Origin Energy releases special discounts for 9Saver members
Thanks to the support of more than 110,000 Aussie homes, 9Saver has unlocked a series of exclusive energy discounts just in time for summer.
These discounts are off Origin’s usage charges. They last for 12 months when you pay your bills on time. They are: 25% in New South Wales, 41% in Victoria, 28% in Queensland, 18% in South Australia.
The exclusive ‘Origin Saver’ offers which have won the 9Saver Summer Power Campaign are from Origin Energy and have no exit fees or lock in contracts.
The offers are available to new and existing Origin customers who pay on time and there are also pay-on-time gas discounts in NSW, VIC, QLD and SA.
For eligible solar customers, Origin Energy is also offering these special ‘Solar Boost’ offers with lower discounts but very high retailer Feed-in Tariffs.
For Victorians with Solar panels the FIT is 22c/kWh with 16% electricity usage discount.
thanks, not a criticism but I found the One Big Switch deal to be cheaper (NSW Ausgrid TOU Tariff).