I seriously think everyone here will enjoy this…




  • Yeah but this is an american TV show. This lady gets like $1,200 of items, and only pays something like $25.

  • +6

    As long as our population is as low as it is and Coles and Woolies control the majority of the supermarkets, this will never happen in Oz

  • Damn. Probably impossible here, since they always write 'not valid in conjunction with another offer', something like that.

  • So I'm guessing that all the coupons she has a government funded? Otherwise they would be losing so much money per transaction.

    Also all she managed to purchase was a bunch of processed junk, such crappy party food.

    That would be me if we could do that in Australia.

    I don't separate my transactions into $30 lots to get more fuel discount vouchers, but I WOULD for $10 off $50….

    • Yeah. It was pretty funny seeing that they actually made a profit on some things :p

  • the ultimate ozb'er/USb'er

    BIG WASTE OF MONEY THOUGH esp when she bulk buys and cannot use/eat it all before it expires

    • Yeah, but i congratulate them. Especially to the one who spent $6. Ahahaha

      • +1

        yes i agree

        only watch the first half of it and a bit of the 2nd

        $500 down to $25 is impressive

        and also using their daughters bedroom cupboard for storage can be detrimental for the daughter

    • Indeed, she might as well bulk buy directly from the wholesale warehouse, or even from the manufacture.
      Their stockrooms probably bigger than the Kwik-E-Mart.

      • +2

        Their stockrooms probably bigger than the Kwik-E-Mart.

        probably, they should consider buying for the manufacturer directly, if they plan to buy at this price(unless the middle man is selling below cost)

    • +5

      cannot use/eat it all before it expires

      She sure does try though…

      • LOL. At 24 years of age….They really are saving up for leaner times..

        So why was she shopping for the party anyway? If they have 360+ cans of drink and shelves of chips? What about using the party as an opportunity to work through some of that stockroom stockpile?

      • HAHA

        my favourite was "early bird gets the worm". it seems like early bird gets the other birds that are still asleep.

        only 24, goodness me!!!

        EDIT: 10 minutes in, and we may laugh, but at the same time its a bit sad. also 101% SAVING! unreal.

  • +1

    lol this is hilarious. She "saves" 25% off x item, yet buys tonnes of crap that she doesnt actually need. Seriously, who needs 40 packets of chips :P

    LOL 35 containers of digestive tablets. Once tablet a day.. thats going to last for a looooong time.

    • +1

      LOL to the tablets. Probable aftereffects from the 40 packet of chips.

    • Talking about all the other craps that I buy on OzBargain which I would never need :) But yes, she is quite extreme.

  • +4

    well she can resell for money? BRODEN is at his move matey

    • +1

      BRODEN is at his move matey

      that was broden

      • +2

        Na, Broden is more epic than that video.

      • +1

        correction Broden

      • BRODEN has become the chuck norris of Ozbargain…but in a bad way :S

        • need I say Broden

          Listen this is what you have to do when typing Broden or else he/she will come out of your monitor and sell off all your stuff on ebay. Then boast he sold 10X as much

          double starBrodendouble star where double star is **

  • +4

    While I like a good bargain as much as the next OzBargainer (having enjoyed many from here) I think what was shown in the first link is a new kind of mental health issue (obsessive compulsive overconsumption). I know this might be a bit of a controversial comment here on OzB but ask yourself every time you see an appealing deal: "Do I really need this?" or "Do I have anywhere to put this?" . If you say yes then you should go ahead. If you still do it anyway in spite of a no, then you should seriously look into you impulse control or stop taking your medication for Parkinson's.

    If you have to hide it from the wife/husband then you should either not buy the product or be married.

    • +2

      I disagree. If I could save 96% on all my groceries I would do a very similar thing, I just wouldn't stock up on chips and other junk, but you wouldn't have to.

      What I still can't figure out is where these coupons come from….

      • Is it possible that Americans are preparing for the 'Doomsday' in 2012?

      • +2

        In the US you can get them in a mixture of magazines, newspapers, fliers in the mail etc. They're funded via a mixture of manufacturer, seller & often government. Anyone who's willing to be lenient on brands can get all their groceries for under $25 a week just by buying the paper every day.

  • early bird sales are where all the freebies are.
    I remember my Mom getting to a crockery warehouse store early at 5 AM since they were giving out 22 carat gold necklaces to the first 50.

    The US if you know the when and where is heaven for ozbargainers

    • they were giving out 22 carat gold necklaces to the first 50.

      woah…that's awesome

      and also don't forget that Australia doesn't have a BIG deadly black friday sale

      • +2

        a few years ago i was working for myer in toys during as a christmas casual, and i was ready on boxing day behind my counter when (no shit) i hear this moderate rumbling and 30 seconds later someguy came running out of the escalator running for the xmas dept this was like 7.02. I wanted to tell him dude, relax, but 10 minutes or so it got busy as shit and i dont think i looked over a customers shoulder for over 4 hours straight, so we might not have a big black friday sale, but dont under estimate our boxing day sales

        and if you really wanna skurr yourself, find out when your local woolies does a produce rtc run and see how rough it gets lol

  • when i was in california, i walked into a ralphs store and saw colgate toothpaste on special for ralphs members for just 99 cents, i was tempted to buy like 10 then and there…(no lol, just honest) something id like to see coles and woolworths adopt, less specials on things you dont need/want ( i dont care how many items are on special) , and bigger savings on everyday things that a customer isnt going to think twice with..

    • AFAIK toothpaste doesnt expire, so it might be a good deal. Same with washing powder, detergent etc. However the hoarding women on that video were also collecting things that will expire.

  • She sure was big considering how many chips they have in their 'storage' but haven't consumed. Unless that's just the leftovers.

    For 24 she's not looking too healthy.

    • At least she's saving money!

  • Best TV Show Ever

  • +1

    from episode 1.

    "collecting [coupons] can be a religious experience"
    "i would say this is a 100 holy bibles"

    ummmm ok

  • I've read some blogs where basically they get paid to shop, they purchase a lot of stuff they don't necessarily need to use the coupons (which they then donate the products to women's shelters/charity/etc) and because the coupon is worth more than the actual item, they then use the overage to pay for their normal groceries. The sheer number of rebates and free deals they get over there is insane.. I really wish they would do something similar here, buying groceries is starting to get pretty expensive, even just for 2 people.

    • basically they get paid to shop

      secret shoppers, forgot this website, they pay you to shop for things and do the reviews, you have to do like 'missions'

      • Sorry, what I meant is they're doing their own personal shopping and with the totals worked out by rebates received etc, at the end of the month their spending is in the negative

  • Lets all head to the midwest - free groceries and lenient/generous store policies aimed to help people out. But is that enough compensation for living in BFE???!!!!

    I have NEVER heard of any store giving money back from a coupon, sure it becomes free to the customer, but to get money back - that is absurd and unsustainable! People abuse these things and make it harder for everyone else when the store clues on and adds all sorts of conditions to their deals.

    I may be a stick in the mud -or a realist- but if you've only got $160 a MONTH to spend on food, DONT HAVE 4 KIDS!

    Sure I love a deal just like everyone else on there, but that video has actually made me upset!!!

    • In parts of America it's not exceptionally hard to feed a family of 6 on that amount. A friend of mine, for example, gets a pound of skin-free chicken breast for under $2, and that's standard price. We pay $5 for a pound on special.

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