I tried to purchase a gold coast restaurant SCOOPON today however somehow I managed to buy the melbourne deal instead. I immediately realised the error I had made and contacted SCOOPON to let them know what had happened. I was very upset to get a reply which basically said too bad! All I wanted was a credit so I could buy the local deal - both $29.00. I have made many purchases from SCOOPON but this is the last! I guess I should have learnt my lesson from the Golden Bucket scam!
Goodbye SCOOPON you suck!

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So what deal did you actually purchase?
@ voteoften - I saw the deal for; http://www.scoopon.com.au/brisbane as it came up on my FB page (and I am only subscribed to Brisbane Scoopon) I clicked on it and it took me straight to the payment screen. It was only when the payment was confirmed that I saw that it was the Melbourne deal! So I really don't think if was buyer error, but even if it was, I cannot see how this could not have been sorted out, considering I contacted them immediately.
@ neil - this is what I ended up getting;
I was told that I could transfer it to friend or family in Melbourne - I don't have…so bad luck!!!
maybe you can try and sell it on here, at least that way. you are not just losing the money bcos u cant use it!
woohoo…I see that I even get a $50 discount for my next 'deluxe hair package' in Melbourne! Now won't that be useful? maybe the airlines will put on free flights between Gold Coast and Melbourne soon so I can use what I have paid for ;o)
Think of it this way, stories like yours are what stops me from even attempting to use any of these dodgy group buy sites.
FWIW, your $29 has purchased yet more negative publicity for Scoopon; which they certainly don't need, they're doing just fine at it themselves; but you just paid for another nail in their business coffin! ;)
@ Stewballs - agreed. Don't let it put you off ALL of the deal sites though, I have also had good experiences. SCOOPON has done this to themselves, I sent two emails asking them to be reasonable but I just received 'generic' replies. Shame on them.
Hmmm…it is now clear why SCOOPON are not contactable by telephone ;o)
Even though it seems that the fault is on your side, I suggest you forget contacting Scoopon and do a chargeback with your credit card. Just tell them you purchased widget A and they delivered widget B and they are unable to assist. Keep in mind it may take a couple of months to see your refund if go that route.
@ neil - good advice, thanks.
Yet another Scoopon issue. It astounds me how many keep popping up.
They have a promo for their first birthday. Prize is to win a year of scoopons. They promote that it could be a year of house cleaning. I shudder at the idea of spending a year chasing some of these businesses to make good on the free scoopons. You would have no back up. Scoopon certainly wouldn't help and there would be no credit card chargeback available.
@ voteoften - I saw that promo, and made a comment in regards to the cleaning prize - more bad feedback coming up for Scoopon I think ;o)
Hi cablecol,
Can you please advise your unique ticket ID (it will look like ABC-123456), so we can ask our Support Team to look in to your query.
If a technical error has occurred as you suggest in this post, our team will be able to assist you further.Kind Regards,
Team Scoopon.Rather than fobbing cablecol off from the start, you could have found out what happened. Then this "goodbye Sccopon you suck" thread wouldn't have been started. It seems like the default position from scoopon is to deny everything, without attempting to understand.
She says she has already been in contact with you and was very upset at your response.
Why do people have to post on forums such as this before they get decent customer service?
why did you post this if you have no intention of sorting it out???
SCOOPON - Why did you ask me for my Ticket ID if you have no intention of looking into my query???
BTW - blocking my from your FB page will not silence me - you can be sure of that.I would imagine, as Scoopon=COTD, all the staff at both are under the pump ATM fielding the thousands of emails requesting refunds for the $4 mystery internet security suite ripoff item! ;)
well that was a waste of time - how rude
What happened after you sent them the ticket ID this time?
absolutely nothing!!!
I hope you aren't holding your breath!
I hope you aren't holding your breath!
Scoopon has just blocked me, I guess my comments on their page are a bit embarrassing ;-)
- Fair Trading here I come!!!What do you mean they blocked you?
They FB block anyone who posted bad publicity on there, not that it matters since OzBargain's website is on the front page of Scoopon reviews =)
Blocked you from what? Logging onto their site? Facebook?
they blocked me from commenting on their Facebook page - cowards!
Talk about customer service!
I have seen at least one other person who has said they bought by mistake in another city. How does that happen? Is it 100% buyer error or when you click on a deal, does a buy screen for another deal come up?
I think they should have let you transfer this deal from one city to another, regardless of fault. You were a loyal customer until it happened and it sound like you let them know before the deal closed. I think that buyers should be able to opt out if they do so before the deal closes.