This was posted 6 years 3 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console + 9 Games $508.30 / 8 Games $466.70 + Delivery @ EB Games eBay


This Bundle Contains:

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console plus the following games

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MA15+)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (G)
  • Forza Motorsport 6 (G)
  • Halo 5: Guardians (M)
  • Gears of War 4 (R18+) - E-mailed Download Code - (114.78GB)
  • Battlefield V (MA15+)
  • Battlefield 1943 (M) - Download Token (600 MB)
  • Battlefield 1: Revolution + 1 Month EA Access Token (MA15+)
  • Fallout 76 (MA15+)

Note: Gears of War 4 is a redeemable downloadable title and will be sent to your checkout e-mail address before close of business Friday. Any questions please contact Customer Service.

Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console + 8 Games $521.55 + Delivery

Games included:

  • Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MA15+)
  • Forza Horizon 4 (G)
  • Forza Motorsport 6 (G)
  • Halo 5: Guardians (M)
  • Gears of War 4 (R18+) - E-mailed Download Code - (114.78GB)
  • Battlefield V (MA15+)
  • Battlefield 1943 (M) - Download Token (600 MB)
  • Battlefield 1: Revolution + 1 Month EA Access Token (MA15+)

Even better with 5% off Ebay gift cards from this deal

Combine with TA's 15% off deal to bring the price down further.

For now, use the above code if you are in a hurry.

Credit to this deal as I have been following it since morning and hoping it would pop up on their Ebay store.

Credits to Doweyy for picking it up way earlier than me here

Don't forget Cashrewards/Shopback cashback for 1% Cashback.

  • Xbox 1 x + 9 Games - [$598 - $90 (15%) - $25 (5%) - $5 (1%)] ~ $478

  • Xbox 1 x + 8 Games - [$549 - $82 (15%) - $23 (5%) - $4 (1%)] ~ $440

Original PERCENT5 5% off Sitewide on eBay Deal Post

Credit to TA's new post

UPDATE at 6:32 PM: Back in stock guys

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia
EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

  • +3

    Deals have prices.

    In this case, the price is $568.10, for Xbox One X (Gold Rush Special Edition) + 9 games:

    This Bundle Contains:

    Xbox One X Gold Rush Special Edition 1TB Console

    Halo: The Master Chief Collection (MA15+)
    Forza Horizon 4 (G)
    Forza Motorsport 6 (G)
    Halo 5: Guardians (M)
    Gears of War 4 (R18+) - E-mailed Download Code - (114.78GB)
    Battlefield V (MA15+)
    Battlefield 1943 (M) - Download Token (600 MB)
    Battlefield 1: Revolution + 1 Month EA Access Token (MA15+)
    Fallout 76 (MA15+)

    Note: Gears of War 4 is a redeemable downloadable title and will be sent to your checkout e-mail address before close of business Friday. Any questions please contact Customer Service.

    • +1

      I assume the negs came from people who didn't look at the original post. Although it did only take the OP two minutes to fix it.

    • +1

      Let me help
      cast vote spell +1

  • +11

    Where are all the PS4 pro deals at! :"(

    • Time for an upgrade?

    • Same here. Awaiting PS4 bundle deals :)

    • +1

      I have a xbox one x already so I’ll I’m thinking of getting a PS4 slim for spider man. Target will have it for $299 + spidy

      • Why not go the pro…my bro?

        Im still hoping Amazon blows everyone else away with another 379 deal.

        • Don’t need it. I have the one x for multi plat games and the normal ps4 will be good enough for my 1080p tv. This Black Friday sales on ps4 pros kinda suck tbh. $459 + spidy.

          • @Griffindinho: Where's this $459 for PS4 pro? Can I get link please?

    • Sony are selling so many of them they don’t need any deals.

  • 15% off?

    • +2

      Updated the post mate. Too many good things to stack with this offer :)

  • Last guy bought 5 LOL! _***e ( 10Feedback score is 10 to 49) AU $598.00 5

  • +1

    I'm having an internal World War 3 deciding whether or not I should get this.

    • +1

      I will literally twist your arm if you don’t get it

      • +1

        No need for the death threats, I'll contemplate harder.

        • Do or do not, three is no contemplate on OzBargain.

