AU stock, GST tax invoice with ABN, TRS eligible, 24 months Warranty
Huawei Mate 20 Pro Huawei Watch GT promotion
Thanks to r0xz for the Original PASSIONATE 20% off All Items at Selected Sellers on eBay Deal Post
AU stock, GST tax invoice with ABN, TRS eligible, 24 months Warranty
Huawei Mate 20 Pro Huawei Watch GT promotion
Thanks to r0xz for the Original PASSIONATE 20% off All Items at Selected Sellers on eBay Deal Post
That's a P20 Pro mate. Not a Mate 20 Pro!
Yeah I don't know why Huewei mix the name Pro into both models. Pro and Mate should be separate, easy mistake to make.
@Click_It: There's a p20 p20 pro
Mate 20 mate 20 pro
There are pro versions and non pro versions and I think lite versions too
Yeah, I'm sure you're so important that the Chinese government wants your personal information.
How is this upvoted? Sorry but really dumb post.
Mass collection of data is something they do want to do. No one's saying a single person is going to be looking through your data.
I don't know why i'm getting negged so much…………
Not suggesting people are individually going through your data - the value is in bulk data collection.
Not suggesting people are individually going through your data
In the articles you posted, can you point out where they accuse Huawei of collecting your personal information?
the value is in bulk data collection.
Oh no, I'd better cancel all my credit cards, Flybuys and Woolworths Rewards cards, my bank accounts, all my Google accounts, and my Facebook account.
@eug: I guess i'm just pointing out that World Governments, and large Corporations feel like Huawei technology introduce a significant enough risk to security that they refuse to use it, and that there are several large scandals going on around at the moment in relation to them.
And while it's in dispute, US intelligence agencies have linked Huawei back to the Chinese Government.
Considering this, you'd have to question whether it's a company you'd want to financially support and trust with your data. After all your phone potentially holds everything about you - even your facebook, google, bank accounts, rewards cards…
You should absolutely consider closing those accounts, or restricting the data you share with them if it's not a company you feel comfortable with giving the data too.
Personally - I don't trust the Chinese Government that much, if you don't want to consider there terrible history of human rights violations, you can look into the Social Credit System they've implemented (straight out of a Black Mirror episode), and more recently the additional functionality that alerts your if you're within range of a person in debt so you can dob them in.……
@Charleston: So going back to your original comment where you said "I've always wanted to share all my personal information with the Chinese Government", you now concede that your original statement has no truth at all to it, and the articles you linked do not back you up in any way?
What exactly scares you about the Chinese government? What makes you believe that they care at all about you and your personal information? Is it just a whole bunch of "what if…" scenarios you're playing in your head?
you'd have to question whether it's a company you'd want to financially support
If that was your only reason, that would have been fine as we can all choose who we want to support. But your original comment was insinuating that the Chinese government is taking the personal information of every Huawei phone user. When asked for evidence, you provided none. That is why you got downvoted so much. Sensationalism and fake news is all the rage nowadays.
@eug: I don't really understand what the big deal is here… do you work for Huawei or something?
I just don't agree or want to support any quasi dictatorship setting up an 'Orwellian' type system for monitoring there population and turning people against each other for the good of the nation.
I know it's not very 'ozbargainy' to buy because it's cheap tech - but sometimes morals are important.
I don't concede anything about my original statement, it's a fair assumption that if global intelligence agencies don't trust them, then i probably shouldn't either.
It's much the same way as I wouldn't buy my next computer from North Korea…
I don't really understand what the big deal is here…
You're making an accusation with zero evidence. You're basing the accusation simply on how you feel, rather than actual evidence.
When asked for evidence, you provide links to articles that don't support what you're saying. You then change the topic to the Chinese monitoring their population which has nothing to do with this phone.
it's a fair assumption that if global intelligence agencies don't trust them,
Don't forget that there's politics involved.
As I said before, it's totally fine if you don't want to purchase Huawei products because you don't agree with what the Chinese government is doing with its citizens. You could have just said that, rather than make broad statements with zero evidence. It affects your credibility.
The Chinese government wants to know your gender
Anyone working for Australian Department of Defence, contracting to or have any other interactions with them aren't permitted to use Huawei or other Chinese phones. Only Samsung (S5 to S9), Apple, Blackberry, Motorola, Sony and Nokia are permitted.
Maybe for NV1 clearance but otherwise never heard this before.
I'll have to ask my friend. He's semi retired and does private contracting now and then to them. I asked him about Huawei phone and he lost his sh$t going on about all the security issues and other conspiracies…
@Sammyboy: Sounds like Western governments don't want the Chinese to have the same capabilities as them. ;)
Yeah. BS. I contracted to Dept of Def until recently and never heard of rule.
