• expired

Origin Energy Electricity Usage Disc: SA 18%, NSW 25%, QLD 28%, VIC 41%, 22C FIT for Victoria with 16% Usage Charge Discount


Origin Energy releases special discounts for 9Saver members
Thanks to the support of more than 110,000 Aussie homes, 9Saver has unlocked a series of exclusive energy discounts just in time for summer.

These discounts are off Origin’s usage charges. They last for 12 months when you pay your bills on time. They are: 25% in New South Wales, 41% in Victoria, 28% in Queensland, 18% in South Australia.

The exclusive ‘Origin Saver’ offers which have won the 9Saver Summer Power Campaign are from Origin Energy and have no exit fees or lock in contracts.

The offers are available to new and existing Origin customers who pay on time and there are also pay-on-time gas discounts in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA.

For eligible solar customers, Origin Energy is also offering these special ‘Solar Boost’ offers with lower discounts but very high retailer Feed-in Tariffs.

For Victorians with Solar panels the FIT is 22c/kWh with 16% electricity usage discount.

Referral Links

Origin Business: random (33)

$200 credit each for referrer and referee.

Origin Residential: random (573)

$50 credit each for referrer and referee.

Related Stores

Origin Energy
Origin Energy

closed Comments

  • +1

    thanks, not a criticism but I found the One Big Switch deal to be cheaper (NSW Ausgrid TOU Tariff).

    • +1

      Sure there would be one. For me the main reason to go with them was the 22c/kWh FIT in Victoria.

      • fair enough ….

        • +1

          Massive drop in discount for getting that rate of FIT though.

          • +2

            @GaryG: If you export enough it still makes sense to do it. Because of solar im only using 5kwh from the grid so a bigger discount on usage isnt as good as higher fit.
            I cbf working out exact numbers but i lost 9% discount and gained 10c fit so 5x36c ~$1.80 9% is less than 18c so if i export 2kwh it has already covered the 18c extra cost.

            • @B-Man02: I've worked my numbers and it more than halves my net costs on a 4.2kW system. My net consumption is around 3200kWh and net generation is roughly 4300kWh.

    • ditto (also NSW)

    • 1 plan doesnt suit every one. I found the 9 saver a better deal than the best i could find elsewhere and one big switch deal was terrible

    • Which company would give the biggest discount if no solar is installed

    • I did a huge comparison of many plans and Click energy plan via OneBigSwitch is cheapest for me. Thank you

  • +1

    For Qld postcode 4014, I'm only getting 4% discount off electricity usage/kWh and 17c/kWh total Feed-in Tariff.
    This is still much more expensive than Alinta standard offer.

    • Also in QLD, I'm finding it hard to beat AGL's pricing.

      I've compared quite a few now, and while Alinta has a very real chance to come out SLIGHTLY cheaper, there are so many 'for 12 months only!' and 'If you do X, we'll do Y' or 'No paper bills for you har har!' and lots of other catch22's.

      For someone like me, who is both cheap, but also gets a sense of calm, from simplicity, all these dates, times and restrictions are just painful.

      AGL seems to offer a basic 'pay on time' discount, much lower daily rates, and an almost 1:1 per kwh rate.

      • +1

        im doing quotes from Alinta, Energy aus, Origin and AGL websites. The quarterly cost for AGL is the most expensive… what AGL plan are you on and whats the usage discount and FIT?

    • I’m in QLD and I get 21% off usage and supply with origin.

      • Same discounts here (also in QLD) and 51c FIT

        • +1

          51c FIT? Old customer before they reduced it? I get peanuts for fit, qld origin as well.

          • @shadowarrior: Yes, just made it before they reduced it. Was absolutely worth it.

      • +1

        Same. I can only get 21%. Where is OP getting 28% discount for QLD????

        • How are you getting 21% I called and they said 16% was the best they could do

  • +31

    So what are the actual rates after discount? This sort of BS percentage discount that the energy companies use to mislead consumers should be banned. Not to mention the base rates differ depending on your actual distributor.

    This 'deal' is akin to the other deals that do not post an actual item on discount.

    • +3

      yeah, one day it'll change, just like mobile phone plans did.
      until then, I just suggest people (in Vic) just go with PacHydro/Tango who have a low fixed rate.

      about the only reason I'd consider this is the very generous Solar FIT. but I'm sure there's a trick to that. The obvious one is they only apply the discount after they deduct the FIT credit from your bill credit. The next one is not giving you FIT credit until the following bill (so you miss out on your first bill and your final bill will be a credit you'll have to chase them for).