    • +1

      So you want it. Will try to be objective (but I do own XB1X, PS4 Pro and PC). Based on my testing on 1080p, 2K and 4K displays/TVs:

      If you have a 4K TV, and there are games you want to play (i.e. RDR2), it is worth considering. If you only have a 1080p TV or monitor, then it is tricky.

      • 4K to 1080p supersampling. It is basically 4X SSAA (aka FSAA) to 1080p. Bear in mind most games would have other AA technologies (i.e. TAA, MSAA, FXAA). Anyone saying they can see a big/huge difference is saying they can see a big difference between FSAA vs TAA / MSAA / FXAA. That's not my experience (I had an XB1S before as well) - difference is not big enough for me to recommend.
      • 1080p@60fps - only if the game supports it. If we take FH4 for example, yes it does, but on a 4K screen, you can see the quality drop when going to 1080p. FH4 is best played on 4K for XB1X.

      If you have a 2K (i.e. 1440p) display, XB1X is compelling as it is the only console that supports 1440p output (most games would supersample down to 1440p - i.e. 2X FSAA). You can see the improvement over 1080p (not huge, but there is). There is no console alternative (but 1440p gaming on PC is a better setup).

      tl;dr 4K: really consider it. 2K: good enough excuse to go for it. 1080p: only if you really want XB1X.

    • It’s nice, even the 1080p games look good on a 4K tv. And the 4K native games are great.

  • Currently 94 left. Hope it lasts until midnight for the 15% off.

  • -5

    Wouldn't it worth better to buy a PC since most of these games are available cheaper on Windows anyway?

    • +2

      Lol wut?

    • +6

      After all the discounts / selling unwanted games this is about $400, which isn't going to get much of a 4k capable PC mate.

    • +1

      It is always known consoles are always cheaper for gaming in terms of specs for specs. Taking into account that you already have a tv of course. Though yes PC can produce better quality like more frames etc. Both are for different markets imo. I have both but I primary game on PC myself due to the games I like.

      • Techfast on eBay is closing the gap.

        • +1

          techfast is budget crap

    • A PC gamer will never understand a Console gamer.

      • +2

        Except for the millions of PC gamers that own consoles.

  • +1

    Damn that is a good price! $470 for the 8 game bundle just with the 15% off code.

  • Time to use my 5 ebay giftcard at 10% off? Temptinggg

  • +4

    It doesn't seem like you can use the 5% off Paypal/eBay gift cards with the 15% off code, unfortunately, as that one requires you to use US eBay. Still, $470ish for an XB1X with around $150 worth of pack-ins you can sell is pretty damn good. If they're still in stock when that deal goes live then we eatin'.

    • I was thinking about it, since the gift cards are Ebay AU ones! Maybe someone can confirm it tomorrow.

      • 100% dont work. You can only apply them on ebay au not ebay us which is needed to apply the 15% code. I tried it last time.

  • Might be time for me to finally get an xbone

  • Thought about selling my ps4 and getting an xbox because i loved halo. Is this a great deal or do i hold out till after xmas?

    • -2

      Only if you enjoy the campaign for halo. Multiplayer is dead

      • how dead? I thought the multiplayer was ok in peak times

        • I've tried playing MCC online a few times and have failed to find a game. Might be different on Halo 5 though

          • +1

            @jsediv: Halo 5 isn't dead and MCC is most likely dead because of the launch which is sad because they've completely fixed it up now

        • +1

          I play Halo 5 each night and have no issues. MCC isn't as bad now that it's on Game Pass :-)

  • So 15% off at midnight and sell the games for $170! $300 XBox One X - winning!

    P.S. feel free to make up how much you will get for selling the included games to make the decision easier to live with :)

    • Thinking of doing the same. Have an Xbox One S which I could sell to make it cost almost nothing to upgrade. I'm a PS4 guy and rarely play my Xbox One but for the minimal cost I think it's worth it!

      • Definitely and it is a 4k player. I have got a Pro and am seriously thinking about this in addition to the Pro. If I can get the cost to close to $300 I am in!

  • Is it possible to apply cashrewards through the app?

    • I did both ebay and amazon via the app within the past week and both worked. Think ebay was 1 or 2 percent.

