This was posted 6 years 3 months 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1/PS4/PC] Rainbow Six Siege $10 + Delivery/Free C+C @ EB Games


EB Games daily deals have started again. Rainbow Six Siege on all platforms $10, one day only. Starts midnight tonight Brisbane time (AEST), 1am AEDT.

Xbox One Link:…
PC Link:

*Edit: standard edition on all platforms, links updated.

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EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • Will it be on steam?

    • +4


      • Damn :(

      • Can I still play with people on steam?

  • Any idea which edition is the pc version? (starter, standard, advanced, gold :D)

    • +6

      Should be standard edition

    • When I bought it at EB a year ago it was Standard Edition at the advertised sale price, with Gold Edition available (for more money) if you wanted it.

      • How much was advanced or gold edition?

        • At EB - not sure. At the time I bought it Advanced wasn't released and I wasn't interested in getting the Gold Edition so I didn't even check what price it was when they mentioned it. You could probably call up the store to check since it doesn't seem to be on their site.

    • +3

      Don't buy the starter version unless you really really love to grind!

      Starter edition gives you 2 operators and rest of the vanilla operators cost 12500 renown
      Where as with standard edition vanilla operators cost 500-2000 renown

      It's a question of time versus money.

      • Any benefit going higher than standard? Does gold lower renown cost even more or just give you more renown.


          Advanced gives you a bit of in-game money and some random cosmetic items.

          Gold gives you the current year's season pass but not past years. We are at the end of the Year 3 pass (various bonuses including slightly increased renown gain) so you will unlock the 8 Year 3 operators straight away.

          Complete gives you everything above plus the operators from years 1 and 2. If you get this on sale it is a far cheaper way to unlock all the operators than buying a cheaper version and then unlocking later in-game.

          • @waltkowalski: What's a good price to wait for complete edition on pc?

            • @AlienC: It's 65% off at that US Ubisoft store right now which is a great price but it is geo-restricted. I'm not sure if a simple VPN will bypass that and avoid issues later.

              If that discount were applied to the ANZ store it would be $63 AUD. Just to clarify the game is very playable with just the base game - you will just need to play a lot or spend money in game to unlock the other operators.

      • +2

        Ahhhhh the ubisoft grind. It's heavy hand can be felt on every game they've released in the last 10 years. And 5yrs ago they decided to double down on it. Makes every game less an experience than a lifestyle decision.

  • Starts 9pm for Perth.

    • +5

      If it's 12 for QLD and 1am for NSW/Vic, then it will be 10pm for WA.

  • Advanced Edition is already $28. If somebody who plays the game could recommend which one is better value I'd appreciate it

    • +5

      Meh, advanced includes:
      - 10 Outbreak Collection packs, including items from the time-limited and exclusive Outbreak Collection*
      - 600 Rainbow Six Credits

      Not really worth it in my opinion. I've got standard and had some great gameplay!

    • +4

      Advanced edition only seems to give u a free unlock in form of 600 credits and 10 packs of decorative icons.

      If you have a xbox one the $23 gold edition year 2 is far better value.

      Unlocks for advanced characters are expensive after you unlock the cheaper basic set. Which is at least 10+ hours of playtime to unlock for EACH character.

      $10 seems a great price for standard. starter game is a gimmick which forces u to grind.

    • Looks like it is just cosmetic extras (skins I guess) and some credits for the store. Doesnt seem to add any maps or OP weapons so I would say standard for $10 is the obvious choice IMO.

    • Gold Edition and Complete Edition are probably the best choices if you enjoy the game, Advanced is just basically cosmetics + enough credits for 1 DLC operator or some other items.

  • Good game. Multiplayer is very fun. Not sure what the servers are like now though.

    • +3

      Think it's still pretty popular. For 10 bucks it probably worth trying.
      I loved rainbow 6 and rouge spear back in the day

      • 40 million players globally & counting, it's doing ok

    • +6

      Better than ever, plus the game gets seasonly updates (four major updates a year) which usually adds new characters and maps (or reworks old ones), for $10 this game is a steal!

      • +4

        Servers in Australia are really popular. You will have no problems finding matches

        • Good to hear. I haven't played it in over a year as the servers were ridiculous. I'll have to fire it up again. Now they just need to hurry up and finally add some Aussie operators.

  • +4

    OP do you have a link for the Daily Deal page?

  • Good price for a smurf account

  • +1

    Hope somebody who plays this regular can chime in. I really get the impression that it has a steep learning curve and the online community is a bit ruthless to inexperienced/casual players?

