Have no idea of the action camera market but this seems a good price. This Camera comes with:
Waterproof Case
Bicycle Mount
Helmet Mount
USB Cable
no Memory Card included, though.
Have no idea of the action camera market but this seems a good price. This Camera comes with:
Waterproof Case
Bicycle Mount
Helmet Mount
USB Cable
no Memory Card included, though.
according to jagjalib? it is interpolated, i just searched for kogan 4k and interpolated so just a little confirmation bias working in my favour, maybe the rest of the article is worth a read but that was enough for me, for those interested
i mean it's not a bad way to spend $45, it does work, albeit a little grainy
but if it was me i'd just spend the $45 on a 1080p camera that produces are crisper image which wouldn't be hard at all these days, if you really want 4k consider those premium chinese brands or maybe upgrade your phone
**interpolated up from 128x72 via potato algorithm
i think a yi lite for that price is a much better deal, or some other "premium" action cam
anything with the ambrella chipset and you'll be set
Dont bother. They are not worth the 45 bux
How is the battery life anyone know?
Any good as a cheap camera for an 11 and 9 yr old? If not, any recommendations that they can use when bike riding without thr large price tag? Really behind on xmas…
for around that price have a look at sjcam, m20 or sj4000 should be able to be had for around the price here… but there are fakes of the sj4000, probably the m20 so have a look around for a legit dealer
OP check out the difference it quality, and this is just a 1080p camera
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffQjPlVlgrw VS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EZoQIBjdzU
$79 at kogan/dse
This doesn't have a 4K sensor, the camera is misrepresented as a 4K camera and will produce crap 4K video. If may be an OK HD camera but can you trust them? Buy a similar specced camera from Banggood or Gearbest where you can look at real reviews and get ongoing updates etc.
Not disagreeing with you about looking at other cameras but the reviews at Banggood and Gearbest are mostly fake
ahh yes but is it actually 4k