  • +4

    Wish it had a different mix of games..

    • Agreed. Their first party has no appeal for me. This thing is only good for multi plats.

  • Ok definitely buying the $549 bundle tonight, and then selling my One S with the extra games I get with this deal.

    • How much do you think you can get for the One S + these games?
      In the past, I've found the hassle and effort of selling the games not worth it.

      Get ready for Gumtree low ballers or eBay fees!

      • +1

        If you are selling on Gumtree

        Halo: The Master Chief Collection - $10
        Forza Horizon 4 - $10
        Forza Motorsport 6 - $10
        Halo 5: Guardians - $10
        Gears of War 4 - $10
        Battlefield V - $50
        Battlefield 1943 - $5
        Battlefield 1: Revolution - $10
        Fallout 76 - $50

        So, games for about $165

        Xbox one S for $150.

        But, Xmas season might boost the prices a bit.

        • Forza Horizon 4 for $10?? That just came out last month.

          • @manbearpig: It's worth more currently. The lowest I've seen on feeBay was a sold deal of FH4 + Forza Motorsport 7 for $50 (digital codes though) so $30? Some sellers did sell for much more.

            It's best to sell it though. Microsoft seem to include this with most if not all of the recent bundles. While it came out last month, it is on GamePass. I played for about 4 weeks (so gone through all 4 seasons). Now, I am tired of it. Occupied with RDR2 so even less incentive to touch FH4 (still have active GamePass - had a free voucher + left auto re-new on initially to get a bonus month).

      • eBay selling would be harder / more risky for games. You probably need to send most games using standard postage (no tracking) - which means no seller protection. You can only afford to sell at most 3 of the games with tracking service. Old games aren't easy to sell on feeBay. A lot of old games I tried to sell on feeBay failed to sell after repeated attempts (lowest price on eBay AU - still couldn't sell). New games, however, I sold them within hours.

        • If you add in postage and eBay fee and Paypal fees, the price become un-sellable?
          Plus the postage of the XB1S will be significant.

          • @congo: Well, like you pointed out. It's a lot of hassle and effort. EB would probably take XB1S for around $125. If the aim is $150, for $25, maybe it is easier (not a good price to sell it for $125 though).

            The three new games (I am including Forza Horizon 4 as a new game). You can probably sell them for $150 (maybe sell for a bit more to cover postage). PayPal fees are hard to avoid (but eBay fees - wait for free FVF deal or $1 weekend). Old games, sell them to EB or JB (hard to sell quickly on feeBay).

            Obviously, if you have the time, going down the Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace route would be better.

      • Haven't worked it out yet but I'll probably try to sell it all in a bundle for around $250-$300, cbf selling individually.

        • If $250 is your target, sell them all to EB games. If you have a wired / 3rd party controller, you could even keep your current XB1S controller.
          Actually, no… you get EB credits, not cash.

          • @netsurfer: Hi, So EB will take the new games + XB1s for $250?

  • If the 15% does work out, then isn't the max discount you can stack together 15% + 1% (cash reward for US ebay) only, as either 5% gift card or PERCENT5 only works under ebay AUS?

  • Is this the best deal around? I'm unsure Xbox or PS4, I've been out of the gaming world for years. I was going to buy one for myself this Christmas, I actually haven't played any of the COD or Battlefields ever hahaha

    15% off, sounds good! I doubt it'll get better than that! I did use to love PC gaming tho, but set up would be too expensive.

    • Xbox One X is the more powerful of the two but PS4 has exclusive titles that are amazing.

      Xbox One X has many older titles that are enhanced meaning they're the best way to play the game such as Red Dead Redemption 1.

      You should also consider what the majority of your friends have or what your favourite people have so you can play with them online.

  • +1

    This is stupid but I'm tempted to buy this to play RDR 1 (I will play 2 on pc).

    • If you are only going to play one game then why not get a cheap used one off gumtree? It's an old game so even the first gen xbox/ps4 will run it fine.

      • +1

        True and a better idea. But the XB1X version is the best way to play it.

        • Of course, if you have the money get the X. I did that but now I don't know what to do with the console since I'm a PC gamer first and always will be. So after I finish RDR2 campaign I may sell it.

