Standard eBay sale - 20% off at Myer
Search Link (thanks to PLA74)
Good for double-dipping on sale items (eg. Lego items, most of which are already on special).
Standard eBay sale - 20% off at Myer
Search Link (thanks to PLA74)
Good for double-dipping on sale items (eg. Lego items, most of which are already on special).
No QC35?
Lego Diner for $160. Noice.
I don't particularly need anything yet find myself trying to justify something to purchase.
Myers Online department is hopeless. They take a week to ship something that's in stock in the same suburb as the delivery address. My last order took over two weeks to arrive from eBay
I’ve had the opposite experience with shipping. Last yr I ordered some shoes which came in 2 days. I live in a rural area where parcels fro Syd/Mel/Bris normally take a week to arrive. They did however send the wrong size. I got to keep those and they sent another pair which arrived again in a couple of days.
Why would you keep shoes of wrong size?
I meant that I didn't have to send them back for exchange, they just sent the correct size. Eventually I sold the incorrect size pair and almost got my money back. I think my pair ended up costing me $3 - quite a bargain!
Any way to use a Myer gift card for this?
Only if you sell them and use the money to buy from ebay
I'm thinking to purchase them refund at store and then use Myer gift card
Is it a good tv.
All the Lego Duplo is quite inflated (and they're on special), even with this sale, the prices come to almost the same as Big W's current prices.
Yeah most small Lego sets you're better off going to Kmart / Target etc, Myer is for the big exclusive stuff.
20% OFF LEGO Toys @target
I know it might be hard to comprehend but 15%/20% initial discount stacked with a 20% code makes Target promo look like rubbish.
Does anyone know if there is a good KitchenAid mixer with attachments?
Any recommendation of a nice microwave oven machine?
LG Neochef… is there any other? Breville is a bit… but the build quality on that let's it down!
Make sure it's the Neochef with the buttons and not the knob. The knob just feels cheap
thanks mate! will check it out
Great timing - thanks OP ! 😀
Stacked with some 5% off eBay vouchers for a total of $136.04 delivered.
Excellent price!
We like our Sunbeam PE6100 Aviva Pressure Cooker. Already reduced from $189 to $139 and this makes it even sweeter ($111.20).
Got some lego discount stack, thanks!
Any recommendations on a toaster which catches crumbs sufficiently??
I just bought a Breville 2 slice for $65. It's their top of the line, seems to work well
Still expensive but depends on how often you use and how important the smart features of that toaster are to you. Last month I got a 4 slice Sunbeam toaster for $45 from Amazon Now the price is a little higher but still reasonable. It accommodates 2 very large slices (when I buy fancier bread) or 4 regular size slices.
I found a special store
How do you use search link on mobile? It keeps redirect to eBay app which is incapable of searching anything.
For chrome on Android - Copy the above link and paste it in another chrome tab or if you tap it for 5 seconds it will show "open in new tab".
I just google "ebay myer" and then there's a search link on their store page.
Was thinking of either a new coffee grinder BCG820BSS is $152 delivered or an espresso machine with a grinder (build it I'm not too sure about). Breville Bambino Plus or BES840 is what I'm thinking about. The BES870 ($559) with a built-in grinder is not the cheapest it's been and I think I'd prefer to have separate grinder and machine.
Anyway the grinder at $152 might be the way to go now - the BES840 was $399 at Myer yesterday and 10% cheaper with a coupon but no longer in stock. The Bambino is $399 after the coupon discount.
I was thinking this was it for me to get a BES840, but alas, i'll be sitting and waiting for the next good espresso machine deal.
get the automated machine
That's what I did. My years of manual frothing are done.
How do you guys get it working?
Trying to buy some suits…
I read the terms and conditions also
'this code can not be applied to your order'
Even tho the items are in the search box
Tried to buy 3 pairs of suit pants on the Ebay app, Website on phone and on the laptop..
Code doesnt work on any of them.
Not sure how people are getting it working.
Wish they updated the terms to say it also includes suits / pants. Currently only says no gift cards
I just tried a suit and the code worked fine. You sure you not losing store filter when you searching?
What’s the link to the suit you trying to buy?……
I cannot seem to get any items using the search people provided:…
I just search for Wolf Kanat and trying to buy anything
I tried the first link above and the code worked for me. Have you changed your region to another country to take advantage of other gift card ebay deals?
Thanks for trying.
Seems I am blocked from this sale / promotion
I even tried purchasing the toaster someone got above for 135. Its $165 for me:
"This code can't be applied to your order."
Have tried 2 ebay accounts so far.
Will try Ebay plus now or making a 3rd account
These are a good buy if you need underwear. $18 before discount for 3 pairs. If you buy more than 3 packs, you get free delivery, too.
After discounts, it brings it down to less than $5 a pair for mid length trunks…
Going to try another ebay account
and will also try ebay plus to see if that will let me use the code
1) tried another ebay account - code still doesnt work
2) Will setup ebay plus now
Dont understand how you people are getting the code to work
Code wont work on Belts, Pants even though they come up in the search.
Will try some other items
You're doing something wrong. Works fine for jeans I add
I am just copying and pasting PMYMY at the final page of checkout.
No matter what item I try to buy on multiple accounts it doesnt work
Based on your comment below you probably have a cookie/cache issue.
Oh my god finally figured it out
Tried 3rd ebay account in Incognito mode…
Finally works jesus
Wont work unless incognito mode
I revoked my -NEG.
If anyone else has same issue CLEAR CACHE or do INCOGNITO
Spent like 30 min lol
Trying to figure it out
Yeh we can follow the multiple frustrated posts Lolll…
lol was raging
I've put through 2 orders now, there are some great prices.
this doesnt seem to work when i try enter the code on a delonghi coffee machine, anyone know why?…
try incognito mode :)
Let me know if that work or not
no it keeps saying
This code can't be applied to your order.
Works fine for me. See if your ebay account is AU ebay account.
can i be signed in or do i need to checkout as a guest in incognito mode?
i dont think this works on already marked down prices
it works for me but make sure you are using the search link provided as its not all myer items
OKay i just tried that item you wanted and you are right it doesnt seem to work on that one item.
When i removed it from my cart the coupon worked.
Maybe because its already reduced so much (But i didnt use the search to see if its in there yet)
What should I buy 🙇♂️
Does anyone else find that search function doesn't work very well with ebay? An example is if you click the link above that just searches Myer's ebay store and search "coffee grinder" as opposed to just "grinder". Even items with the words "coffee grinder" in their description don't come up like this item:…
bro i feel you
I was searching for single - asian cute female
Literally got 0 matches
Tried grindr also
Hahaha! Just as I pressed go on that post, I was hoping someone would comment on the "grindr" search! Keep trying dude, you'll find one eventually!
Thanks. Just picked up a Bialetti Moka Express for $27 shipped. Currently $47 at Kitchen Warehouse.
(did a bit of research on the Moka Express - people are happy with it. Compared to the Bialetti Brikka, seems the more $ for the Brikka isn't worth it. I think for the price here on the Moka Express you can't do any better.)
How good is Moka coffee!
Thanks OP, bought a set of Antler Juno 2 suitcases which were already discounted.
Has anyone refunded then used Myer gift cards at the store?
Will try my luck lol
Anyone know who Myer's ebay store uses for delivery?
Breville the Smart Oven Air Fry BOV860BSS dropped today to $339.32 Delivered, seems like the cheapest price so far!
Made my day, thanks OP