The MSI Gaming X 1060 GTX appears to be one of the quietest and coolest 1060 on the market
I bought one over the weekend
At $359.10 it seems like a pretty decent price for a top tier 1060
The MSI Gaming X 1060 GTX appears to be one of the quietest and coolest 1060 on the market
I bought one over the weekend
At $359.10 it seems like a pretty decent price for a top tier 1060
Yeah, I paid 300 for an EVGA 1070 that was an ex mining card. At least the eBay seller was honest. 2 more years warranty still
Did I miss something….mining craze?
Graphics cards were popular for mining cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency mining is like a video game that plays itself, and when it beats a level it gives you some money to help pay for your electricity bill.
I know a little bit about this. So does the person have to be an expert to set this up? and is it a one time set up, after you're done setting up, you just wait for the return for as long as you keep it running right?
It got to the point where you would setup your hardware in some exotic location that didn't charge for power, and yes wait.
Until the "difficulty" increased so your ROI halved each time, and if it broke well your in trouble.
RX580 8GB is better and cheaper, don't see why anyone would buy this.
RX580 has been jacked up from $329 to $349
It can be had for a little over 299 from most places.
$299 for the Gigabyte 8gig RX580…
Id buy it over the 1060
@tugman: An rx580(220w) draws an extra 130W over a 1060 6gb(90w). If you're a heavy gamer (40h / wk) that would be around 300kwh a year. In SA that's a whole $123 / yr in extra power draw
@neferseki: Hi there, do you some some links for this? I am surprised the gap is as big as you have quoted. Just did a quick Google and first two reviews suggests gap of around 80~100w.
The default RX580 settings seem to run hot and saw some posts of people downclocking a little to save power and/or lower fan noise
@BlueSkyAPI: RX 580 power consumption…
GTX 1060 6GB power consumption…
You can see in gaming the RX 580 did 224W and the GTX 1060 6GB did 89W in 1080p.
Even if you use the 1440p for GTX 1060 power draw though (These cards don't handle 1440p with good FPS anyway but) the power difference would still be 109W and will still be over $100/yr in power bills at SA's rate of 42c/kwh. And probably $65+ for VICs power cost of 27c/kwh
taken from toms hardware reviews:……
@neferseki: Thank you so much for the sources! I think the differences might be whether RX 580 is run at stock speed or factory OC. The one I saw was…
In any case it's still a big gap. Definitely need to be factored into consideration.
And the electricity prices gap between VIC and SA is also quite remarkable. I gasp when I translated it to 50% diff. Cost of renewable vs brown coal.
@BlueSkyAPI: The reason SA's electricity is so expensive and VIC's is so cheap is that SA doesn't produce enough on its own to power the state. SA actually buys electricity from VIC.
So for us the cost goes ups while the VIC's use the money from selling power to subsidise their own.
@tugman: Yep, just pointing out that Computer Alliance price jacked it for the sale from $329 to $349 - could have been a good buy from CA with the 10% off (free postage with eBay Plus)…
How's this for comparison?
RX 580 8GB DVI-D $168 + $10 postage…
Or within 10% of the performance
RX 570 Gaming 4GB $189 & 8GB $219
plus 2 free games
RX 570 4GB GDDR5 DVI-D $168
The RX 580 you listed links to an RX 570. Still good value, although it only has a single DVI port and a 6 month warranty because it's a model originally design for cryptocurrency mining.
Your right. Sorry was posting from mobile.
not a good price
wow still more than i paid in october 2016. computer part prices are messed up
I bought one in this deal, November 2016:
To pay virtually the same price now is ridiculous.
I think the Australian dollar at that point were better than. 71 USD.
I just looked it up, 0.745
Yeah see. Even is not even close to 1 by 1 or.8 is a increase in the price. Anyway I need to buy a new graphics card until March and my budget is max 300 wait or do now? I don't play games just Revit and cad.
Reasonable, however it’s outdated, and that price was obtainable early 2017 before the mining craze.
You would be better buying a used GTX1070 still under warranty for the same price, or investing another $180 and buying an RTX2060.