      • +1

        I was with a provider getting 40% discount but found getting 0% discount from Tango would amount to about the same amount on my bill… I switched as their price would be fixed for two years.

        It is not to say that these discounts don't provide cheaper power for customers, it's just that the discount means little when shopping around.

        • +5

          I just checked.

          Tango (ex-GST)
          FIT 11.3c/kwh

          Origin (ex-GST)
          31.17c/kwh (26.18c/kwh with discount)
          FIT 22c/kwh

          Even with double FIT, it's still more expensive

          • @[Deactivated]: Using my actual usage and feed-in figures for 2018, I would be $578 better off with Origin. I exported 7670kwh and imported 1656kwh.

          • @[Deactivated]: No solar, so way better for me with Tango

            Tango (ex-GST)

            Origin (ex-GST)
            31c/kWh (18.6c/kWh with discount)

            It's really not a genuine discount. I researched extensively and Tango was way cheaper than any other retailer for me, obviously it depends on people's circumstances and possibly where they live. Surprisingly having standalone gas, as Tango doesn't do gas, Origin did work out cheapest. It was still considerably cheaper than getting any bundled gas and electricity deals with their scammy "discounts".

            Also no price rises in over 1.5 years.

            On my last monthly bill the difference Inc GST would have been:
            Tango $70.64, no discount
            Origin $86.29, including their massive 40% discount

      • Doesn't look like there's any trick in here. Just received my first bill with them & got 16% Usage discount straight out of the bill without considering FIT. Even when my total bill was in credit they applied the Usage credit to it unlike Amaysim where you only get discount if you owe money in your bill.

        • oh good, do you feed in much solar?

          I just did a quick calc, even with my feedin (peaking around this time of the year) it's be 10% more on this plan, then with Tango. In Winter (we don't have gas heating), it's be about 25% more.

          • @[Deactivated]: Just did a quick calc on my first bill & turns out this one is better than Tango as in my case feed in is much more than the usage (usage 50kWh, Feed in 426kWh for 18 days)

            • @sunshine003: asesome! glad someone has beaten the energy companies at their own game. You obviously have a decent size solar farm.

            • @sunshine003: usage 50kWh in 18 days.. that is really minimum … wow

  • +13

    Usage discount ooooooh. Aussie consumers are treated like dumb tossers.

  • I switched to the 9saver a month ago 20c FIT was better than the 18c i was getting from origin. With same discounts

    As for all the discount crap i made an excel spreadsheet that i compared with all available offers in SA (about 40) so it would just show me who was best.

    • The discounts are meaningless with taking into consideration the base power rates and also the daily rate.

      It also depends on the amount of power you use.

      It is complicated.

      I find Origin the cheapest for me as I am a very low usage.

      • I actually calculated Origin as having the most expensive daily supply rate (but a cheap usage rate). However, I am with Origin because I'm getting 21% off both usage and supply charge (which makes a big difference).

        • is this in SA? how did you score this?

          • @Den: It's in QLD. I had the same deal previously and they let me have it again for another 2 years.
            Probably replied to the wrong message here.. as the original message was talking about FIT and SA which doesn't apply to me.

            • @steelpanther: That's the Bill Saver Plus plan right?

              How did you manage to get another 2 years?

              I was told that the 12-month period is locked in and they can't change it.

              • @HomeAlone: Yes it's the Bill Saver Plus plan - I got it for another 2 years in October last year. Not sure if they still have it now.

          • +1

            @Den: I'm in SA, I mentioned to origin that simply have 22% off and they spun their spiel about simply's rates being higher. I told them that with 22% with their higher rates it's still cheaper than my current origin discount and lower rates and told them they would have to do at least 18%. So they offered me 19% off electricity and 16% off gas through the origin maximiser plan. This was last friday

            • @DangerNoodle: they had that as an online offer about 9 months ago. I wasn't able to get any better deal at the time even when moving from agl 20% off

            • @DangerNoodle: Switch to another provider, origin will call you back and offer 30% off maximiser.

              • +1

                @dreamscene: What state are you in? Usage discounts and rates are different between states, you won't get 30% off with origin maximiser in SA as 19% with origin's rates beats all other providers with their respective rates and discounts here in SA

    • Care to share please. I'm still with Origin and don't actually get a lot from my 3KW system, but always good to look.

