Should I Buy a Black Car?

Hey all,
Looking at getting a new car soon and one thing I find myself on the fence on is the colour. Essentially, I'm looking at getting a hatch (i.e. mazda 3, corolla) so nothing fancy. However, in terms of colour, what I would really like to get is black but the disadvantages I've heard associated with black has made me think twice.

I currently drive a white VW Jetta which looks a little boring to me. When its dirty, it doesn't look dirty and when its been washed, it looks a little better but the difference isn't all that big.

I am attracted to the shine you get with a black car.
I do enjoy car detailing and I normally wash my car once a week and wax it every few months.

What I'd like to know is, do black cars get a lot hotter than white/silver cars. I don't care if it gets really hot in summer since all cars will feel hot, so I'm mainly referring to those 22 degree sunny days.

Would be great to hear from people who own/have owned a black car and also if you have owned a black and a light coloured car. Any regrets with owning a black car? FYI, the car will be parked outside. If I don't get a black car, it'll probably be a silver one. Not interested in grey or red, orange etc.


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  • I had a black micra, so not exactly a luxury car. It would show the dust so much compared to my white and silver cars. I think I would not get another black car if I can avoid. Silver is the best colour imo.

  • +1

    FWIW, I saw one today in machine grey metallic and it looked pretty cool.

  • always bet on black

  • +2

    Advanatages of black:
    Colour matching - when spray painting
    Nothing else in favour of black

    Disadvanatges of black:
    safety - difficult to see in any light let alone at dusk and dawn
    heat - gets ever so hot in summer its practically burn to the touch
    heat - gets ever so hot inside the car in summer
    appearance 1 - shows up all the dirt, everything
    appearance 2 - shows up every little scratch and scrape
    No identity - Any 2 black cars seem to look alike
    resale - not a favourite colour, difficult to sell

  • +1

    Had a black car and it was a continual battle to keep it looking clean. Had a white car and could go for weeks on end without washing it. Also found the white car was much easier to colour match for any slight scratches.

  • Don't choose a colour at your local dealership. Find out what is already on the lot as they generally need to move the inventory on a first in first out basis as the dealerships have capital or factory finance on their stock and need to flip. That being said, each car will have a signature colour that stands out from the rest for that particular model or variant. Black may look cool but not on a commuter. Better on an Audi etc.

    • +1

      i thought when you go to a salesman you ask for a colour they DON'T have, then they'll offer some random colour they do have (which you like) for cheaper.

  • White car driver - a bit chilly in Winter, but still aroused after all the smugness and reflection we exude.

  • I wouldn't trust a black car hanging around my driveway. It'd be almost certain to get dirty.

  • If garaging, then black isn't as bad. The same issues mentioned by other posters will be present but not as prominent. If parked outside, then a flat no.

    • yeah thats what I was thinking since the car will be parked outside on the driveway.

  • Get a black car and enjoy it. It's not like you will have it forever. I owned a black car for about 5 years

  • Owned Black ( EGO XR6 ) - Never Again. Also had a Silver ( lightning Strike ) XR6. Never Again - people just do not see you.
    Very happy With My White Territory Titanium.2014..

    • Ego isn't black. While Ego is bad, black is a lot worse as far as visibility and dust etc goes. I agree that silver is the best, I had a car that was liquid silver and it looked the cleanest.

  • -1

    I own a black mazda 3. Just use aircon ;)

  • -2

    Black cars don't really attract more heat as you'd use aircon or open the window anyway and I don't feel that it was anymore different than my silver to black car. The only thing with black is you can't park it outside in the sun too long or the shine really fades quickly and you'll get swirl/dry patches on your car especially the bonnet which is most noticeable on black cars.

  • If you can garage it, buy black. Only if you can garage it. Also, only buy one if you’re into getting ur car washed and have time / effort to keep it washed.

    Otherwise welcome to dirty black car world, population you!

    I’ve still got my black 2009 Subaru and it’s still shiny and reflective after a wash…!

  • As much as i like black car, i'd suggest you to go non-black based on your circumstances particularly the outdoor parking situation

  • Where did op go after asking the question?

    Stats: 1 post, no comments, joined yesterday!

    How did we miss that?

  • Have had 2 black cars in the family and unless you are cleaning every weekend they look shocking.

    There are colour choices in-beteween black—-white/silver that look fantastic with a lot less effort.

  • Really amazed and appreciative by how many replies and votes ive gotten on this post. FYI I have been reading all the comments and I'm probably going to lean towards a lighter colour like a silver. Even though I think black cars look the best, I will be parking outside 24/7 so I think I'd best avoid. Thanks

    • If you're inclined to keep the car clean. Then black is the best option.
      Black shows the dirt and dust almost instantly and after a few years of washing the car, swirl marks make the black paint look constantly hazey.

