• expired

AmEx Statement Credits: Harvey Norman (Registrations Capped), La Mer Online, BoozeBud and West Elm & Pottery Barn


Harvey Norman (Spend $350 or more, get $50 back) Registrations Capped

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $350 or more, in one or more transactions, online or in-store at Harvey Norman by 27/12/2018 to receive one $50 credit. Limited to the first 40,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

La Mer Online (Spend $200 or more, get $40 back)

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $200 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at cremedelamer.com.au by 31/12/2018 to receive one $40 credit. Limited to 15,000 Cards. Exclusions apply.

BoozeBud (Spend $100 or more, get $30 back)

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $100 or more, in one or more transactions, online only at www.boozebud.com by 01/01/2019 to receive one $30 credit. Limited to the first 10,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

West Elm & Pottery Barn (Spend $150 or more, get $30 back)

Save offer to eligible Card and spend $150 or more, in one or more transactions, in-store or online at West Elm, Pottery Barn or Pottery Barn Kids by 25/12/2018 to receive one $30 credit. Limited to first 10,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • +6

    Was literally just few moments ago, on my AMEX app, nothing was there.
    Saw this post, logged back in again…

    Saved three to card, but the interesting one, Boozebud, must be targetted, I don't have that on my offers page

    • +1

      Got Boozebud, but no Pottery Barn

      • Same. I think because I've used Pottery Barn offer before.

    • +1

      no boozebud here …

      • +1

        I got it, don't want it. I think it knows

      • bought beer from BB and half of it was out of date.

        sent them an email a week ago and no reply as yet.

        wouldnt rush for that one

        • bought beer from BB and half of it was out of date.

          Surprising - I would've thought they had fresh stock, given how overwhelmed they've been with the recent black friday/cyber monday deals.

          Did you order some uncommon craft beers that could've been on the shelf for while?

          sent them an email a week ago and no reply as yet.

          They've been pretty good about shipping replacements at no cost - didn't even have to return the wrong items. Just took a while …

  • Is this offer only to selected cards? I’m using the essential card but not showing up on my offers page.
    I tried logging out and back in still not there

  • Thanks for sharing. Saved :)

  • +1

    Out of my 2 cards on one account (Velocity Plat and Plat Edge), Harvey Norman offer only available on my Platinum Edge.

    Haven't checked my other accounts yet.

    edit: Ok I was blind. HN offer was available on all cards so I don't think it's targeted.

    • Was able to save (all) onto one card, however subsequently logging into another card 'Sorry. Offers are currently unavailable. Please try again later.' Possibly an issue with their system at current?

  • +1

    Missed out on Harvey Norman one last time around, available on 2 cards…just in time for xmas

    • Last one was better. 50 back on 250.

      • did not get last one…so..

        something is better than nothing

      • I'm wondering if the current offer which equates to 14.3% off is even worth it for staking up on gift cards….

  • +32
    • Awesome saved now wait for PS4 pro bundle

      • waiting for Switch or with bundle to drop from HN :)

    • +4

      Any chance you could post a manual link for Boozebud?

    • Legend! Saved the Harvey Norman one.
      How do you create these links?
      Sometimes I'm not targeted and no heroes come in with manual links :(

    • +1
  • Got the Harvey Norman offer on all three of my Amex cards, but the West Elm and La Mer one didn’t show up on my two DJs Amex cards and only the Velocity Escape one

    • what does HN even sell for this offer to be usefull ?

      • +1

        gift cards which are valid for 3 years

        • which can also be used at Domayne

  • Got boozebud on my plat edge

  • +13

    Just saw a Facebook ad for Boozebud which should be able to be combined with this - use code '25BUD' for $25 off $100 spend.

    Not sure what their prices are like but seems like a good discount.

    • +4

      Plus stack with current deal of 10% off 3 cases beer. Just bought 3 cases Coopers Pale Ale for $104.47. $74.47 with American Express. $25/carton!

    • +2

      Stack with the Groupon deal

      • +2

        The stacking with Groupon for boozebud doesn't make sense. You're better off using multiple accounts with just the Groupon voucher.

    • Thanks for heads up - note code is for first time customers.

  • hardly normal is getting worst, this was supposed to be a better offer than the 250/50, lol

    • +6

      Few Years ago it was 300/100

      • i know that's why i said this dec offer is normally better, but at hardly normal it's probably normal

      • +1

        The bigger difference was they sold Visa/Vpay card few years back. Not anymore :(

      • I remember when it was sirens $300 get $150 back.

