$50 off Nvidia Shield @ MWave
Nvidia Shield TV with remote $199 (was $249)
Nvidia Shield TV with remote and gaming controller $279 (was $349)
$50 off Nvidia Shield @ MWave
Nvidia Shield TV with remote $199 (was $249)
Nvidia Shield TV with remote and gaming controller $279 (was $349)
that is not a rumour
seems confirm from that article
I'm thinking of getting one of these for my Hisense P7 65" TV.
I currently use my Xbox One S to play all my apps that aren't included on my T.V.s app store.
However the Xbox can have issues recognising the odd file and has issues with DTS.
I'm considering selling my Xbox as I hardly play games and would prefer to replace it with a decent android media player.
But I am also waiting for the Nvidia to drop below $200.
Would the Nvidia Shield be better than the Xbox One S as a dedicated media player?
The Xbox One is decent, but yeah, the Shield is better.
in what way? you can't just say that and not give examples.
@Mooncakes: Off the top of my head - pros of the Shield:
Pros of the Xbox:
TL:DR Shield runs Android more or less any app your phone runs the Shield will run and is much much more open.
I got rid of my Xbone S for a shield. I was running live TV through my Xbone too, I found that plex was transcoding 4k content too much on the xbone.
The Shield is a much better choice IMHO, I've had no issues with it in the time I've had it.
How's it handle live tv via Plex? I got the Plex pass just for that…. But the Xbox needs transcoding for live tv and it takes 10 seconds just to change channel! It's useless! Can the shield direct play live tv? How long does it take to change the channel?
@MrGareth: Yeah the Shield can direct play FTA via a tuner like the HDHomerun, however it still takes 5 to 10 seconds to change channels, not because of the time it takes to tune, but more because there is no direct "channel up / down" commands, and you can't use channel numbers (AFAIK?).
@MrGareth: I use TVheadend, changing is nearly instant you just need to get the tvheadend plugin for live channels on the playstore.
Have you tried Kodi on the Xbox?
I'm in the same boat but I want to keep my xbox for a couple of games and I only paid $199 for it
Great that there's a new model because I will probably pick up a run out of the old one
I have problems with pass through atmos etc. from the xbox one s with plex which I think the shield can do well
I had a Mi Box too but sold it because the Xbox is better
Thanks for the update!
I was thinking of getting a shield
I won't need the updated specs just for a media player so will hunt for a bargain sell out of the old model :)
The Shield has been a fantastic device.
Retired a number of RPI's in favour of the Nvidia shield.
Agree its a brilliant bit of kit. Only problem is the remotes are prone to fail and bug out. Mine constantly warns of low battery and needs batteries reset twice a week. Common apparently, annoying.
I got one last December and my controller had the same low battery issue from last month. I contacted Nvidia and they sent me a new controller after I sent back the faulty one (postage paid by Nvidia).
I got the new controller yesterday. A brand new one in a sealed box. I hope this will work fine.
Would you mind PMing me a few deets so i can try the same? Would be great to resolve.
@Xizor: I went to the following Nvidia chat link https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/chat/chat_launch
They asked for a copy of the invoice and device number.
I had this issue, the latest update seems to have fixed it
Lucky! No luck on ours.
does allow installation of google play apps like kodi and other apps etc?
also how is the gaming like?
can it play android apps/games
and can stream your pc games?
and is there lag?
does allow installation of google play apps like kodi and other apps etc?
also how is the gaming like?
Android gaming is a torrent of garbage with the occasional gem - which are easier to find via Shield's curated store.
Shield exclusive games are generally high quality but don't expect XB1 or PS4 type graphics. Nintendo Switch uses the same SoC so it's around that level of power but without Nintendo's games obviously.
It can use Nvidia's game streaming service Geforce Now via internet for a subscription fee.
can it play android apps/games
and can stream your pc games?
Yes if you have Nvidia video card (and possibly AMD via a workaround but Team Green doesn't like AMD so its not supported)
and is there lag?
Yes but it's low provided your network connection is good. Ethernet is best.
Anyone use as a PLEX server? I know it’s a great client but articles online seem to be inconsistent about using as a server (in particular for transcoding media). I already have a PLEX server but need to upgrade.
It'll work but it's not great.
Better to spend the money on clients that can direct play than upgrade the server to handle transcodes.
