This was posted 6 years 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

4K Ultra HD from $7.50 to $13 (e.g. Greatest Showman, Logan, Maze Runner, Kingsman, Xmen 1st Class) + Delivery @ Amazon AU

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Some say bluray but picture of 4k disc

Maze runner…


Murder on the Orient Express…

X-men: 1st class…



Kingsman 1…


MIB 3…

Spiderman 2…


Straight out of Compton…

Apollo 13…

Transformers 1…

Transformers 2…

Transformers 3…

Jurassic World: fallen kingdom…

Greatest Showman…

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Amazon AU
Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +1

    A number of them are on backorder FYI.

    • I realised after the fact when I ordered Logan yesterday. These prices have been available for a few days now.


    Supposedly not all 4K Blurays are proper 4K.

    • And not all proper 4k look as good as fake 4k either…

      • Wouldn't fake 4K just look like an upscaled 1080p bluray? If so, why not just buy the standard bluray instead and have your TV upscale?

        • +2

          A lot of 4K Blu Rays that you buy will be 2K 'tranfers' or intermediates, which are then upscaled to 4K. But keep in mind there's other features that make a film great. In particular HDR and Wide Colour Gamut, not to mention Dolby Atmos / DTS:X.

          In the end it all comes down to personal preference of course though.

    • …this was my goto place but it seems it's dead:…

    • +1

      There's more to UHD than just resolution. Makes it less worth upgrading from a Blu Ray version if it's not true 4K, but the UHD version will still be the superior version.

  • +16

    Got Logan and The Greatest Showman. I'm not gay, but I have a thing for Hugh Jackman.

    Love both those films.

    • +16

      Mardi Gras in a week. You never know if u never go

      • +2

        Will Hugh be there?

        • how hughe u want it

    • Have you bought xmen first class? He is in it for a few seconds.

  • +6
    • +1

      Yeah sounds exactly like when I worked at a Supermarket Chain logistics warehouse when I was younger, infact the exact same. An Aussie Company…. Where is ABC on that one?

      • +3

        Yep, sounds like the large supermarket chain I used to work for, we were given unrealistic targets to meet and were expected to work to that standard.

    • +4

      ABC doesn’t say if any other Amazon “Fulfilment Centre” is any better. Either way, it’s only a matter of time before they’re (casuals) replaced by robots.

    • +1

      Sounds about like every other warehouse in Australia….

      • +1

        Similar to some call centres too. Doesn't make it right though.

    • +1

      It does make me feel guilty about shopping there.

      Their customer service is probably the best around but their working conditions amongst the worst.

      • +1

        You are guilty to give these people jobs? If you don't shop there they don't have shifts. And these are usually disadvantaged people so it is hard for them to find another job.

        Such a cruel comment.

        • +1

          Despite what the comments above say, most warehouse jobs are better.

          I used to work in warehouse automation, and most warehouse staff I saw were pushed to meet performance targets, but still had time for toilet breaks and smoko.

          At Amazon, there’s an app constantly telling you you’re behind on order fulfilment, and staff end up running, acting unsafely, skipping breaks, and sometimes wetting themselves. It’s a whole other level.

          • -4

            @[Deactivated]: But everyone that works there chose to. So obviously for these people having this job is better than the alternative (which i assume for these people is no job).

            You think its a bad job that's why you don't work there.

            • +1

              @Bryanalves: By that logic, sending kids down coal mines, or operating building sites with no OH&S are just fine because the workers “chose” that.

              That logic stopped being a viable debating tactic in around 1880.

              • -2

                @[Deactivated]: In countries that do this if its legal is ok. Families need to do it to survive and therefore take the job and associated safety risks. Sending the kids in risk their lives (say 10% chance to get hurt/die) but brings in income to eat and stay alive. The alternative is no job and 80% chance to starve and die.

                As a society we think that's not right because we get taught that we need higher level of OHS to see working conditions as acceptable or a minimum wage to deem a job fair.

                Imagine a country that has even higher OHS standards and a minimum wage of $40 an hour. Then they will all think our working conditions in australia is inhumane, we would think they are silly.

                • @Bryanalves: Please. You’re grossly simplifying things.

                  Read a few books on the history of the labour movement from Victorian times until now and report back.