  • There's an offer for Kayo Sports too: spend $25 get $15 back. New subscribers only. Offer ends 14/02/19.

  • Harvey shows up on all mine, but boozebud only on the westpac altitude

  • +4

    Combine Boozebud offer with Groupon Boozebud vouchers

    • but that voucher wouldn't count towards your $100 spend here, wouldn't it?

      • -3

        So common sense isn’t so common these days?

        If it’s still hard to process for the peanut brain of whoever negged me here it is bit more elaborated. You will have to spend $150 to combine it with Groupon voucher

    • +1

      Cheers was going to ask that

      And yes one would assume its a $100 spend after discounts

      • +5

        Yeah it’s ozbargain, unless you personally go to their home and do it for them, you would get negged for trying to help find a bargain

  • +9

    Does anyone have manual link for BoozeBud

  • all came up for me,I've only had the card for 2 weeks

  • What is the best Amex card. I used to have one it till NAB dropped amex.

    • +1

      Best is subjective, would depend on your needs and spend.
      Essentials is the simplest. No fees plus you get (most of) these offers.

      • That sounds like it no fee and features

    • +1

      Pretend you’re a CPA and get a fee free Gold card

      • Do they check?

        • I don’t think so. Worked for me. If anything the organisation would get a little kick back for the sign ups.

          I just looked at the online form (link below) and it doesn’t seem to even require a made up “member number” anymore.

    • Sorry. Now you have to pretend you're a doctor.


  • +1

    Haven't got Boozebud on any cards :(
    I'm hoping a manual link will be found soon.

  • +2

    still remember 2 years ago, HN gift card run…..

    • +1

      Me too. So good. Used the visa gift card to buy Woolies gift card at whatever the discount was, then bought JB Hifi gift card with those. Rip HN.

  • Tempted to bite the bullet and get the Sony WH-1000XM3 from HN for $349 - $399 retail price minus $50 cash back…

    • Same thinking of biting on the Bose QC35 too !

      • Either this or from the Qantas store $340 plus 2000 points

        • No trs that way though

          • @googoogaga: I read in the older qantas store thread for the Sony XM3 that you can still claim TRS if you get it through the qantas store

  • Got HN / BoozeBud / LaMer / Lenovo ($1299 get $120) / Kayo Sport ($25 get $15)

    • Via APP

    Looked different on the website.

    Amex Explorer

  • Amex offer does not show up on my westpac altitude Amex. Using the manual link o receive the message that this card is not entitled to the offer. It must be targeted or else perhaps based on spending on the card as I don't spend much on my westpac Amex.

    • i had a similar message come up with my westpac amex. The I had used autofill for a few of the fields, on the third time i manually entered info into all the fields and it worked. shrug

    • try this from here

      Using FireFox, go to https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…
      Fill in your details
      Right click on the page and select Inspect Element
      Click the button next to Inspector tab (hovering your cursor above it, it should read "Pick an element from the page")
      Click the Enrol Now button
      In the code, delete validateFields(this) and replace it with true
      Click Enrol Now button again
      All credits go to @truetypezk & @jobski

  • +1

    Can you use BUD25 with the Groupon code?

    You could use a $10 groupon for $50 credit combined with BUD25 for $25 off and this statement credit.

    For $100 of booze you would only pay $5 (after credit) for $100 of booze?

    • Using the Groupon prob wouldn't trigger the $100 Amex spend though would it? So you'd have to spend over $150? Great deal though

      • +7

        Read the terms of the boozebud offer: " $100 or more, in one or more transactions"

        One or more. So buy 2 of the groupons for $20, make 2 boozebud accounts, in each spend $100 (which has to be the min total, and that includes delivery in the $100), then apply the groupon, brings down to $50, pay on the amex card for both.

        So total spend = 2 x (50 at boozebud + 10 at groupon) - 30 amex credit = $90, for which (depending on where you live and the resulting delivery charges, for Sydney it's $7 per order) you get up to $185 of credit at boozebud.

        Of course you can & should use cashback on the groupon order (7% at shopback, so 20 * 0.07 = $1.40, so brings the effective total min spend down to $88.60

        And you can try using cashback on the boozebud order, but assume it won't go through with the groupon code.

        But what you ideally want is another site-wide boozebud offer that gets applied automatically (like the save 20% that happened over black friday) and that did not need a coupon code (as boozebud only allows one coupon code at a time, and the groupon offer counts as code), AND another half price or similar offer at groupon for the boozbud coupons. If we got both of those, that would bring the effective total cost down to ~$79, and push the effective boozebud credit up to around $220.