I just checked with him and he says that is his restrictions due to his position and what he was working on. Even now semi retired and doing a contract here and there for them, he's still not allowed. So I'm guessing it's dependant on what you are doing for DOD.
Fake news
Why just Samsung S5 to S9? What about Notes5 - Notes9?
Any Samsung with Knox by the sounds of it. He just said this "Australian DOD now realising China mobiles have spying capabilities. I have to declare my phone on entering DOD and lock my phone in cabinet before entering classified meetings. All civilian employees are subject to security measures and military are supplied with DOD approved mobiles. We are allowed private phones but must be aware of security measures." Quite interesting info to learn. I'm not anti these phones. Been looking at the Mate 20 pro, Honor 20 or 6T and was just asking his opinions on them.
Conspiracy theories invented by US/UK/AU intelligence agencies and spread by mainstream media just like Iraq has WMDs, Russia controlled the US elections and other nonsense created to perpetuate never ending war crimes.
Of course it's Machiavelli 101 to accuse your enemies of what you yourself are already doing. Oh look it's the Five Eyes agreement where those three countries bypass the laws against spying on their own citizens while accusing China of spying on them:
and the Australian Government collects metadata of every citizen meaning it has content from Five Eyes and the more intrusive metadata (it told idiots that metadata was less intrusive because it already had the content hahaha).
The NSA of course was bugging every single citizen of the USA illegally until heroes like Snowden revealed their illegal actions.
So this rube thinks China is a police state while his own Government is running an illegal police state.
Russia controlled the US elections
Controlled? Really?
Love my Elektron gear.
I will wait for the P30 pro which is around the corner, unless there is a mate 20 pro deal under $1000.
Or the Mate 20 X ;)
Anything interesting for this release besides 5G support?
Is allphones eligible for the GT watch? I see it is not a part of the banner with Optus, Kogan etc
allphones is a subsidiary company of mobileciti
32 views, how did you even find that video. Is that your video? :)
97 views… gona be a utube star
Just trying to help
Looks like now they have a specific procedure for issues like this from Huawei side and Optus can also replace the faulty ones:…
I guess it just depends on whether you are willing to risk the trouble.
Completely true.
WTF, $1240 for a Huawei although I would definitively go Huawei over Apple… the ONLY gadget I have bought that broke in 9 weeks is an Apple (Foxconn) iPad Pro screen wuld just go dark… got a refurb and no box or accessories after the refurb swap :(
Apple stole my box and accessories; I will never give them another $.
I see 1 subscriber only .
Haha getting there mate…
How is the GT watch promo not open to abuse? Someone can easily buy the phone, not open it, and return it after 14 days?
how does this phone compare to an s9+?
Beats s9+ in every aspect
That's why I'm also keen in getting the phone if the price is right.
Stupid question but is there any way I can get the watch if I bought the phone from mobileciti late December? Feel ripped off paying more + not getting any bonus items.
Suck it up. A better promotion comes after purchasing all the time. Assume it has been opened and outside the change of mind return, otherwise buy this and return the new phone. Doubt it will work as phones have unique ids unlike clothing.
Maybe you can use photoshop modified the tax invoice date?
I purchased mine in early Jan, but thought I'd still submit a claim (I just put a later purchase date ob the form).
I received an email to say that my claim has been approved - fingers crossed!
Do the phone manufacturers accept kidneys yet?
No way is this phone worth more than $800, so the price of the watch has been priced in
Name me a premium phone that has dslr-like quality camera,faceid and onscreen finger print scanner.
Three functions which have little value to justify its price
No phones have 'DSLR like' quality, and faceid and onscreen scanner can be had on OP6T for about half the price. Though all these functions are highly gimmicky in my opinion
No phones have 'DSLR like' quality
You'll be surprised at the quality of photos from the phone. In the right situations (e.g. outdoors in good light) and with a fair comparison (i.e. you can't compare a phone to a 5D MkIV with an 85mm f/1.2L lens at 100% crop) I won't be surprised if you would be unable to figure out if a photo came from this phone or a DSLR.
Though all these functions are highly gimmicky in my opinion
Phones, like lots of things, are quite subjective things. You might not find the excellent camera, very zippy performance (you should check out the reviews), and long battery life unimportant. But trust me, there are plenty of phone users out there who highly value those three features, which this phone absolutely provides.
You say they are gimmicky without even owning the device I am assuming. I own the mate 20 pro and find the functions to be much better than any Samsung or Apple device, I've owned both.
I signed up for this phone through optus a few months back and missed the promo they have had then, is there any way to register for this promo now?
are you able to claim GST back when travelling overseas?
Yes, buy within 60 days of travelling and have a full Tax invoice. Which is what I have just done.
899 phone itself…