• expired
  • targeted

AmEx Statement Credit: Amazon.com.au - Spend $100 or More, Get $15 Back


offer ends 28/11/18
Available in my card but not able to find amex website, not sure it is targeted offer.

Only valid for Australia delivery.
All items must be in stock at the time of placing your order.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, at www.amazon.com.au or www.audible.com.au. Offer valid at Australian websites only.
Offer is limited to one credit per Card to which the offer is saved and only spend on this Card counts towards the Offer.
Excludes transactions where you do not spend directly with your Card to which the offer is saved, at Amazon.com.au at amazon.com.au. Offer valid at Australian website only.
Excludes transactions made through a third party establishment or payment processor.
Credit is not redeemable for cash or other payment form.
Credit should appear on your billing statement within 5 business days from qualifying spend but may take up to 90 days from the offer end date.
Credit will not be applied to your Card account if your Card has been suspended or cancelled.
Credit may be reversed if your qualifying purchase is refunded or cancelled.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
Amazon AU
Amazon AU
American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • +1

    Be careful if your Amazon order gets split up due to different shipping times. Amazon only charges your card at shipping time for the value of the items to be shipped. This can result in your order >$100 being split into two separate payments <$100, and the Amex offer won't trigger.

    As it says in the conditions, "All items must be in stock at the time of placing your order."

    • I dont think it matters about multiple payments, as long as all the payments are before the end date… Because it says one or more transactions…

      • Oops, you're right. I re-read the offer and can now see "one or more transactions", must have missed that on first read. Cheers

  • +2

    Not on my card

  • +2

    Does anyone have manual link?

  • +1

    Can't see it in my offers…

  • Targeted

  • Thanks, got them in my Essentials cards

  • +1

    It shown on my platinum card but not on my explorer, I guess it only apply one card that didn’t use in amazon purchase

  • In before anyone asks can you buy Amazon giftcards

    • I hope so

  • What staple to buy from Amazon with the lowest shipping fees? Any recco?

    • frangas

  • It shows on one of my cards but not the other (explorer).

  • No love here

  • No Amazon offer for my Velocity Escape :(

    • I got it on mine

  • Got 2 out of 6 cards.

  • got on my AMEX CA gold card

  • Not on either of my cards (Edge, Explorer) this time. Oh well, I got the Under Armour offer instead…

  • +1

    None for Westpac AMEX.

    Any manual link please?

  • Sigh all these amex deals with my now useless cba card

    • There are a few fee-free cards that you could look into :)

  • -1

    8 offers saved. Will buy Amazon gift cards with them

    Just in time for black Friday and cyber Monday

  • not targeted ;(

    • You are not targeted so this deal is targeted.
      If everyone is targeted then this deal is not targeted.

  • +1

    Seems like you were not targeted if your card has spent at Amazon.com.au before

    • +1

      I got it and I've spent on amazon.com.au on the card and US Amazon (big purchases recently when it the US, shipped to a Amazon locker and put it all in suitcase home)

    • -1

      Spend 300 yesterday, and got this offer today. SAD!!!

  • can i buy amazon giftcard?

  • Its available on the Amex app under 'Offers'. Not bad

  • Lame, not on my card

  • +36

    Took one for the team. Bought a gift card and it worked.

    • Does anyone know the max number of gift cards you can use per transaction on Amazon?

      • +1

        Just load up your account with all gift cards you have and pay with account balance.

    • How do you know it worked? Dont you have to wait a few days for the payment to be processed and the credit to be applied on your statement / bank account?

      • Probably got an email.

        • -1

          thats what i usually rely on but in this case it cant be email because there is no manual link and its not on the amex offers website, only on the direct amex credit card account offers. And when you get the offers through that method, they dont email or send you any notice when you have used an offer. at least not for me, i only get emails when i enable the offers through the amex connect page.

          • +3

            @lonewolf: I got an Amex email and the gift card maybe a couple of minutes after I ordered.

            • @Red Hippo: how did you get the offer? through the Amex credit card account website right? Thats interesting, maybe its a feature i need to turn on as i never get emails about offers activated if i get the offer through that website. But if i do a manual enrol or get it through the amex connect / amex offers website then i do get the emails straightaway.

              Did you just get the 100$ gift card?

              • @lonewolf: I just saved the offer via the app. I have an email address saved to my account so that's how they emailed me.

                All I bought was a $100 gift card.

                • @Red Hippo: hmm maybe thats it, I dont use the App, I go to my account through my laptop and get the offers.

          • +1

            @lonewolf: I have been receiving confirmation emails when I used the offers registered in Amex app.

            • @sh4wnc: Looks like i should have been using the APP all this time :(.

    • Physical gift card or egift card?

    • Did you try getting cashrewards?

      • +1

        Cash rewards offer not valid for gift cards

    • how long does the gift card arrive after you order?

  • +1

    Frustratingly not on my card as I'm just about to buy something from Amazon.

    • Even more frustrating, just spent 300 yesterday, and got this offer TODAY. SAD!!!

    • There'll be many selling their offers in classified section soon.

  • I have a pre-order which I have changed to use the amex card which it getting shipped next week. Hopefully it all goes through well.

