½ Price Mayver's Natural Peanut Butter Varieties 375gm $2.50 @ Coles (Starts Wednesday)
½ Price Mayver's Natural Peanut Butter Varieties 375gm $2.50 @ Coles

Last edited 20/02/2019 - 13:18 by 1 other user
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I thought so hehe 😁. I used to be a paper boy, tedious work.
Any other other good half price deals this week you can give us a cheeky squizz at?
I can't wait till 5pm 😫😭
Can you tell me why sometimes I get them and sometimes I don't?
@[Deactivated]: Junk mail? Means that the person that was doing it most likely said 'stick this job up your arse' and quit haha. Then you wait for the next person to come along and work till they realise how shit of a job it is and quits aswell.
Repeat this ad infinitum.
@[Deactivated]: I did it once and I found they take advantage of people that don't have much money. I travelled around two entire suburbs, then I had to travel into the city to pick up my pay cheque (they couldn't send it out to me). As I had spent the last of my money travelling around the area, I didn't have any money left for public transport to pick up my money.
Thankfully the struggling student days are behind me.
@[Deactivated]: There's another possibility. Years ago, every few weeks I would find a whole stack of catalogues dumped near my unit block's letter boxes. One time I counted them and there were over 70 or 80 copies. I guess whoever was doing the rounds around my area decided there's no point in finishing them all.
Have I been having unnatural peanut butter all this time?
'unnatural' because it has oil added to prevent the peanut oil seperating and floating to the surface.
ohh yes, you've been eating the killer mother of all evil Trans-fat from the hydrogenated oils added to your 'unnatural' peanut butter
I used to go to the health food store and they'd grind peanuts into a container.
This peanut butter looks Hydrolised - full of water. Fairly sure water doesn't need to be listed on the ingredients.
The ingredients are 99.3% peanuts and 0.7% salt.
Not sure if it's all varieties, but the dark roast is a mix of imported and Australian legumes.
Correct, 50:50 Aus/Argentinian if I recall
We prefer the term Collaboration.
Oh yes! Marketing terms!
And so so delicious - source, just about to finish my jar
Natural peanut butter… nom nom nom
Instead of unnatural peanut butter?
I am allergic to unnatural peanut butter.
What is unnatural peanut butter? Peanut butter that's synthetic (does that even exist)?
Been waiting for this for a month now. Cheers.
lol, didn't saw that.
Time to stock up again! Been waiting for a month for this promotion to come around. Thanks OP
What's the shelf life like on these? Do you keep the extras in the fridge/freezer?
I just store them in the pantry.
How long were they in there before you went through them?
No way would I freeze glass that full.
I had ten jars in the pantry from the last promotion, I think the last promotion was in November last year. I've only got a Jar left, the expiry on those jars were until May 2019.
Awesome, exactly what I wanted to know. Thanks!
@OZBMate8911: any cool and dry place like pantry will do
make sure your house isn't too hot
my chocolate block in pantry is meltingoils turn rancid if exposed to heat/light/O2
10 jars in 3 months? How much pb sandwiches you eat? 😵
@josetann: I personally go through 2 or 3 per week - I add them to my morning protein shake. I actually alternate (or mix) the Cacao Peanut spread, Peanut and Coconut spread, natural Peanut butter, Cacao Super spread. If you get the consistency just right, it's like chocolate mousse :)
still waiting for the pick's to be 50% but that will do for now
FYI, to get the healthiest peanut butter go to Aldi ("Oh so Natural" variety. 100% peanuts, no additives incl no added salt/sugar/oil. Made in Aust). $2.99 for 375g everyday.
Woolies/Coles have cut their 100% peanut varieties sadly. So much for the larger supermarkets offering range/choice.
https://www.bodyandsoul.com.au/wellbeing/stop-everything-ald…I'm all for buying the healthiest product, but 0.7% of salt is basically nothing. If you had 100g of peanut butter a day, you'd be eating 0.7g of salt, which is as good as nothing.
So why add crap you don't need that can harm over time? Let users do it if they want and give us the choice rather than reduce our options. It adds nothing of value, added oil just pads out the products (you want filler than nuts?!) and it's not like this is all you are going to eat all day. It's added to way too many products unnecessarily and in due course people's taste adjust to feel it lacking (just like with sugar).
All dieticians will tell you the general population have a problem with too much sugar and salt. They aren't complaining about quality healthy products, made in Australia that are bargain priced everyday that are few and far between. I'm not sure why I'm being negged for making people aware of it given the price/quality = bargain.
National Health and Medical Research Council has set an ‘Adequate Intake’ of 20–40 mmol (460–920 mg) of sodium per day. 0.7g would hit that in one go. http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/national/frequently-asked-…
Don't confuse dieticians saying what we can have as a limit each day vs what we should have. eg. Just because we can have some alcohol each day doesn't mean it's recommended for us to do it.In defense of salt: http://thesaltfix.com/ I read this recently and found it incredibly interesting. His research shows increased mortality on a highly salt restricted diet and suggests an intake of salt far higher than the recommendations may not just be ok, but may in fact be optimal.
