information is quite widely known I reckon), just don't neg the post based on your personal axe grinding

      • The neg post is a legitimate method of communicating the deceptive aspects to the JBHIFI 20% offering. Prices are inflated and then all the punters are told rush in to save 20%. I may not be popular with JBHIFI staff, but someone has to tell it, the way it is.

        • The neg post is a legitimate method of communicating

          If there are enough negs, the post, (along with all of it's 'communication'), disappear…. meaning nobody wins or learns anything…

          The deal example given here…ie heroes season one is less than half the price at JB HIfi than at Amazon, yet you still neg?

        • Deceptive? Is he having a laugh?

  • +5

    Heroes Season 1 for that price is great. The other 3 seasons…. yeah, not so great. How on Earth did they stuff up that show so badly :(

  • +1

    Excellent! I'll be getting

    No Country for old men
    Minority Report
    Kingdom of Heaven
    Quanton of Solace
    Road to perdition
    Phone booth
    Behind Enemy lines
    A Clockwork Orange
    Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels.

    $125 from JB.
    $140 from Amazon.

    • -1

      Three of those titles are not available to ship from the UK to Australia on dvd, so how did calculate $140 from If the three titles were available: Minority Report, Kingdom of Heaven and Road to Perdition, the sub - total would be: Order Total: GBP 30.71, Payment Total: AUD 49.11 plus approximately $15 for the three above titles not available to Australia from The grand total for all eleven movies is less than $65 at compared to $125 at JBHIFI. Remember free shipping, no VAT and no GST from

  • Are the prices consistent between jbhifionline and the physical store?
    I've gone into the shop in the past and said "hey this was cheaper on the website" and they said "nah, jbhifionline is owned by a different company and our prices are different".

    Have they changed this policy?

    • The policy hasen't changed but I have noticed there seems to be less differences than there used to be

    • true, the website is usually a bit cheaper to account for the fact people had to pay shipping costs to bring it to a more even total. Not to mention its cheaper for them to sell it with no staff and less rent etc.

  • +3

    If you buy hero season 1 to 4 from jb it will cost you $106 with that HUGE 20% only pay $64 delivered at amazon.all depends what u want.

  • +2

    Some people rather buy from JB / Australian store then overseas (I buy from both)

    Its a good post!

  • +2

    This is becoming more like a: with the JB % of discount sales, what titles become cheaper than Amazon UK.

  • +6

    I voted + just because Johnd is a dick. :-)

  • +2

    I would like to say these three things

    • JB HiFi with sales may come out cheaper for individual titles, specially with the 2 for $30 deal.

    • Amazon/Zavvi/TheHut will almost always be cheaper for Boxsets: bluray or DVD

    • Lets not start a war about what is cheaper or where, if you find something cheap and think it is a deal, post it up and let the people decide if that deal is good or not.

    • absolutely…


      post it up and let the people decide if that deal is good or not.

      If a deal gets negged enough….. the people won't even see the deal… Hence my gripes about inappropriate negs.
      As we know….. the neg has a power….

      • comment deleted.
        (Contained an inappropriate reference to what Macaully Culkin did when he was Home alone, and the real reason he pulled that goofy face)

      • If a deal gets negged enough….. the people won't even see the deal… Hence my gripes about inappropriate negs.
        As we know….. the neg has a power…ummmmm i am afraid that is not happening here.last night faked sunbeam deal was very good example…95% of people ignored the warnings from fellow goodhearted ozbargainers,some even neg them and riot over a fake deals.

        • -1

          ahhh…. but there was a good few hours between the post and the first negs starting to appear….. That's a long time in Ozgargain world….
          The "you snooze, you lose" mantra can sometimes backfire….

      • hey if people are stupid enough to buy from unreliable sources without paying heed to the previous posting, then they deserve to be robbed of their money.
        Of course with that comes the great responsibility to bitch about it after buying the stuff.

        Most of the times, I prefer not to neg but leave a comment warning people. But when people do not take heed of advice, you have to neg the deal to bring the flaws to attention.

        Also deal has to be negged a fair few times before it is taken off the front page(4-5?)

  • Is anybody else having trouble with the website? The regular prices are just showing and it's still not applying a discount even after I add it to the cart.

    • Prices showing have already had the 20% off applied

  • Just bought
    1) Saving Private Ryan
    2) Transformers
    3) Transformers 2
    4) Heroes Season 1
    All on Blu-ray for $48. Which is a good deal IMO.

  • +1

    Stop comparing JB vs Amazon prices. Heaps of things are cheaper overseas than they are in Australia. It's not the retailers just ripping people off, DVDs, Games, TV's, clothes, are for the most part cheaper overseas. There are taxes, import fees and more that retailers in Australia have to pay for. By johnd's logic the Lost seasons 1-6 on DVD cost the same amount to buy for JB Australia as it does for Amazon in the UK. That is not the case, nor is it true that prices are hiked up before the discount is applied. You think the staff go through the thousands of DVD and Blu Rays in every JB store Australia wide and mark them all up so JB can make tons of $$$ from you? 20% off is a great deal and I already have a list of DVDs and Blu Rays I will be purchasing, most are on special already so I expect to clean up. If you have found it cheaper elsewhere, great, buy it from Amazon but you can be sure that Amazon are making just as much profit as any other retailer here is as they probably get the DVDs for a lot cheaper than you buy them for. They're all businesses one way or the other and they all make money from you, it's how the world works.

    • +1

      jb staff?

      • Retail staff, for gaming, but it's all the same.

  • -2

    you people gotta stop complaining, just by saving a few bux doesnt mean jbhi prices are a ripoff, Suporrt the locals, doesnt it feel better going into the stores to buy it? and able to touch the physical item? and if the item has any issues you can simply refunded it, unlike online, you know how much of a hassle it is to ship it back? and costs money to reship it, btw most people dont want to wait forever 3-6weeks for Blurays or Dvds get here.

  • +4

    The last time i returned the dvd purchased from jb and u know what they said.we cannot refund u money u can have a giftcard to the value of your purchased.that was the last time to jb and never again.since then i spent about $ 500 at amazon uk on blu ray and saved about $ 700 if i puirchased same items from jb.not sure where u get that 6 weeks delivery information to me the most i waited for my ordered were 2 weeks from ordered date sometimes only took a delivery is soquick unlike very slow moving australia.jb?…never again.

    • Amazon UK is the fastest shipping from UK I have had besides ozgameshop. Always been like, 2 weeks.

      • ozgameshop preorders are slow

        I ordered God of War:Ghost of Sparta(don't ask) before the launch date in UK which was abut two weeks before OZ(IIRC)
        But it took about a month for them to send it after the release in UK. One would hope preorders are exactly what they are and dispatched as soon as they get stock.
        That said they are pretty cheap

        • I preordered Fallout New Vegas, it was released on a Wednesday, I'm pretty sure, and it was here the next Monday.

  • Just been to my local JB-Hifi.

    As per usual you will have to make sure to jot down all the titles you want from the web site. As the instore prices are marked alot higher than the price they scan up on the register. EG $10 blu-ray titles ticketed price $18. after 20% discount price. $7.98 as per web site. Thats probably why alot of the titles can be easily found if customers just went by the sticker price.

    There is also a special on the website of 2 for $20 just select 2 from the list and add them to your cart and the total will reduce to $20

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