LEGO Flower Daffodils 40747 $12 (Was $15) + Delivery ($0 C&C/ In-Store/ OnePass/ $65+ Spend) @ Kmart


It's discounted. Bargain? Dunno. Especially given Kmart also sells homebrand and no-brand flower construction sets for $5. But I guess if you, or the person you're gifting, cares about branding…

This set was previously discounted at Amazon too. Kmart's also got:

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  • +2

    Valentine's Day sorted

    • +1

      I actually bought it for my wife and she found the package and was very happy with it.. haha

  • +2

    $7.50 per rose, not bad.

  • +2

    The difference between Lego and unbranded is more than just branding. Lego has a nicer finish, better instructions, and better quality control. I would say in this case the Lego flowers look much nicer. It's hard to say without them side by side, but the Lego ones seem to be bigger (edit: confirmed unbranded seem to be ~14cm vs 26cm Lego). They also have 2 in a pack instead of 1.

    If you're after a dozen roses, you might prefer this Lego set or this unbranded set

    I buy some Lego if it's on sale, I will generally get the unbranded stuff because I go through so many sets, I can't afford that much Lego. A lot of the unbranded have a certain charm despite not having as nice a finish as the Lego. It's more about the build for me, but that's why I also wouldn't get the unbranded flowers, as there's not much to them.

    With small sets like these it probably doesn't matter much, but Lego comes packaged in bags in the order which you need it - you'll use all of bag 1 before opening bag 2 etc. The unbranded come in multiple bags, they are sorted more by size/type but not strictly, so you'll need bits from different bags for each step - I have found that identical pieces are always in the same bag though.
    A couple of unbranded sets have had vastly different coloured bricks to the instructions, which has made things difficult when there are e.g. 4 different greens, you can figure it out by the pieces though.
    Lego give brick by brick instructions and are very easy to follow. Unbranded sets will often give instructions for several pieces at a time and you need to look for the lines showing the individual pieces.
    Unbranded sets often use much smaller pieces, more like nano blocks, but not always.

    In my opinion, Lego is nicer for display purposes, unbranded is better for build purposes. Lego is just too quick and easy for the $$, though it is relaxing as it all just works. The unbranded sets have much better $/minute value. I get the unbranded from Temu or Kmart. I've only tried standard Lego and haven't got any >$100 sets (sale price), so it's possible there is Lego out there that is a bit harder. Generally speaking the unbranded ones are still pretty relaxing for me to work on, but there have been a few I was tempted to throw through windows.

    • +1

      The unbranded sets have much better $/minute value.

      Figures 👇😄

      Lego give brick by brick instructions and are very easy to follow. Unbranded sets will often give instructions for several pieces at a time and you need to look for the lines showing the individual pieces.


      better instructions

      🎼 Just print it.

      • +2

        Some of the Lego are about $1/min, but I more meant cost/minute and almost changed it, but I figured no one would read my wall of text anyway. A 3 hour set will be about $100 for Lego, $5-$10 for unbranded, though there is a lot of variance and I think I'm pretty slow at it. I can't afford to do a $100 Lego set every day.

        Most of the unbranded ones are not actually copies of Lego so the instructions won't be the same, but good to know about the site if I need it. You can also use the app for Lego instructions, one of the kids' sets ended up back in pieces without instructions and I used it, but I do prefer the hard copy. I also prefer the worse instructions because it takes longer to do, but I know some people hate them.

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