• expired

10% off Sitewide @ eBay ($120 Min Spend, $300 Max Discount)


10% Sitewide at ebay today from 10AM

  • Promocode - PUDDING
  • Min spend $120
  • Max Saving $300

Excluded Items' means;

all items listed in the following categories;
Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030), Coins (11116), Gift Cards (184609), Other Lots More Items (88433), Real Estate (10542), Services (316), Tickets, Travel (11730); and
all items sold by the following Sellers:

  • Officeworks
  • Fantastic Furniture
  • Target

Terms Here

Click the Related Tab to see all PUDDING deals.

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eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +10

    Min aspens $120


    • +13

      a skiing term?

      • +7

        Careful, I get the feeling this sense of humour is going down a slippery slope

        • +4

          That was just the lift I needed…

        • +1

          Michael Schumacher may disagree

          • @Wally: Woah woah woah! This could snowball.

      • +1

        A place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. A little place called… Aspen.

    • +3


    • Some place warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

  • +3

    Hahaha fixed! Still need the morning coffee ☕️

    • +8

      7-Eleven is good for that, just enter a bad pin

      • just enter a bad pin

        Is there a hack to get free coffee

        • Hey You

        • Tactical dot

  • +3

    You can't have your pudding and eat it too …. ohh wait a minute.

  • -2

    Any bargains?

    • +16

      Yes but you'll need to spend $120 first.

    • -2

      Only jv can ask that

  • Is there a day that it's not 10% off anymore?

    • +18

      The problem is the minimum spend :(

      Used to be 0 and then became $30 slowly creeping to $150 soon.

      • +5

        Isnt it good thing?
        One day we can get 10% off when we buy property from Ebay ;p

      • +3

        Yep, damn you eBay and your min spend. $90 of junk in my cart for the past 2 weeks and still can't get a discount.

        Made US account and still couldn't buy.

        • +1

          Nice dedication there

          • @WhyAmICommenting: The ozbargain in me had to give it a shot, now that it didn't work and I wasted time don't think I'll be dedicated in future with any eBay deals.

            eBay seems to be following same tactics as Dick Smith being a total dick

      • theyre following the apple iphone model

    • Cyber Monday

  • +5

    Oh look it’s Black Friday again 😆🤷🏼‍♂️

    • +2

      Nah. Black Friday was 15%!

      • That was Thursday

  • How is the warranty on eBay? If I buy a monitor and it breaks after, say 1 year, does eBay still help? I was looking at a monitor from the store Wireless1.

    • +3

      I guess the store Wireless1 will take the responsibility.

    • +1

      Assuming the monitor is new you will get whatever the manufacturer warranty is, same as purchasing from any store

      • Ah okay

      • +3

        Actually, you’ll get your statutory warranty as provided by the Australian Consumer Guarantee too. This is often longer than the manufacturer warranty.

        A monitor would be covered by the retailer for at least two years, regardless of what the manufacturer claims they cover it for.

        • Wish more folks knew this

    • Wireless1 or the manufacturer.
      They've been around for a few years


    • +4

      I just ordered a $650 monitor from Wireless1 during the black friday sales as they advertised express courier delivery and 10+ available, got an email yesterday saying it won't be sent until January so be careful.

  • +2

    Does anyone still have anything left to buy?

    • +13

      Yes I wouldn't mind buying another watch.

      • +8

        I think all the people who held off for Cyber Monday still have something to buy 😂

        • +20

          Disappointment Monday you mean

        • Was thinking of getting the neca spider gremlin figure. It looks boss!

        • yes this was me! I was busy / away over Fri - Sun and saw some eBay codes popping up, and thought, oh well it will be same or better Cyber Monday when I have time to browse so I'll wait!!!… ….. …. so I am glad this has come about

      • +1

        Upton $300 discount? M…

      • And I'd like to buy a few more bottles of perfumes. :-)

      • Watch this space

    • yep, ive got a few maxed out credit cards for sale!

  • Can I buy this http://vi.raptor.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV…
    Using discounted gift cards and 10% off?

    • U can usually

      • Thanks. It's disappointingly more expensive on eBay, even says in the description the usual price. Still comes down to $1 cheaper per month but not sure I can be bothered, might hold off and see if they do another 2 for 1.

  • Target ?

  • -1

    Can buy gift card with this?

  • +3

    The minimum spend increased from $50 in the beginning now to $120. It's not only eBay merchants who jack up the price!

  • +2

    Another bloody $120 min spend. No thanks!

  • +5

    Only 1 day late..

  • +5

    Now waiting for 20% off from TGG!

  • +4

    Don't have any money left to buy anything 😅

    • +3

      Join the gang, increase household debt - get another credit card.

  • +2

    Anybody know if this stacks with the Woolies $200 for $240 voucher on Ebay~

    • Don't see why not, it's not a gift card.

  • +1

    Should I wait for another 15% off sitewide? I need to buy an ultrawide but missed out on the last 15%.

    Also can I buy 5% off gift cards for the extra discount?

    • +2

      No, yes

    • The 15% deals only have max $250 discount so if you spend over $2500 this is better.

      • +1

        I see, my purchase is just $1000 so doesnt matter to me.

  • +1

    Hopefully this one finally includes car parts…

    • -1

      It says excluded in description

      • It was just updated, but thanks for that i just read it

      • Bugger…

  • Does this work with the make an offer option? If so how? I want to buy something off a private seller 2nd hand.

    • Yes, apply promo code at checkout same as always. You can't apply it before they've accepted your offer.

    • You make the offer. They accept. At checkout you enter the code.

      However, it must be paid for during the promotion period.

      Edit. It must also not be in the excluded categories.

  • +1

    When does it end?

    • +3

      A day before the next one.

      • Or a day after the previous.

  • +1

    Is the minimum $120 before or after GST?

    • +1

      Inclusive of GST

  • Ugh I waited all day yesterday for a 10% Cyber Monday deal and now wake up to this!? Fark!

    • haha same, Cyber Monday didn't exist!!

  • Mom second chance to pickup a tv, having trouble setting on a 65” under 2000

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