(coming from a guy who has an 8 core xeon, 32gb RAM and a Quadro P2000 to handle transcodes from family/friends)
Gosh streaming media server farm. How does your upload bandwidth cope?
I think I'm more concerned for his power bills. Depending where he lives.
@thonk: Power bills aren't horrible, it sits idle most of the time and the GPU only uses 19W even with 3 transcodes going.
I'm on 100/40 FTTP, it's absolute overkill but it's a bit of a hobby.
Better than spending my cash on crack, right?!
@XeKToReX: How would the family stream transcoded 4k UHD movies tho?
Even a couple of 1080p streams would kill your upload.
Any suggestions on good clients that can direct play various video formats so no transcoding is required by the Plex server. I am in the market for one as my readynas (Plex server) is slow in transcoding and my LG tv does not play all formats.
Shield is your best bet, but I've found the Vodafone TV ($72) to be an extremely good budget replacement, I run a Shield in my living room and a VTV in my bedroom. Both direct play basically everything I throw at them.
@XeKToReX: Thanks. I wish to buy Nvidia Shield but can't justify the price considering I am going to use it only for streaming from NAS via Plex
@VAA: Setup SMB share on your sources and connect to that from kodi on shield or vtv. Direct play most stuff no worries.
I have both those devices connected via SMB and also Plex server running on my PC (when i should actually be running it on the NAS itself) but honestly 99% of my stuff i access via the SMB share in Kodi.
So people stream over the internet to your server? Do you worry about it being an open directory?
It'll handle 4-5 on a YouTube review I watched.
Plenty for most.
I tested it as a plex server and it kept shitting the bed for me. It used to need to be reconfigured from scratch about once a week.
Thanks OP been waiting to grab one
Wonder if we will see another Shield price war like we did 6 months ago, now that everyone has stock again, and with rumours of a new model.
PLE already has them for $221 delivered with eBay Plus and code PLINK:
…and it looks like Nvidia have their own eBay store now too?
This or Apple Tv 4k?
Serve different purposes.
If you want to rent HDR content from iTunes then get a Apple TV.
For everything else, get this.
Keep in mind that the shield doesn't do Dolby Vision and the like I believe.
I don't have Nvidia but the Apple TV 4k interface design is a thing of beauty. It is exceptionally smooth and I love the simple yet modern slick remote design.
Really? I absolutely despise the apple tv 4k remote its so clumsy and the mic button feels like its in the wrong position for me. Each to their own i guess.
Having said that I had a shield and loved it however its remote constantly lost bluetooth connection to the point i gave up and returned it… tired every fix i could find online, but nothing worked.
I've gone back to the trusty old mibox for now and it hasnt missed a beat.
The only thing I didn't like about the remote is it takes a bit of practice to get the touch arrows right. First week I was constantly going down when trying to go right etc. After that, it's smooth sailing. Also if you have an iPhone, it allows you to easily type login details with it rather than from the remote itself. I wept every time I have to enter login details from my Fetch box.
I was surprised to read that too, given the universal panning the Apple TV remote gets:
If you already have iPhones, Macbooks etc.: Apple TV. If you have PC, Android or a mix of Apple and PC, go for the Shield.
I've been curious about this as well. We have a mix of devices at home (all iPads, but different phones), and a mix of streaming devices, too (Chromecasts and old ATV). When it comes to watching we rely on Netflix, Stan and iView almost exclusively, with some Youtube, so it's great that everyone in the family can just load up something on an iPad and push it up to whatever screen we're using seamlessly.
How does a Shield fit in with that type of use, I can never really get to the bottom of it.
Let's just say the Shield can play anything you throw at it, including weird codecs, 4K and downloaded content. Sounds like you wouldn't need one for your user case, although it also has a Chromecast built in.
Personally I do a lot of video work and it would be handy to play my videos on a television elsewhere in the home, via an ethernet connection connected to my NAS. Just to name an example.
Solid media player
Can anyone confirm if they can sideload fetchtv app on this? would buy immediately if its possible. when i do it in bluestacks i get "device not supported". Want to use fetchtv to watch doco channels.
bluestacks is a bit weird, the fetch app would have multiple different types for them cpu such as x64, x86 and arm and the app will only install on the device with such but im not sure what blue stacks or shield uses.
Raised my curiosity so I tried it. Is the app you tried called Fetch Mobi? It wouldn't show up in the app store so I just got the apk and installed that and it just worked, in Bluestacks and in Memu.
