Just have a look this morning, this guys having crazy 3 days special deals on ACER notebooks starting from $399 for Dual Core CPU, and from $418 for an i3 Notebooks. The best out of all is their i7 notebooks with 3 years warranty only $999… What a bargain!!! I will buy one for myself..
Up to 40% OFF on ACER Notebooks at OnlineComputer.com.au

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Possibly due to high US dollar…
The discounts are looking good, but a lack of model numbers, or full specs (no weight is mentioned on a lot of them) makes it hard :S
Agreed, the website's a bloody dog's breakfast, but there are a couple of cheap lappys there! ;)
well agreed.. but still price is cheap though… LOL spec you can look at it by clicking on the item's picture… the i7 model looks like a bargain for me.. what you guys think? I should have bought one of those hey?
By full specs I mean weight, dimensions, numbers of ports, battery capacity etc. At least with a model number it wouldn't be hard to find elsewhere :/
I can see they've put more effort in than those that clearly just copy pasta the entire spec list off the manufacturers website, but at least when people do just copy you do get all the specs >.>
And the i7 model does look good, the 540M graphics are also above average. It would definitely do a lot of stuff well.
Some good bargins here. Would say 40% off RRP. Don't know if I would say 40% of their regular price.
Why not leverage off another's national advertising I guess. Certainly "up to" 40% off like they say.
It does make it a bit hard to fully identify off the website, but give them a call & they will clarify.
I have bought half a dozen lappys from here & have been good.
Have given excellent service, which is why I stopped by to post.
Certainly in the running in a comparo I'm doing atm.Also beware some of the advertised prices are "after $XX cashback", so you may have to pay more initially than the advertised price. Also Acer are quite slow in processing these cashbacks.
The 2 Acer Aspires i bought from JB Hifi i had to return as both had more than 2 dead pixels, the cashback for one of them took 4 months, they will even claim that they did not receive the request, make sure you have copies of the required documentation.
Acer is an awful company to deal with and the quality of the laptops is pretty poor.
And make sure you use registered post.
I did buy an Acer laptop and was told $100 cash back, they messed me around although I supplied every detail and after 2 weeks told me my opportunity to get my cash back offer had expired. I made an appeal and the supervisor started all new paper work and the offer was a later one which did not include my laptop, which means they closed the first offer on mine and got me to repeat the details to be told mine was not included in that offer second time round. Basically I kept all the emials, I can only say you were lucky it came through in 4 months, mine has been 15months, they are liars and what we call shonks.
I still have an Acer, but everyone I know who had an Acer had it blow up after 2 years or so. My second wife had an Acer it went bang after 2 years, my friend Paul had an Acer, it went bang after 3 years or less and he had to replace the motherboard, my friend Julian had an Acer and his went bang after 3 years, tottal meltdown/blackout death. My Acer is still going perfectly, as they all do for what I consider a very short time compared to all other brands, buyer beware with Acer cash back offers, they are shonks and buyer beware buying Acer, which look to be the most prestige, but are not. I am doing a comparison between Acer, Asus and MSI netbooks on youtube soon (all new) Acer looks absolutely beautiful, but comes 3rd in performance !
Acer is an awful company to deal with and the quality of the laptops is pretty poor.
Wow, 'Up to 40% off brand X notebooks' has become popular bloody fast. To any retailers that might be listening, we only like it when the notebook is actually 40% off, like when Hardly Normal started this by actually going 40% off an entire range. Pulling a 1 or 2 laptops discounted stunt is BS, just advertise that laptop discounted please.
(Not saying OnLine Computer is doing this, they seem to have a good range of discounts (: )