          • -2

            @[Deactivated]: I find that hard to believe.

            I reckon theres a few 'bludgers' who couldn't cut it and decided to complain hoping to get something out of it or wanting an easier targets

            You will find warehousing is one of the highest turnover of employees, as lots of people just can't cut it because of their work ethic

            • +1

              @Danstar: It’s an international issue. There have been exposès in multiple newspapers.

              Amazon runs aggressive targets and uses an app that shows green if you’re on target and red if you’re running behind. Most workers interviewed report that the only way they can get the app to show green is to run and skip breaks.

              Amazon could easily fix this by banning unsafe activity such as running, mandating breaks, and prioritising safety over speed.

              • @[Deactivated]: Its not an issue as stated in the article Amazon has reviewed the law and has complied.

                Aggressive targets and using technology to efficiently monitor your workforce is bad? With thinking like that you can't run a business as successful as Amazon.

                ABC needs to release a news article, so the workers that had no issues with the targets wouldn't be represented in the interviews. Maybe just under performers complaining.

                Amazon does ban unsafe activities such as running. its the staff that's non-compliant.

                • +1

                  @Bryanalves: I’m definitely not saying that improving efficiency is bad. In an old job I literally spent all day designing systems to make warehouses more efficient and to measure picking and packing performance.

                  But Amazon has taken it to an impersonal extreme.

                  • -1

                    @[Deactivated]: Extreme because its done more efficiently than the wearhouse you worked for. Just as how a wearhouse operations that less efficient than yours may think your wearhouse operational methods are extreme.

                    • @Bryanalves: The people at warehouses I worked at would actually
                      Like being told in a “live” manner that they’re on or off targets.

                      And Australian law doesn’t allow people to not have breaks.

    • Oh thats amazing they are so efficient, so for sure ill get my deliveries on time.

    • Doesn't seem too dissimilar to nightfilling jobs i've done at IGA/Woolworths.

      The comment about casual employees puzzles me as well, what casual position do you have where you don't have to worry about getting more shifts?

    • -1

      And where is the ABC's in-depth coverage of the corruption of government when it came to the dead fish in the Darling River?

      • +1

        It’s been on ABC News 24 pretty much constantly.

        • Not pointing direct fingers at the Libs though.

    • +1

      So Amazon is immoral/malevolent because they expect expect people to work hard. How would you feel if you were employing a tradie (@ $300 an hour) to do a job and they spent 5 minutes lounging about/idling for every 5 minutes they worked? Aldi is a good example of how to run a company: the staff are constantly rotating between jobs depending upon demand, rather than staying in one place even if there is nothing to do.

      Most Australiana feel that they are priviledged and don't need to work hard. That is why we are being steamrolled by Asian countries which have a good work ethics. Australians want the government to create highly remunerated, Unionized paper shuffling jobs for them with 8 weeks holidays (like they have in France). In order to compete with he rest of the world we need to work hard, efficiently and intelligently. If we don't, we become "the poor white trash of Asia".

      • Don't get me started on Unions :@

  • I ordered a Bluray the other day that didn't state 4K UltraHD but had the picture as the UltraHD box. Pick it up today so keen to know that it is.

    • +6

      The detail of this story is what I like most about it.

      • +1

        Can confirm, 4K UltraHD… in a black case.

  • +4

    So they pay you $13.20 to take the abomination that is Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom off their hands yeah? Did not previously fathom that you could stuff up a movie about dinosaurs so bad. I mean…dinosaurs!

    • I've seen worse movies than Fallen Kingdom

      • Big budget Dinosaur movies?

        • Cos there is so so many

          • +1

            @Danstar: There are a few…. Not all focused on Dinosaurs and many kids movies too.

            I'd say it's up there for being the worst. As a huge Jurassic Park and dinosaur fan.

    • It's not really hard to make a decent film when it's about dinosaurs. You could have the most simple plot and story and make it thrilling.

      Some of those characters were just appalling.

      • Considering they've made 5 movies of 'dinosaurs' and they've all done pretty well at the Box Office, I think they think what they're doing is good.

        Not much you can really do with a dinosaur movie other than "run"

      • Same deal as Predator, can't understand why it's so hard to make a good movie featuring an alien that hunts people

      • After the first two they lost the plot.