    • Ranked games can be hard which is why you should just play casual to begin & then join the online games if you want to later, no pressure to do soo

    • +17

      This game has an extremely steep learning curve. I'm in my mid 20's and have been playing FPSes since start of high school beginning with COD and every other FPS under the sun: CSS, CSGO, Battlefield (2, 2142, 3,4 ), Planetside 2 and many other free to play titles,

      Forget everything you know about shooters because R6S is a different beast of its own where reflexes and aim come secondary to map knowledge, intelligence on the enemy via CCTV cameras, player-equipped cameras, sound, traps being triggered, etc. A good headset is mandatory for this game so that you can hear the enemy's footsteps (which vary in volume depending on the armour rating of the operatives), changes in stances (crouching/proning) down to the action of aiming down sights or even just moving the mouse left or right.

      Map knowledge and sound are absolutely crucial to this game, and if you don't have the time to play 1-2 hours a day then I don't think your casual player would enjoy the experience.

      Having played all of the above games, I was getting my arse handed to me up until ~75hours into the game and even now at around ~150 I still don't think im prepared to play ranked. If you manage to brute force your way through this initial uphill struggle, the payoff is amazing and you begin to see why you keep coming back to what is a genre defining game and you will then understand how the game has actually increased its PC population from ~20k 3 years ago to ~100k+ now.

      This standard edition is the full game and comes with 20 operatives by default. Each operative costs ~25k renown with the exception of your year 1 operatives being 40% off until March next year. You earn almost 300 renown per match on wins, and about 110 on losses. Each match lasts around 15 mins. You get weekly challenges amounting to about an extra ~1.2k renown per week as well as daily challenges for 150. All up, the grind for operators is real unless you decide to spend more money on buying batches of year 1, 2 or 3 operators that cost about $30 per batch. I.e. to be current with this year (year 3's) operatives, you would need to spend ~$100 in total.

      All up, the game is awesome. There's no game out there like this. This isn't Battlefield, COD or CS - it's a beast of its own. If you don't have time to learn the game's mechanics, maps then I'd steer clear of it.It's difficult for at least the first 100 hours, but if you can afford to play 1-2 hours a day - you'll love it.

      • Do they still have the heartbeat sensors and the fake sensor pucks?
        I haven't played an r6 since number 3.

        • Yep, heartbeat sensor is a gadget one operator has, not quite sure what fake sensor puck is though.

          • @jikijiki: Ah cool.

            The fake sensor was a device you could drop.
            It would then show up when someone would use they sensor.

            Good way to lure someone where you can take advantage.

            • @iamhurtin: Don't know if this fits the bill but there's an operator who can chuck 3 extremely lifelike holographic decoys of herself on the floor. If the enemy shoots these decoys their position is revealed.

      • As above poster said. This is no run and gun. It's literally almost like a real life scenario game.

        Plan, plan, plan.

        You set up traps in choke points, you counter traps in choke points
        You funnel your enemies into particular spaces, you try to avoid being funnel into particular areas.

        Most importantly, you must communicate. This is essential! There is nothing worse than having a team who does not communicate and decide to go all lone wolf then get toxic at the lack of support/camping/traps.

        • No run and gun? Must have never seen a Jager/Ash main before.

      • Thanks for sharing your experience with the game. I normally wouldn't take too much into consideration at this price-point but certainly think this is important to consider for casual players (like myself) who either don't have the time, patience or thin enough backlog to make it worthwhile or enjoyable. I appreciate the detail you went into… made the decision that little easier.

      • Is the engine anything like battlefield?

        I played it for maybe 20mins hated it and don't think I'll ever try another battlefield game

        • I'm not sure what differences/similarities you'd like to be specified. The destruction in Siege is on a micro scale with the destruction you create based on the gun you're shooting. At least compared to Battlefield 4, the destruction in Siege is much more realistic and has a very real use in the game.

          The amount of destruction you create depends on the gun being used e.g. you can melee wooden walls to create tactical murder holes from odd angles or you can clear entire chunks of walls with shotguns.

          The sound that you can hear is also affected by any hole that's been created meaning sounds are more muffled if there is no 'opening'.

          • @jikijiki: Just picked up game and engine is nothing like battlefield which is good.

  • Edit: nvm

    • +3

      1 day. Every day there's a new deal. Kinda like maccas

  • +1

    Whats the trade in value? Could this be used for deals like the $39 for SSBU with 2 trade ins?

  • +1

    Free Command + Conquer w00t!

  • Can't overstate how much fun my friends and I have had with this over the years. Absolute S T E A L for $10.

  • Would not be surprised if Amazon is watching EB over the next 12 days of deals and has some price matches which will be extremely handy with prime free shipping and cashback offers as well.

    • It would only benefit prime members, no prime for me so prefer EB for once

      • If you create a new Amazon au account with a different email you will get another free prime trial. Well worth doing since a lot of their lightning deals are prime exclusives.