      Haven't heard of the 9saver before.

      All good - I'm already getting 18% discount & 54.00 c/kWh

    • 20c FIT in SA?! Damn I didn’t know anyone did better than 8c?

      • AGL 17c, Amaysim 20c (but really 13c as they take off 33%), lumo 16c…

  • They are only offering '3% discount off Origin’s Electricity usage charges for 12 months' through this great :( deal for me. I rang Origin and got 22% off usage charges, not as good as we had last year (26%), but better than nothing.

    • Ring them again to get this 25%.

  • Come to Western Australia please!

    • +5

      You realise that your rate will go up 40% for both usage and daily charge the moment your government deregulate the energy market? Then you can enjoy your generous discount.

  • +3

    Just a heads up you can always check how your energy deal stacks up on The Australian Government website Energy Made Easy

    Put in your last bills details and it will give you the lowest priced deals in you area

    • +2

      @triple675 I entered my details in but the plans they recommend are costing more than I'm being charged with my current provider.

      • @sshazam you’re on a good wicket in that case

      • How's that possible?

        Details please?

        • @YogaPants - I’m in NSW which could be why.

          I’m with AGL and am getting 28% off on Electricty and 20% on gas my base rate is a bit better than Origin so that could explain why. Origin said I’d only get 8 cents for solar when I’m currently getting 11 cents.

          AGL does currently have 28% discount on Electricty and 19% on gas. So might be worth comparing if you’re in NSW.

    • A better option would be https://wattever.com.au as it takes exact details from previous bills including your dollar output, and compares all of the market. Depending on your solar output, a big FIT might trump slightly cheaper looking usage charges, and vice versa.

  • +1

    Whilst I've got an Origin energy cohort here, did anyone else recently (last year) have a period of bills where Origin 'accidently' misread actual gas usage (perhaps up to 6 x usual usage) and then on the following statement received an estimated usage bill afterwards using the misread usage. This is despite a regular actual measurement in the past year.

    The timing of these events seemed very suspicious, and not being the account holder made things incredibly difficult to fix whilst my parents were overseas. Even when my parents got back, Origin were particularly difficult about this, not refunding the error and holding the funds as a balance. Origin's excuse being that measurements are conducted by a third party outside of their control etc etc

    Would be interesting to find out if it was a systemic 'accident' / calculated decision (although difficult to prove)

    • $1300 QLD electricity bill for 3 months ~mid 2017. Three of us work full time and were literally only home at nights and weekends; don't use aircon or any of that BS either. Origin claim the high bill because they used an 'estimate' in the previous read or something ridiculous. They didn't budge in the end so we had to cop it.

      • +1

        take them to the ombudsman that will eventually clear it up

      • were you in an apartment? otherwise wouldn't checking the meter be adequate proof that they are wrong? Or did they ignore your meter reading?

  • +6

    No deal.

    Only discount off usage, supply cost is quite high.

    • I agree. Energy companies get away with shocking pricing.

      • +1

        I see what u did there 😉

  • I’d be keen to get a spreadsheet from someone if they’ve got it with the rates and current offers for VIC. I’m on 39% discount with agl and 11.3c FIT. I export around 90% or the production.

    • 39% discount off what?

    • +1

      For what it's worth I recently did the comparison in VIC, I have a 6.5kw system, I worked on an daily average production of 22kwh a day, self consume 4kwh so export 18kwh and import 4kwh.

      With Tango (11.3c FIT) it worked out I would be $84 in credit annually
      With Momentum solar step up (15c FIT) it worked out $152 in credit annually
      AGL solar savers (20c FIT) it worked out $330 in credit annually
      Origin Solar Boost (22c FIT and 16% usage discount) it worked out $501 credit annually.

      A few things, Origin lock the prices and FIT for 12 months which is great, AGL lock the FIT for 24 months but the other rates can change any time with notice given. I ended up going with AGL because I wanted to lock in the FIT as who knows where it will be in 12 months, I've got to say I'm really happy with the AGL web portal that tracks your current usage and export. Also AGL come with a $50 sign up credit which helped it close the gap to the Origin plan.

      • 39% off usage.

        Thanks for the comment donkcat,
        I thought FIT was standard at 11.3 for VIC. I did my research 2 months ago though. I will look into changing my providers though.
        I’m with agl and it’s only giving me 11.3 FIT. Probably because I’m on 39% usage discount. These guys are such a rip off. All energy providers. But they gotta earn somehow.

