A very nice 65 inch OLED TV from LG under $3000. Oxipay is supported as payment option.
List of features below:-
* Perfect Black. Stunning Contrast.
* A Smart Brain α7 Intelligent Processor
* 4K Cinema HDR, delivering the filmmaker's vision
* LG OLED TV meets AI
* Dolby Atmos® Cinematic Sound at Home
* Gallery Mode for immersing in the vacation mood
Cheapest price for this model in the market at the time of posting. Enjoy!
There are 645 other products in our Boxing Day Sale, may not be cheapest always but we do offer price match and multiple easy payment options like Certegy(Ezi Pay), Oxipay and HSBC.
Cheaper here but excludes NT, WA, SA, TAS. (6 more hours?)