        Moments in others but ultimately bad movies. But you could say that snout movies in general lately… I think they are getting worse every year.

      • Those films are too gory. Has anyone tried reasoning with a dinosaur to resolve issues?

        • +1

          Only on weekends, when they're usually more chilled

  • +1

    Greatest showman sowing at $31.xx for me, clicked a couple of the others to see if I was doing something wrong but those prices are fine. Has the link changed?

  • I dont really want the physical disc, is there a digital option?

    • +6

      Not if you want the same quality.

      • Yep there's barely any difference between 4K and 1080p bluray on the average sized TV and even less point in highly compressed 4K digital form (unless you just want HDR and have OLED or FALD LCD).

        • +2

          I don’t have a 4K TV and I’m still happy with my 7 year old 1080p Bravia but love the 4K discs for the Atmos and DTS:X.

          Yes, I know Netflix and Apple TV have Atmos streaming but just have a preference for a hard copy.

          I heard that the Atmos soundtrack on Logan is excellent, so that’s why I’m grabbing it.

          • @Slave1: Atmos / DTS:X is great but bugger all people have the proper ceiling speakers installed for height channels.

      • So Netflix UHD/Dolby is lesser quality than this?

        • To a degree. Streamed media is generally compressed to reduce the size and waiting for buffering. The compression reduces size by estimating some details and very fine detail is lost.

          That said it depends on the quality of the media eg friends on blu ray or stream is going to look shit regardless

        • yep definitely lower quality, the bitrate of the video is just as important as the resolution.

        • +1

          Definitely. It’s compressed to hell and back.

  • Greatest Showman OOS

  • Lots of deals for discs, not many for players… Suggestions around $200-$250? Don't need apps, just quality video and audio.

    • Any cheap XBOX One S sale. Though be warned, apparently performance isn't as good as we could hope:…


        The Xbox One S passed all of the tests I threw at it — whether DVD, Blu-ray or 4K disc. From everything I could see, it was just as good as the dedicated players. It was able to correctly replay film and video content from DVD and Blu-ray test discs well, without stuttering or leaving jaggies. And 4K high dynamic range (HDR) content popped in exactly the same way it did on the Samsung, Sony and Oppo players — whether via streaming services or discs.

        • I kinda ignore anything CNET have to say.

          • @giventofly: That was the first article I found, the general consensus on other review sites and reddit/other forums all say about the same

        • A dedicated 4k blu ray player is way better than an xbone both x and s not only for the visuals. The better ones have two hdmi outputs, one for the tv and another for the sound system.

          • @Caped Baldy: Isn't that what ARC is for ?

            (Serious question)

            • +1

              @Danstar: Two HDMI is useful for when:

              1) You have a home theatre receiver that doesn’t support HDMI 2.0 for 4K and you want the Video to TV and audio to your AV receiver

              2) ARC doesn’t work for Atmos or TrueHD unless it’s eArc which only supported in recent 2019 TVs

      • Thanks, but I don't want another console. Already have PS4, Switch, RetroPie. I'm after a dedicated player. Cheers…

        • +1

          I had the Xbox One S and X which did a decent job on playback, but still decided to go for a dedicated player.

          I picked up an LG UBK80 for just over $200 including shipping. It had great reviews and was a good price. Very happy with the purchase. Possibly better players available. But this was the best I could find vor lessthan $250.

  • -1

    Amazon have been pretty slack for me the past month.
    2 day deliveries are ballooning out to 606 days without even being sent out onitems that show as in stock for prime delivery.
    It’s a real pain having to chase up every item.
    They do sometimes give a credit for their tardiness tho.
    So if unwed a DVD in a hurry do t count on amazons 2 day delivery deal with prime.
    Job hifi man got b more reliable even if a few dollars more expensive.

    Isn’t it amazing that they still list a lot of 4K under the blu Ray range still!

    Sorry about whinge. Good deal OP

  • +1

    scorch trials and death cure might be good combo

  • Do any of these have Dolby Vision?

  • Am I the only one that finds it weird that only Spider-Man 2 is the only one in the trilogy on sale.

    Also, it has gone down to $10.20 now.

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