    • -2

      Somebody PM me when Amazon match this price, please.

      worth the down votes…

  • anyone know do i need ps+ for multiplayer?

    • +2

      Yep, you do.
      Only f2p play games like fortnight don't require it.

  • +5

    Absolutely pumped to see Siege on the front page of OzBargain. The game has so much going for it at the moment along with the ANZ scene. In two weeks we're starting Season 9 of Pro League which everyone is excited for.

    ESL hosts weekly Go4s (one day tournaments) where the top 4 teams get prizes; R6 Credits to spend on the premium items ingame. Go4s have a minimum age of 15+ so 99% of players can sign up.

    Alongside that the Open Qualifiers for the Six Invitational in February will be happening on the 8th December. All teams are welcome to join however it is strictly 18+.

    If you are a solo player looking for a team or just people to play with, join the R6 ANZ community Discord. It is the biggest ANZ community in the region and it has worked closely beside Ubisoft Australia. It's an official stream partner of Ubi Aus. All staff are volunteers who have dedicated tons of their time to build the scene in ANZ for Siege.

    R6 ANZ will also be hosting its second charity event in the next 4-6 weeks where we will be raising money for Headspace. Two prominent gaming orgs have pledged their support in this event which is amazing.

    The game and the ANZ community are without a doubt the best thing I've ever seen in my 15 years of gaming. I've been playing since launch and I don't see me stopping any time soon.

    Join the Discord:

    Feel to reach out to me here or on Discord (Jebus#0001) and I'll be happy to show you the ropes.

  • 8% EB gift card discount for Suncorp (AAMI, etc) members

    • Is this on I can't find EB on there to save myself!

      • Oh snap! You're right, nowhere to be seen! I saw it a few days ago so they've removed it - bizzare…

        • Interesting! The range of and discount on gift cards has truly diminished recently.

  • +1

    Anyone know what the other deals will be?

  • cheers, bought one

  • This is a price siege and a rainbow.

  • Wow thanks OP and ozbargain

    This is getting a bit ridiculous
    Never even had a console or really intended to buy
    It all started with This deal on the xbox bought using cashrewards with this deal and on my amex using this deal

    Then I ended up getting a wireless pig controller for $29 using this deal x 2

    And now I have my first game…


    Haven’t actually played anything beyond the old CS FPS so I’m worried I’ll be frustrated and way out of my depth here. Hopefully can just find some casual servers that aren’t too exasperating

    • +1

      Yup, there's a causal gamemode where you're free to mess around. Some people do get a bit toxic from time to time but most of the time it's heaps of fun.

      • legend thank you, was worried I was throwing away the cash, even though it's still a bargain… recall playing advanced comps in CS and just about smashing my gear in frustration

  • Will jb hifi price match this? Gotta use my $10 voucher lol

    • They should - I got COD - WW2 for $5 after price matching Amazon at $15

  • Forgot to check this morning. Most store nearby don't have stock for PC. :(

  • buy this game for 10$ totally worth it . all base operators are now free. and i think the yr 1 operatiors was or is discounted for ingame earnable currency.

    • ?? base operators
      Tell me more!

    • Your right, yr1 discounted. Year 2+3 free.

      Correct me if I'm wrong but the operators are useless if you have no gold account. Right?

  • +1

    Thanks OP! Price matched at JB to get a $10 voucher for requesting a digital receipt.

  • Out of stock in all the stores near me :(

    • Was only $3.50 postage for me, still a bargaun

      • Only option is to C&C when i get to the check out

        • I put a click and collect in a few hours ago, had it cancelled by the local store saying they couldn't find stock for me - refund pending in PayPal.

          • @ceriaz: There should be an option where it says they might send out a copy free postage if you don't cancel order.

            I've had the same thing happen twice, didn't cancel order and they sent out order. Although it takes roughly 2 weeks by the time you receive it

  • What's the Day 2 Deal? EB Games Facebook page says we can get a preview at 7pm EDST, but there's still no update;…

    • Bleh. Fallout 76 and 4 $80

      • That's a deal? Lolwut.

  • How big is the download size for Rainbow Six Siege atm ?

    • For what platform?

      67gb for Steam and uPlay

      • My bad, it was for PC and you've answered my question - thank you. Bought it last night and going to pick it up over the weekend. Going to look at Youtube videos and tutorials. I'm used to the fast paced FPS like Overwatch and COD so I need to learn to be more patient

  • Last night bought PC version and click and collect at Carlingford today, didn't hope they actually have it but they did.

    Not sealed but all good activated.

  • If anyone wants this in Victoria (west) u can have my copy for $10.

    Played for about an hour, good game but you need good to really enjoy it

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