      • +1

        Just signed up for 20c FIT with AGL, Thanks to you.

        • No worries, glad I could help

    • Agl, friends and family??

  • +2

    I"m currently getting a better deal with AGL in NSW. I don't understand how all these companies get away with posting just the 'discount' it's irrelevant when you end up paying a high daily supply charge or higher rate.

    They should be mandated to advertise the unit cost.

    • I don't know if the government's "big stick" is quite big enough for that to happen…

    • +1

      We should all run a campaign to ACCC to stop these companies advertising discounts and provide rates and usage charges only. Just like the NBN providers advertising typical evening speed.

    • If you don't mind me asking, what is your plan name with AGL and what are the 'discounts' you are getting with them?

  • Am I the only one who came here wondering what a “usage disc” was?

    • Depending on your energy provider. For Origin, there are two breakdown of charges - Usage Charges and Supply Charges. "Usage Disc" only applicable for the Usage Charges.

      • No, I was thinking that the title referred to a physical "disc"

  • +1

    If I choose existing Origin customer without solar (NSW) I get 25% off electricity. If I choose existing Origin customer with solar (NSW) I get 3% off electricity.

    • same here

  • FIT is nice, but I'd be going from 26.1/10.5 usage rates to 34/23 (after discount), and daily connection fee would go from 96 to 134, far outweighs the extra money coming in from the FIT. On my last bill I'd be charged $85 extra, but be paid $36 extra from the FIT.

    • Can you please explain what is FIT? (I'm from NSW)

      • Feed in tariff. It's the amount you get paid when your solar system puts energy back into the grid.

  • I am in NSW with EA and paying 21c + gst per kilowatt… still on 2 year pricefreeze plan.

  • In QLD, I posted a forum before how I got 30% off electricity from AGL and 25% off electricity and supply charge from Origin. Hope it helps

    • The number in my post includes GST as well.

    • Interesting that you got 25% for that plan - I've got the same plan but only 21% off usage and supply.

  • -1

    Just FYI on kWh breakdown of this 9saver for NSW:
    Prices incl. GST:
    Usage: 29.7900 cents/kWh
    Supply charge: 91.1790 cents per day

    25% off usage = 22.3425 cents/kWh

  • +1

    I need to check my existing rate with Origin, but in my Ausnet distribution area, the daily charge is ridiculous on this plan. $1.47c
    My usage is only about <10kw per day.. I don't think it will beat my current plan due to the exorbitant daily rate.. Will need to ring them and double check.

  • +1

    For QLD ppl that dont have solar panels you get 28% off the total usage bill. BUT if you have solar panels only get 4% off the usage, with a 17c/kWh FIT.

    Since I only have a 1.5kw system it works out cheaper if I didn't have solar panels so that I get the 28% usage discount. If I was to switch to Origin, can I choose to not accept the solar/FIT option to that I get 28% instead of 4% usage discount???

  • Best FIT for SA is from agl 20c/kwh. I got a10kw system cashing in the savings.

  • Whilst the link does mention 28%, when you click through the only deal is 10% Natural Gas. I'm due in a few weeks and have tried this link quite a few times and ways over the past week or 2. Still no deals.

  • Electricity is like sim porting.

    Amaysim. Got $250 off first year. Rates are about same as others for my usage. Definitely can't beat $250 off in a year.


    LUMO. $50 gift card + $50 credit + $30 Amex credit.

    Then AGL with FF points..


    No charges for changing.

  • Isn't Energy Australia secure saver the cheapest option. I did a quick calc using the Ozbargain spreadsheet and was way cheper than what i'm paying with Origin now

    • Where can i find that spreadsheet ?

  • cool, already with origin and increased electricity from 21% to 28%, gas from 8% to 10%. Took a couple minutes

  • PSA: If you happen to have had Origin install your Solar, you're eligible for the Solar Boost Plus plan which is offering 25c FIT in NSW, and probably similar in other states.

    • Just curious, how is origin 25c Fit compared to other company FIT?

      Also how does the cost to install solar with origin compare to other company such as bradford energy?


      • From my research, 25c is about as good as it gets at the moment.

        The old solar boost plus plan was offering 17c but it was bumped after AGLs 20c offer.

        I found that Origin's quote was very similar in price to Bradford and the other large reputable solar installers. Best thing you can do is get a quote from them.

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