From the upcoming catalogue starting tomorrow.
Great price on this Lego set, usually retails for around $200+.
Use WISH gift cards for another 5% off.
From the upcoming catalogue starting tomorrow.
Great price on this Lego set, usually retails for around $200+.
Use WISH gift cards for another 5% off.
That Polar Igloo set has some really good value here.
there's another toy catalog?
No, ozbargain should be rename ozgouge.
Being resold on eBay for $200+.
Lucky I bought 8. Might return them to BigW if no one stupid enough to buy them from my eBay listing.
Good minifigs and not a bad Millennium Falcon. Set is definitely not worth more than $150 IMO
one of the better new gen star wars movies imo
Will I be able to put this together in less than twelve parsecs?
Yep, all dimensions are under 50cm.
I managed to finish it in under 30cm!
Blame Einstein. Length contraction.
What a piece of junk!
She'll make 0.5 past Lightspeed. She might not look like much, but she's got it where it counts kid. I've made a lot of special modification myself
This won't clear at that price unless very little stock I'm a little if gets to around $100 . The poor bugger's that bough this close to RRP . Thanks for catalog dealbot . Couldn't find anything this round .
Be careful with this kit. The unwary might find an angry Wookie hiding under the deck plates.
sure, what are you going to do once they hit $100 each buy additional 10?or sell 10 and loss $500.
Why are 2 people convinced this will hit $100?
Theme too many reruns or slight changes effecting the overall theme now .
@profar: crap movie, crap toy line tie in. Most likely to be discounted heavily to move stock.
the MF is a popular SW toy but it always a gamble with certain sets.
more than 50% off.
Don’t forget ebay fees. I did and they took them all out at once.
Some people still getting Weekend Ebay 99c FVF deal only hope for profit I think .
Is that you Broden?
I don’t think that’s going to happen buddy.
Still not as good as me sucka, i get 10% from a friends staff discount, $134 for me
Language please!
Now if THAT one was half price…
MF here just means Millennium Falcon :) Chill.
There are sharper pictures on Lego's webpage:…
According to that page, there are 1414 pieces in the kit, so about 10.5 cents per piece.
And it’s 17 cents per brick for the $1300 7541 brick Falcon.
This isn't the ship you're looking for…move along now.
honestly 150 should be the retail price
Seems to be only in-store?
For some reason for me it says not available for Pick-up or Delivery… but available in-store
C&C but doesn't allow the pickup option.
in store only :(
hope amazon price match…
I'll bite at $100. There's still tons of these around
Buying this set is about as desirable as buying a named jersey of a sports star that has recently left the team.
People who follow the sport will not touch with a 10-foot pole, people who don't follow will see it as a bargain and be very disappointed when their target resale buyers are not interested.
Do you ever build Lego for fun
Yeah, but mostly Architecture, Lego Creator Expert and the like.
Licensed kits aren't really my thing. I bought into a bit of Lego Star Wars a while back, including the Original MF, but found these sets less satisfying than the detailing of the Architecture and LC Expert.
Checking though I got it wrong and it sold out . All locations near me have it at end of day 1 .
Being resold on eBay as we speak. Mine included yall.
Thanks OP, bought one for the Hubby so he will keep his hands away from my Ninjago Docks ($189 Target deal) ;)
Big W gave me 5 X points maybe if they gave me X 10 would fire at something . Still available all locations near me 1 is low .
Do your have any more of this catalogue?