$9.61 shipped from and sold by Amazon US ($6.50 last night).
$19.78 shipped from and sold by Amazon AU.
About $20-25 from other retailers.
Ages 14+, 5-19 players, 5-10 minutes
Description from Plaid Hat Games:
Deception and Negotiation are your greatest tools. Complete your mission, no matter the costs. Introducing Crossfire, a game in the world of Specter Ops. Emerson Matsuuchi has partnered with Plaid Hat Games again to take players back into the dystopian struggle between Raxxon and A.R.K. This time, players will be competitng in two teams to either protect or assassinate a Raxxon VIP, while trying to determine if other players at the table are really who they claim to be, all while the clock is ticking.
In Crossfire, players will use deduction, negotiation, and the limited information at their disposal to determine who the VIP is. The agents have been tasked with defending the VIP from hostile attacks, while the Assassins try to ensure that the VIP doesn’t make it to their destination. To complicate things further, Bystanders are also present near the VIP, making it even harder for Agents and Assassins to know who the real threats are.
After 3 minutes, each player must make a call and aim their weapon. After all the shots are fired, if the VIP is still standing, the Agents win. If the VIP has been eliminated, the Assassins claim victory. Be careful, though. Any player who shot a Bystander by accident automatically loses the game. Additionally, other roles might have their own unique victory conditions, meaning you can never be sure of who's really on your side.
Here’s the BBG link and rating:
Sounds like a social deduction game
Haven’t played myself but thanks for sharing OP