        And no you can't use BUD25 with the groupon code: remember, only one code per order at Boozebud.

        One very important note about boozebud: Their delivery is a total shamozzle at the moment. I ordered on 26 Nov, 8 days ago, and it said "Delivery: Wed 28 Nov - Thu 29 Nov by AusPost". Here we are 8 days later, and it hasn't even shipped yet (still says "accepted"), with zero sign of any actual progress on the order. That's pretty annoying as I really wanted part of the order for this weekend (I assumed 2 weeks would be enough - looks like I assumed wrong). So don't even THINK of ordering from Boozebud if you have a deadline you need it for, because you very likely will be disappointed. At the current rate, I think we would be lucky to get any order by Christmas. And definitely keep your Amex card open in case you need to issue a chargeback/dispute the transaction if the delivery times are unreasonable (e.g. more than 4 weeks would be unreasonable, IMHO), or if Boozebud goes bust (it's always a worrying sign when businesses start running lots of too-good-be-true promos to bring in cash but not delivering on them, especially in the lead up to Christmas; Dick Smith with their offers and gift cards right before they folded near Christmas being a recent example). I hope it's all okay, but I do think these things need to be flagged as things to be aware of.

        • +2

          I need to write a comment to this to remind myself when I get home. thanks for writing such a detailed and eloquent comment friend!

        • +4

          The giant ABI bought Boozebud so it shouldn't go bankrupt

    • You can't combine the Groupon coupon and BUD25 to my knowledge. Only one discount code can be applied.

  • Does HN still sell the visa eftpos card?

    • Nope

    • +3

      Hmm it'd be interesting to see what a Visa EFTPOS card would look like. It'd be like a Visa Mastercard :P

  • +1

    Looks like I’m joining Boozebud.
    Anyone had experience with slow delivery of their order. I have heard this has been a problem with Boozebud

    • They can be slow, yes. Especially at the moment.

      • Yes very much so but their prices are the best I've seen in years. So as others have mentioned if you need it soon don't bother. I ordered a lot from them however delivery times were more like 3 weeks. I had some newer orders fulfilled before other orders that were ordered over a week before. Price's are cheap so I'm not complaining. I'm still waiting on 2 orders which were ordered about 2 weeks ago which I really needed, you win some you lose some.

    • I've had an order placed since 24th Nov…. it is STILL in "accepted" status.
      It's now 4th Dec, no sign of when it will get shipped.
      Have tried pinging them via their "live chat" but can't get on to them - "Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you."


    • -1

      i have always got my order within a couple of days. They are much better than dan murphys etc.

      • Yeah seems they are really behind atm due to the amount of orders they've received of late.

        Even the live chat/support is struggling…
        I got a pre-canned email saying it could be "up to 36 hours" before hearing back from them on my support message.

        Not a great first experience! :(

  • Looks like i have alll of them on my Essential

  • Damn it the Apple Watch sale at Harvey Norman ended a few days too early. Damn it.

    • +2

      Was there a sale on series 4?

  • +1

    Try logging in twice! First time only saw HN and La Met, second time the other two popped up on the app.

  • +2

    Manual link for Boozebud? i don't have it =(

  • +9

    Thanks Poster -


    24 x Furphy Ale $46.95 $46.95
    24 x Little Creatures Rogers Beer $64.99
    24 x Corona Extra Bottles $43.95
    Sub-Total $152.53
    Shipping $6.89

    Groupon offer - https://www.groupon.com.au/deals/boozebud-4
    $10 for $50 credit (Cashrewards 6%)

    AMEX Offer - $30 Credit
    Cashrewards 7%

    Grand Total = $81.52

    • I'd remove the cashrewards 7% deduction, as cashrewards t&cs exclude unlisted discount codes. Of course you may get lucky, but you can't factor it in to the grand total. So grand total is more likely to be around $88.82. But still, nice one :-)

      • I got the Cashrewards tracked email so yea fingers crossed.

        • +2

          You'll always get the tracking (assuming tracking all working and no technical issues or ad blocking), the issue arises later when they do the reconciliation - basically boozebud may or may not pay Cashrewards, which is the step in "up to 95 days" where it either gets approved or denied.

  • +1

    none of my cards have had a single offer in months. anyone else had this problem?

    • yes! just got the hilton offer seemingly permanently. which i don’t use.

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