Powershop, a power company, is offering $200 ($100 for electricity/$100 for gas) credit split up into $25 increments to new customers. You can choose gas, gas + electricity, or electricity. Powershop is available to Victoria, NSW, South East QLD and South Australia.
- $25 signup credit for electricity (+ another $25 for gas)
- Further $25 credit for electricity after 30 days (+ another $25 for gas) [Total: $50 electricity and/or $50 Gas]
- Further $25 credit for electricity after 60 days (+ another $25 for gas) [Total: $75 electricity and/or $75 Gas]
- Further $25 credit for electricity after 90 days (+ another $25 for gas) [Total: $100 electricity and/or $100 Gas]
If you're switching electricity & gas, this deal is quite good. If just electricity, then $25 better than the referral deal which comes as 1 $75 3 x $25 credits on signup (EDIT: Seems it's changed).
While Powershop works out cheaper where I am, please compare your prices before switching.
VIC: [VIC] Get $50 Cheque When You Use The Victorian Energy Compare Website to Compare Provider Offers (1 Per Household) (Govt. Site)
NSW: Energy Switch (Govt. Site)
SA/SE QLD: Wiki: List of Price Comparison Websites (Commercial Sites)
Also note, that some areas allow you to switch your rate tariff that your distributor offers (e.g. time of day tariff, single rate). Single rates are good for people home in the day. Time of day (e.g. peak/off-peak/shoulder) better for people who are not.
sounds good. Thanks for share. I am gonna do some comparison and make my move!