We got a lot of positive feedback with our previous offers so we are back we more deals!
Prices start from as low as $4.10 per gram. Free shipping on all orders and free express shipping on all orders above $50 (view our shipping policy).
* Deal 1: Pay for 7.304 grams and get 2.304 grams for FREE
* Deal 2: Pay for 15 grams and get 4.608 grams for FREE
* Deal 3: Use code "BS-de2d6-863-98" to get 10% off - works with both deals above
* Deal 4: Spend at least $60 and get $10 off your entire cart with the code "SPEND60GET10FF"
* Deal 5: Exclusive for bulk buyers Buy 100 grams for only $469 - Includes Express Shipping. Contact us to find out how.
Edit: Due to high order amounts, deals 1 and 2 are currently out of stock. However, to keep our customers satisfied we have added 2 more similar deals which can be found on the home page. 22/04/2019 - 5:45PM
Have a question? Don't hesitate to give us a call or contact us through the website.