@Get: Thanks for the link, I'll have to check it out later. I changed my diet a lot last year and as part of it I increased my salt intake, not over the daily recommendations but higher than it used to be.
@mapax: No worries. I forgot to give credit to (and plug) my current favourite YouTube channel, What I've Learned.
These are the videos that put me onto the book:
So why add crap you don't need that can harm over time? Let users do it
It's much easier to add 0.7% salt in a factory than sprinkle it on your sandwich as you'd add much more than 0.7%
It adds nothing of value
It adds taste.
Sodium is important and not everyone gets enough.added oil just pads out the products (you want filler than nuts?!)
It isn't a filler, it stops the peanut oil seperating which is a big advantage.
National Health and Medical Research Council has set an ‘Adequate Intake’ of 20–40 mmol (460–920 mg) of sodium per day.
The full section you choose not to quote says
The National Health and Medical Research Council has set an ‘Adequate Intake’ of 20–40 mmol (460–920 mg) of sodium per day. This corresponds to 1.15–2.3 grams of salt
0.7g would hit that in one go.
Who eats 100g of peanut butter each day. A single serving is 20 grams.
Even if you eat 100g of peanut butter then 0.7g of salt is 3 times less than the maximum recommended intake
Salt isn't bad for you.
Many people think it is because they educate themselves using the news and marketing. That includes organisations set up specifically to spread good science who them won't shut the (profanity) up after it's shown that their reason for existing has now been debunked - because that's how science works. Instead they just keep taking cheques and promoting outdated science.
Main thing is choice is better and a consumer can't remove something already in a product (esp if they are in all of the formulations). People can follow whatever theory/add whatever they like afterwards. Salt is easy to add.
Depending on which book people want to follow, fruit and some commonly eaten plants/legumes/nuts (incl peanuts) will also harm us.
Why Arnott's can't prove Tim Tams are good for us yet shows they really aren't trying hard enough ;-)Agree! Salt is actually good for you.
Like daydream however I prefer the option to, 'add salt to taste'
That your prefered amount of salt is 0.7 or more is fortunate for you.
IMMHO, added sugars are worse and many tasty products get ruined by the heavyhanded sweetner bots.
Impossible to get that out once it's in.
Would you happen to know the polyunsaturated/monounsaturated fat amounts (per serve/100g/ratio) by chance?
Btw - this Mayver's peanut butter uses sea salt (can normalise blood pressure), as opposed to table salt (i.e. just sodium chloride - well, probably aluminium as well) which can really stuff up blood pressure, of course.
Still has added sodium that isn't needed. People can added whatever they like to their sandwiches after incl. any type of salt they want if they really need salt to eat peanuts ;-)
For the Aldi one I described, per 100g Fat is 47%, 6% is saturated. Don't have the details of the breakdown of unsaturated. It's just peanuts so as healthy as natural peanuts!Ok, thanks anyway. Oh and agreed re having the bare minimum ingredients and adding what you want afterwards.
been having the smooth aldi peanut butter for a while, this stuff is good! I used to have the costco skippy peanut butter (stay away at all costs)
It's just peanuts so as healthy as natural peanuts!
No it's not.
Making peanut butter crushes the peanut and allows the oils to be more easily absorbed.
You will absorb more fat from eating peanut butter compared to whole peanuts because chewing doesn't break them down as much and your stomach can't fully break down the nut.
sea salt (can normalise blood pressure), as opposed to table salt (i.e. just sodium chloride
Sea salt and table salt are both sodium chloride.
Sodium is linked to increased blood pressure and table salt and most sea salts contain about 40 percent sodium by weight.
Sea salt does not normalise blood pressure.
No. Unless the sea salt has been chemically altered, it is not just NaCl. In the same way Himalayan rock salt isn't just NaCl.
@RichardMelbourne: I never said it was just sodium chloride (you incorrectly did).
Table salt, sea salt and Himalayan salt are all sodium chloride.
None of them are pure sodium chloride they all have various trace minerals however they are all about 97% or more sodium chloride.
I don't know I've not really used many from my inventory lately still have about 3 jars, you know what I'll pick up 2 to be safe
Good to know
Just note this brand, unlike Sanitarium or Kraft/Bega or Woolies brand, does not use high-oleic peanuts with high monounsaturated and low polyunsaturated fats. So it's 15.5% and 25.4% polyunsaturated/monounsaturated fats. Sanitariums is 3.9% and 41% polunsaturated/monounsaturated fats.
Thanks for posting that (I'm being serious - not taking the …!)
For some reason it appears the protein-plus Mayvers products use high oleic peanuts while the normal ones don't. Pity the high protein ones taste like garbage.
You can see the labels in the picture on woolies https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/679375/may…
Sorry for my ignorance but does this make Mayvers better/healthier or Sanitarium better?
High-oleic peanuts are the better choice
You get an early catalogue?