      If you're the type of person to wash the car whenever it gets dirty (contactless method as much as possible).. and get the car detailed to remove swirl marks once a year. Then black is the best.

      Others white is amazing at hiding dirt, dust and swirl marks on the clear coat. You can go weeks without a wash and it looks just as good as clean.

  • I have a black car, ceramic coating will solve the issues of scratches showing up easily and washing. Blast with hose, then leaf blower, done.

    If it stays outside, probably go a light color. I had silver, its boring but reflects heat.

    • Next topic - Is it worth it getting a new car if it will be parked on the street?

      • Hell no, buy a beater

  • Buy what you want, if you clean a car weekly there is nothing wrong with a black car and will show very little dirt in that time.
    A lower resale price is crap, maybe a few hundred dollars if anything on an everyday Toyota or Mazda. It may make a big difference on a Ferrari not being red.
    Having owned several different colour cars (including the wife's white car when we meet) there isn't that much different in how hot the car gets, it's mainly down to how much glass there is and that's what air conditing sorts out in a few minutes.

    One colour I would not own personally is white, looks so boring.

  • Buy it!
    Make a deal with you local car wash guy buy bulk washes. that's what i did but I park under cover now.

  • Matte black is the way to go.

  • I have 2 black cars. Love them both and they look badass. Both have a very good window tint.

  • We bought a new car a few years back, I was completely against buying a black car. Partner really wanted the black so we got one, now I wouldn't get anything else.

    Yes, takes a lot of work to keep it clean but I wash it weekly and it still looks like new. I will admit though, I've always loved my cars and will look after them so it's not really a chore for me.

  • +2

    There are only 2 times a black car looks good - when you buy it and when you sell it..

    Note I have 2 black cars at the moment :)

  • I have a black CR-V. Don't do it.

    The 30 minutes it stays clean after a wash isn't worth it. Constantly looks dirty.

    • so what happens after those 30 minutes just out of curiosity? Is it the because of the orange dust or something that settles over the car or is it something else?

  • It would be nice if it is like a heat changing paint like the match box car.

    White in day and black at night.

    • +1

      There was a tv shows in the late 90s called Viber which had a car doing just that: clip of car morphing

  • -1

    I owned a black car which was parked outside nearly always.
    I actually think the temperature thing is a bit of a myth. A white metal box will get uncomfortably hot quite quickly in summer too. Leave the climate control/AC set to 21 and move on.
    The other thing to consider is my paint had faded a bit after 10 years, so depends how long you will have the car.
    Was an AU Falcon. Maybe a car 3 times the price would have better paint. Maybe not.

  • Got a black Stinger. Very happy.

    • Nice… Even nicer with a red interior. :)

  • I do enjoy car detailing and I normally wash my car once a week and wax it every few months.

    This answers your question. Biggest drawback for a black car is lack of washing care; since you enjoy this upkeep then there is no downside IMO as the heat "issue" is overstated, especially since you are from Melbourne.

    Anything but another batshit boring white / silver car on the roads. Actually, go get a blue red or yellow car instead :) I have Mazda's in their Soul red and find that it 'hides' the dust better than you'd assume.

    • I have Mazda's in their Soul red and find that it 'hides' the dust better than you'd assume.

      Nah. I have a red car as well and I think it looks clean because I see it every day. But the minute I park it next to an actual clean car it looks pretty disgusting ;)

  • I have a peal white Mazda 3, beautiful colour, but as everyone mentioned the dirts are easily visbile, especially the sedan as the boot lid is the hotspot for dirt and grime afte it rains.

  • Ummm get what you like?

    And white is a poor mans color :D

  • +1

    I had a black car and now have a silver car.
    Would have got black again if I had a choice (but when you buy used you don't really have a choice)

    I think the part about black being hotter is a myth - I don't notice any difference. Both have tinted windows

    I am not a great car washer, only every couple of months. yes black looks dirty again a day after washing, but after a few months of not washing the black hides the dirt better and looks better than silver

    Black looks much better overall

  • Love black cars (have had two) and dislike white, so it comes down to preference. Looks good in the rain or when cleaned.

    Mind, have a car from new (1yr old now) and only been washed once. Yes it picks up dust, bird poo etc… But still looks damn nice.

    Edit: wife likes white and she's looking at a new car again which is white. Luckily I don't drive it (unless we go M)

  • I've had a black car.. I loved it. It looked awsome.
    But i will never buy another black car ever again.