    • +2

      Just buy yourself egiftcards, pocket the savings now and edit order to pay with gift card balance. Simples.

  • I got the offer on the Gold Amex I do not use and did not get the offer on the Essentials card I use daily.

  • Will this offer work for eGift Card?

  • +1

    Does Cashrewards work when using your account balance?

  • +4

    None of my cards got it (even cards that have never spent on Amazon), very disappointing.

  • Got the offer on Platnium amex.

    Wonder if this still works buying from Amazon "global store" but via Amazon AU site?

    So there a hard disk sold for $10 cheaper on Amazon Global Store compared to sold by "Amazon AU" but still sold on Amazon.com.au

  • Got it on
    American Express® Westpac Altitude Platinum Card
    Qantas American Express Card

    • I've got American Express Westpac Altitude Platinum Card, the Amazon offer wasn't listed!

      • Mine appeared after a while but it dit

        • Still nothing :-(

    • How you know that you have got this offer?
      I have a Westpac bundled card. I cannot see it.


      • Suspect the number of redemptions will have been reached by now.
        But if you can't see it under "Amex Offers -> Available", then you don't have it.

  • Are additional cardholders able to save these offers? I saved it on my main card but just wondering if it can be saved on others too? (fine print says it is valid only on card which saves the offer)

    • Yes it can be…if the offer is there

  • +1

    On my cards. all of them! And supplimetries

    • All 23 cards?

    • Well they blocked my account when I was buying gc from my supplementary card lol. Not sure how it works with Amazon. I used the name on the supplementary card though.

  • Got on Primary Velocity Amex Platinum and a Secondary Velocity Amex Platinum (from my wife).

  • When trying to save offer I get this error message:

    Sorry. We were unable to save this offer to your Card. Please try again later.

    Anyone else? Never seen this one before.


    Hmm now saying:

    Sorry. Offers are currently unavailable. Please try again later.


    • Maybe max enrollments reached?

      • It's showing no offers at all when I login. Even saved offers are gone. Looks like some glitch.


        EDIT: Seems some corrupt cookie, all good now.

    • maybe max out, total of 15000 cards

  • I ordered the Mario party bundle that will come out ok 23rd. Saved the offer on my Amex card, which I had already used for the pre-order. Will I get the statement credit when the payment is processed? Anyone with experience of this?

    • Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as Amex deals go, as long as you spend within the eligibility period (between now and 28/11/18), you'll get the statement credit

    • +1

      The fine print says item needs to be in stock at the time of ordering. (is no pre-orders?)

      Buy yourself a $100 egiftcard, then apply it to the existing preorder.

  • +2

    Don't forget the new 11% Amazon.com.au Cash rewards offer.

  • not on amex qantas discovery or platinum edge

  • Can we split payment?

    • No but buy mutiple egift cards

  • None on my essential cards. Usually get most of the deals

  • Getting a few on my cards but don't know what to use with… Can I sell them?

  • I want to buy a bloody $99 item -_- Any way of making it $100? Are there $1 items somewhere that I can add ha?

    • +2

      Buy egift card for $100. Then pay your item with it.

  • +1

    I would buy a gift card but I want the cash rewards, so it would be cheaper for me to buy an extra item for a dollar to make it 100, if possible that is

    • yeah same here, it would be good to get cashrewards as well.

    • -1

      Get the giftcard using this deal, then (via Cash Rewards) put through another transaction and pay for the real item you want with the giftcard.

  • I'm a newbie, can someone explain how I can apply my amercian express credit card to get this discount. Will it show up in my checkout if I use my american express card?

    • Assuming that you managed to apply for this deal before registration closed out then you just need to spend $20+ on a single transaction at a valid location and you will (for most cases) get an email from Amex within a few minutes and within the next 5 business days a $10 credit.

      • Where abouts would I register for the deal? And I Thought the deal was $100 spend for $15 credit.

        • Assuming you already have your Amex card, log into your Amex account and see what offers are available.
          There should be a 'Save to card' button on each offer unless registrations have maxed out.

          I think danielh was referring to the Shop Small offer, which is spend $20 at various locations for $10 cash back.

          • @zonra: Yeah sorry. Had opened up multiple Amex deals on my screen and got mixed up as to which one I was reading. Just ignore the $20 bit.

  • Using this offer with https://www.amazon.com.au/Samsung-T5-Portable-SSD-MU-PA500B/… works out quite well. Cheapest I've seen it.

  • I purchased couple of items today from Amazon US, both saying in stock, but Amex card doesn't seem to get charged yet, do they only charge it when they ship out? Any idea if I can prove to Amex that when it is actually ordered today and the items are in stock?

    • Offer only valid on amazon.com.au

      • Yeah but I purcahsed it through Amazon AU but sold and shipped by Amazon US. Should be still eligible no?

      • +1

        Just answering my own question, Amazon AU has charged my card and received confirmation email of Amex offer redeemed.

  • does amazon prime subscription qualify for this?

  • will it work for physical gc? have prime so free delivery

  • I made a purchase of several items a week ago, it seems I get the email straight away, but coz amazon doesn’t take money out until things ship and some items can take weeks to ship my amex now says my offer is expired.

    So even though I made my purchase well with the expiry I won’t get the $15 :(

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