For the device not supported, go to prefrences and see if theres a device profile option on the left, if its not there see if Advanced is and go to it and you should be able to change the device type.
App seemed to work, just couldnt test it as I dont have a Fetch ID, but the advert channel played.
WOW! I never tried your method… Just tested it.. Downloaded APK using DirectAPK chrome plugin and sure enough, manual install via Bluestacks worked… T̲h̲a̲n̲k̲ ̲Y̲o̲u̲!!! Saved me buying a separate media player. :D :)
Can't confirm that, but can confirm that I can load Foxtel Go with doco channels from my parent's account who have a package with multiroom: https://www.matthuisman.nz/
So just find someone with Foxtel multiroom and use one login (out of 5) for Foxtel Go.
You don't need multiroom to use Matthuisman's Foxtel Go Kodi addon, just a normal foxtel connection. Multiroom adds chromecast support to the Foxtel Go App.
Do the latest android games still run smoothly on this, as it’s an old release?
Could anyone tell me if it's possible to install a VPN app from the Google play store on order to watch Netflix and Amazon Prime Video etc on this device?
Thanks in advance…
Yes, I’m using VPN Unlimited (Keepsolid) on the Shield. I use it to watch US Netflix without any issues.
I am using express vpn. Nord vpn also has an Android TV app
why this is so expensive compared to something like a Mi box?
Pros of the Shield:
Amazon Prime app for Android TV has been available for ages. Put it on my folks android box at the end of last year.
Am interested to know what box that is, because AFAIK it has only ever been available via the Play Store for Android TV on the Shield (and some Sony TVs).
It was only a few months ago that Google and Amazon "made up", and Amazon confirmed it will allow Prime on other Android TV boxes:
The side-loaded versions and ones via Apotide etc never worked perfectly for me on my Mi Box or Vodafone TV, so am keen for the official native Android TV app to be released.
Edit: You can check device compatibility here:
I resisted the Shield for a long time, battling with my Mi Box that was so close to being a good solution. After so many Mi Box software updates not quite fixing the bugs (still needing to be unplugged every day to restart it, needing to pair the remote every time), I upgraded to shield a couple of weeks ago. Brilliantly fast and reliable, "just works". Wish I had just bought one sooner.
The gaming is an added bonus, which I wasn't really looking for, but its actually very good IMO.
Never had much issue with my Mi Box, well apart from the fairly occasional unplug, and even then the Shield is well worth the upgrade. Oddly, can't get it to turn my soundbar/speakers on with CEC, which the Mi Box could.
I have both, and was abt to throw the mi box.
But they actually updated and fixed 2 things - the wake up is now fixed and they also added auto screen refresh rate change. Which for the cheap cost brings it right back up.
Can't play x265's though
Odd that it cant play x265 the box has hardware decoding. I have a different box with older specs and it plays it fine (upto 1080, I never go above that).
This or amazon firestick 4k?
Defo this.
These are great. Mine got delivered 2 days ago :(
How does it record FTA?
It doesn't natively, you'll need a HDHomeRun or a supported USB tuner.
Other option is to get a Vodafone TV that has a built in tuner..
Was interested in HDHomeRun but the PVR option is available via subscription. :( Plex Pass is another option - might bite that bullet when it is next discounted. So no buying HDHomeRun today.
I was going to get one till everyone recommended the vodafone tv. Very happy with it.
I've got both, I find the shield is better with anything 4k and/or gaming. But outside of that the VFtv is a great alternative for the price.
Any idea on when the new model may be out?
I have two of these and recently put on on our 'smart TV' as its apps (especially PLEX) were becoming painfully slow….the wife now has a new love! :)
What's the possibility of a new version out soon and/or a bigger price drop?
Very likely soon, there are rumours a new model will be released shortly.
Bought one of these a few months ago, had big headaches streaming video over Wifi, with both Emby and Plex lagging. Ended up find an app that uses SMB shares, called Nova Video Player and it works like a charm.
That does not sound right. Sounds like your server side has issues, maybe plex settings wrong doing transcoding that it probably doesn't need to be doing. Regardless you can setup smb share as a source in kodi. No need to go use other apps really.
Rumor of version 2 out: https://hothardware.com/news/refreshed-shield-tv
wait for a bigger price drop i say.