    Super hot in summer.
    dust and dirt shows up more then white, silver. ( no idea why it just does)
    without lights your car is invisible at night

    Not worth the trouble. I stick to white cars now. I've never washed it in 4 years and it looks clean lol

  • all these people claiming black cars are like ovens and somehow a white car next to it will be ice cold. it wont make a difference in summer.

    • Maybe they lay on top of the car after it's been sitting in the sun all day?

  • We have one black car and to be honest from a safety standpoint I hate it. In Victoria the weather is so overcast most of the year and driving in early mornings or at dusk cars will not see you unless you have your lights on all the time (even then they don't). Although I would say at least black is slightly better than gunmetal grey or other darker colours that essentially look the same colour as the road they are driven on and blend in with the grey skies.

    I don't think a lot of people really think about this aspect at all, more so when they already own a dark car and never drive with the lights on unless it is pitch black. Dark colours might look cool, but from a safety standpoint we should be driving around in fluro coloured cars! ;)

  • I own a black car and have had a host of other colours. I honestly think it's just hype that most people comment about on black cars, more likely having never even owned one because they're so against it (due to popular belief).

    Being a car guy and knowing a bit more about the finer details of owning a black car I always erred on the side of caution of owning a black car but having actually owned one, yes, it is a little extra work, but hardly noticeable.

    The car I most recently bought was released in limited numbers and to add to that limited colours, black being the most common. So being restricted to limited supply in the 2nd hand market (12yro car), I bit the bullet and yes I've cursed it on a few days but I wash my car regularly anyway, so to me it's a bit of a moot point how dirty it gets.

    I can definitely agree that it shines unbelievably day and night when clean, and with good ceramic coating and waxes these days, it can defend itself against most wet weather and road grime. My car looks cleaner than my wife's (I clean hers too, but moreso my own) and hers is white so go figure.

    Another point to note, not that the Mazda 3 is overly sporty, but if you plan on having a nice set of wheels on it, black is very hard to photograph and/or get decent contrast against all of the trimmings, wheels, etc. By photograph, I also mean to physically look at also. It's hard to guage any form of contrast if it doesn't have a good balance of chrome/trimmings/wheel package, making them look like just a slab of black.

    OP, if you're fine with maintaining your car you'll have no dramas. Best advice I can give is learn how to DETAIL (not just wash) your car PROPERLY or the swirlies will definitely be visible quicker than any other colour! Also, your heat worries, wouldn't honestly not even offer it a 2nd thought. New car, air con, less than a minute and you won't know even know the difference if there even is any, I certainly haven't noticed!

  • +1

    OMG it exist! Heat changing paint

    White in winter and black in summer

    now that is a badass colour option.

    Police are going to go bonkers when chasing the car wait its a white no black wait a minute it was whi……

  • I've owned both white and black (in addition to green and red). Both are notoriously difficult to keep clean. Easiest would be a dark grey (but also the most dangerous where visibility is concerned). But really anything other than black or white will be fine.
    In saying that, metallic black does look amazing when its just been cleaned.

  • White, black & silver all looking boring to me……

  • For safety reasons I’ve gone for Hyundai Sunflower (deep yellow)

  • +1

    After owning silver, white, blue and grey cars I really had my heart set on buying a black car, so when I got my new car (6years ago) I choose black.

    As others have said, black looks amazing when it’s been freshly cleaned or detailed, but any other time (which really is all the time) they just look dirty. Every scratch shows, even the thinnest layer of dust shows, it’s not worth it. I truly regret not sticking with a metallic silver colour.

    My silver car barely showed the dirt, it just looked more grey than silver when dirty, and scratches where also much harder to see.

    If you are going to garage the car, clean it weekly and not drive in rain, snow, near the beach etc, then sure get black!

  • I love black euro sedan, no regrets.
    Yes, it looks like turd when it's dirty and it gets dirty instantly after it's cleaned, no joke.

    It looks amazingly stunning(for 3 seconds) after spending 2-3 hours detailing, I made it my ritual weekend morning.
    You have to put effort in maintaining the exterior otherwise it looks like turd, and people will treat it like turd. Door into your car and etc.

    This is not my first black car, I love my sedans in black. It's a pain but it's worth it if you love cars.

    • yeah lots of people say the car would stay clean 5 min, or as u said 3 seconds, after washing it. Is this exaggeration or does the car actually get dirty this quick, straight after washing? Find it a little hard to believe.

      • If you don't have a garage then it's a fact.

  • +1

    UPDATE: Went ahead a got a black car guys, contrary to popular opinion here. Sorry couldn't help myself. Here's hoping that I won't regret this

    • What car?

      • went with the previous gen mazda 3, nothing flash

  • Consider a mix of black and white, best of both worlds!

    Black car white top, cool inside; or
    White car black top, less black cleaning surface

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