This was posted 6 years 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Star Wars The Last Jedi 4K Ultra HD (Incl. Blu Ray) - $21.14 + Delivery (Free with Prime/ $49 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Found an old Amazon email from last week stating that the 4K version was $22.69, only to find that it's even less now, cheaper than the Blu Ray too @ $21.14!

Also when combined with Cashrewards and Prime (or a larger order) it's potentially under $20 delivered. Bargain for a 4K version - even if you weren't fully won over by the storytelling in this episode.

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    JB have this for 2 for 40 aswell if you want it from a physical store.

  • On American Netflix so been enjoying it there. Are the extra features worth $20? Hmmm..

    • +1

      Can Netflix do proper surround sound?

  • +4

    Is this the SJW edition?

  • +10

    On the other hand, I could use that 20 bucks to buy half a bottle of Jack and start trying to kill the brain cells that remember this trashfest of a movie ever happened.

    • where can you buy 1/2 a bottle?

      • You buy a full bottle. The other half of the price comes from not buying The Force Awakens.

    • +2


      I'm neutral on it personally, disliked the prequel slapstick and storytelling more, but a price reduction is a price reduction…

  • +9

    This movie ranks in the top 5 biggest disappointments of my life….

    • +1

      Hello Mr Plinkett. Is that above or below your son (Rian Johnson)?

    • Wait for it down to $5

    • As someone who didn't care much for Star Wars, TLJ was the one I liked the most.

    • +1

      Star Wars has been dead to me since the 'prequels' so I didn't even bother with this one. Watched the Half in the Bag review though, told me all I needed to know.

  • +2

    Are they still milking this relic? Bring back Lucas, please.


  • +4

    To be fair there are a couple of ok scenes in this movie. The rest of it is complete garbage though. The SJWs have invaded hollywood and now everyone must suffer.

    • What happened?

      • +2

        Ideology over substance. In this case, over storytelling, continuity, character development, faithfulness to the series… basically anything and everything that makes a sequel movie good.

        If you watch out with the understanding that the director and studio was trying to make a "minorities and women good, white men bad" propaganda film, it actually views a lot better.

        • +4

          Personally, I wouldn't call it a propaganda film. They're just pandering to the current social climate. Their problem was they wanted strong female and minority characters, but they didn't take the time to develop them. It all felt very tacked on.

          They had a VERY strong female character, but they tossed her aside…. well… out into space, then somehow gave her extraordinary Force powers for no reason. That was her only use in the movie. I mean… having her do that Holdo maneuver instead would have been such a meaningful end, and not out of character.

          Simply a badly written movie with no regard for the franchise's rich history. I can honestly say I enjoyed Phantom Menace more.

          • +1

            @BadGiraffe: Yeah it's not an actual propaganda piece - just that if you viewed it through that lens, instead of it trying to be a good movie, some of the decisions for the movie make a lot more sense.

            Also I'd say it's more social media climate than actual social climate. Social media had basically entrenched the vocal (hysterical) minority. Which is why Brexit and Trump caught everyone off guard.

        • I'm now intrigued by this…..perhaps I should watch it after all just to see how bad it actually is with my own eyes and ears…..heh…..

          What about the other movies any good too or just as bad? I think I saw the 7th episode after it was released on Blu-Ray and DVD and that was it, never went back not because the 7th episode was lacklusting (which it actually was in my opinion; I mean I was like - "Wait that's it??! Surely there's more than that!") but because had other things to go on about in life…..

          Wasn't it episode one and two that had quite bit of political debates? I think I remember getting bored with too much yapping and barely any action or adventures….then went onto read more in depth of the star wars universe and all those political debates made more sense and weren't as boring as I thought they were….

          • @Zachary: A Force Awakens (Ep 7) was better, but also riddled with issues. In terms of over-arching plot issues (unrelated to the ideological biases), Ep 7 was more criticized for being a point-by-point rehash of the plot of Ep 4, whereas The Last Jedi was criticized for effectively discarding almost all the storylines set up in Ep 7. This made Ep 7 better (imo) because while stale, Ep 4 had a good, solid (and also even for its time, archetypal) plot that you can fit a good movie around, whereas Ep 8 had…. not much of a semblance of a coherent plot at all.

            But the entire new trilogy has been plagued with the ideological biases of Katherine Kennedy (Disney exec in charge of Star Wars); I personally think JJ Abrams (Ep 7) himself didn't care for any ideology and so Ep 7's issues was only because of KK, whereas Rian Johnson (Ep 8) was himself a huge social justice….. proponent, and so Ep 8 was riddled with them. Off the top of my head, the most commonly noted ones (from both Eps 7 & 8), which I may or may not all agreed with:

            1. Rey is a Mary Sue; she goes through none of the pitfalls, learning experiences, training, overcoming weaknesses, character flaws, etc that basically all the previous main/major franchise characters did (with the exception of Anakin possibly - but no one who understands Shakespearean tragedies (which Eps 1-3 were) should have any objections here).

            2. Obvious and transparent plot contrivances to place main female and/or minority characters in direct conflict over white male characters in which they then effortlessly triumph. There is literally no fight (not just overarching war or conflict, not even a single fight that I can think of) where a bad guy wins (just in movie terms this is stupid), heck the one white male member of the Rebels, Poe Dameron, is pitted against the female, SJW-hair, cocktail dress wearing 'general' and loses even that argument.

            3. Treatment of veteran/returning characters and sidelining/elevating them based on ideological reasons - white males are invariably killed off with little fanfare and/or their characters take a 180 to portray them as wrong (Han Solo killed off and his death not even mourned by anyone other than Chewie, Luke Skywalker turning into an evil fratricidal(? does this apply to nephews?) maniac, vs Leia gaining magical Force powers).

  • $19.97 now.

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