    • +1

      If you just want to play RDR1, XB1X is an overkill.

      I am playing RDR2 (never played RDR1). Even though it is the only game which I feel getting XB1X is finally worth it (and I initially wanted to get RDR1 too), after playing for a while (and still playing it), I now have no intention to get RDR1 any time soon.

      RDR2 is not available on PC yet (and won't be for a while - Rockstar have not confirmed they will release PC version - all they did was not ruling out releasing a PC version later on).

      • Yeah in the past they haven't confirmed anything either but clues have all but confirmed it's coming - but not when.

  • Hmmm use 10% off at EB in store and get “carrots” or do it the hard way and use 15% off on eBay and get flybuys points

    • How do you get 10% off at EB in store?

      • Via work

    • +3

      You can just message/email EB for an eBay purchase and they will add the carrots to your account.

      • Thanks

      • Oh really? Didn’t know that. Ty

  • I just tried searching this item on eBay US, but with no luck.

    Has anyone successfully added any of these item into eBay US shopping cart yet?

    • +1

      Just delete the ".au" in the link and it should take you to the same page through the US site.…

      • WOW, what a trick! Thanks!

        • doesnt OP/add say code can be used only on mobile app (android/iphone), am i missing something here?

          • @Damnsmart: Yes, literally very obvious, you need to download the mobile app to use the voucher

            • @mewx: are you trying to say we "will have to add item from US site" and check it out using mobile app?

              • @Damnsmart: Exactly (don't forget to clear you cart in AU site since you won't be able to add items in US site if they are already in AU site cart)

                • @mewx: not working for me, how did you go?

                  • @Damnsmart: managed to buy it for $513.25, now i need to put a listing in classifieds to see anyone willing to buy all these games except fallout 76 (i may sell that one too), anyone interested, contact me, please

  • Just looked at the Cashrewards app and it pops up a disclaimer saying purchases through the eBay app won't be tracked, only ones via the mobile website. Can anyone confirm?

    Is there another cashback app out there that might work?

    • ShopBack works normally with their app but I dunno if it works for non .au transactions.

  • -5

    Am I the only one who doesn't like Forza, Halo & GoW. Just don't find FPS on console appealing at all, especially on xbox controller. Shame Xbox X still not a fully fledged 4k player, or else would have jumped at this deal

    • +1

      What do you mean not a fully fledged 4K player? Are you just trolling?

  • +6

    15% off not working for AU registered account (tested)

    • yes, confirmed

  • +1

    It's working. I registered a new US account earlier today, added the Xbox to my cart through the desktop site, logged in through the app (made sure my country was set to US, as per the instructions up the page here), and I just got it. $473 and change for the 8 game bundle, including shipping (couldn't figure out any cashback, but I'll live). My Australian Paypal account worked fine, they're sending it to my Australian address. No worries (yet, at least).

    EDIT - OK, first wrinkle: just got a text from Paypal saying the transaction was marked as 'suspicious', reply with 1 to authorise or 2 to disallow. I gave'em a 1 and it seems fine.

    • For that price, I'm strongly considering it just because of the price. It's just that I don't know what I would be playing on it. None of the included games are my cup of tea. The only thing it's good for is running newer multiplats better than PS4 Pro. But I also have a PC more powerful than the X for that.

      • My plan is to sell the games I don't want.

        • What games will you buy for it in their place?

          That's what's held me back so long on the One. Their exclusives just aren't for me. It's primarily Halo, Gears and Forza. Everything else that's not on PS4 is on PC. I found the original Halo to be extremely overrated and never got into the series after that. I don't play racers. And Gears is something I've never gotten invested in. You're a bunch of badass dudes with attitudes who just duck behind cover and shoot things for 10 hours. It's the same 30 second gameplay loop over and over. The characters are very dull and flat. It's your brown and grey shooter.

          • @lostn: I was going to get red dead 2 and pick up some last gen games for backwards compatibility.

          • @lostn: My plan is to sell all the games, and use it for Game Pass (bought with Microsoft Rewards points), 4K Blu Rays, a few backwards compatibility games and any multiplats from here on. I'm not hugely interested in Microsoft's exclusives either, but now that they're all on Game Pass I'll happily give them a go. At this price it's a steal.

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