Available Instore (If asked) and online - use coupon XSQ7YP3GVENJ to bring it down to $349.95 - until the 31st of October, or whilst stocks last (whichever is first)
Available for Black & Silver - Free Express Shipping Nationwide.
Available Instore (If asked) and online - use coupon XSQ7YP3GVENJ to bring it down to $349.95 - until the 31st of October, or whilst stocks last (whichever is first)
Available for Black & Silver - Free Express Shipping Nationwide.
Let’s rush there!
Go go go!
Storm the front!
Roger that!
Team regroup!
To those who have bought it, what's the battery indicator like? Still high, medium, low?
Used 3 hrs today playing stuff with 1/2 ANC and 1/2 Ambient Sound. 90% battery now but they round up to the nearest 10.
Tap power button and voice will tell you % left
Ta, better than generation 1
Dam the price has dropped quickly.
$500 a few weeks ago
its clear that these xm3s are the new bose qc35s,
everybody is going to be talking about them and seeing how low it can go
I love my xm3s!
Are these the ones you can set different profiles on? (I remember looking at some Song headset youtube review and the dude was switched profiles on a busy street and one was super quiet compared to the bose)
It has an equaliser built into the app if that's what you mean by different profiles?
Listened to the Techno Bloke (aka Tim Stakpool) on the Steve Price radio show - he said that Bose were still the ones to beat when it came to ANC headphones. He did mention Sony as also-rans. This is the same guy who said that Samsung makes the best TV's because it's the biggest TV manufacturer.
Rolls eyes… have both Bose and Sony and ANC is very similar.
Good price…but I am just wondering why Bose don't drop price as quickly?
Bose is the apple of headphones, like to keep their prices nice and fixed.
Yes, without warrant.
Also Bose are very slightly better than the Sonys in in-depth reviews.
Rtings is good, but their headphone reviews and ratings are questionable. Hell…… they knock points off headphones like the Sennheiser HD800S because the isolation is ordinary, and they're an open headphone.
Bose felt muddy to me. I don't know how I feel about audio ratings based purely on graphs and numbers. It's pretty subjective based on what you're listening to? That's just my opinion though.
A neg vote for Bose fanboy is a vote well spent!
There's no comparison between the current Bose and Sony models in terms of Sound Quality, ANC and features - anyone who says that Bose is better in late 2018 must have a severe case of brand bias and / or incompetence.
Would be brand and the fact that they cost more so they must be better.
The Bose is better in some other ways. I use both.
@elektron: Comfort. Though sony has made great strides in this department bose is still more comfortable.
Taking calls. Again sony appears to have improved on this also but reviews still say bose sound better when taking calls.
@xoom: Yes, unfortunately I've had mixed results with the outbound call quality with the various Sony headphones I've had over the years and good to see them improving this.
Comfort is quite subjective though. I've heard others say that the Sony's are more comfortable of the two.
@elektron: I have a small head and the Sonys look ridiculous on me. If they were slimmer I think I would choose the Sonys!
@elektron: "Comfort is quite subjective though"
As is sound. So it's quite daft of you to suggest that anyone who prefers the Bose headphones are biased or incompetent.
As is sound.
Only to a point. As someone involved in audio recording for years, just like I can tell a poorly recorded track from a great-sounding one, I can tell a good pair of headphones from a bad one. Not that the Bose sound bad per se, they just don't sound nearly good enough for the asking price. Never did - they managed to get a good head start by offering class-leading ANC for a while, but we're not talking about that here. In terms of the Bose sound, I can only describe it as muddy, compressed and unengaging compared to other headphones I've heard in this class.
Bose won't even give you the option of listening lossless music, let alone hi-res audio, that's now available on Android over bluetooth. And there's nothing subjective about that.
And if you're willing to part with $300-$400 for headphones that are only capable of reproducing lossy music in late 2018, the choice is yours but be honest with yourself and admit that audio quality is not that important to you.
Moreover, Bose owners (and I know I'm generalising here), are much more likely to be susceptible to the kind of inexplicable irrational loyalty that can be observed in a handful of brands. So when a Bose owner says that his headphones sound great, I'd be more likely to take that with a grain of salt, than say coming from a Sony owner. This is what I meant by the Bose bias.
I'm sorry you found my statement daft or offensive but I stand by it.
@elektron: Call quality, comfort. Bose offer larger earcups so more accommodating for all shapes and sizes. Robustness. Bose warranty tends to be a little more forgiving than Sony.
Beats are even more Apple-like, they value marketing over quality. Their ads focus on user experience instead of product features. They charge premium prices based on brand recognition and asthetics, instead of audio quality and built quality. More importantly, they are acquired and owned by Apple!
Tax invoice provided for TRS I hope?
Of course!
Soft copy or hard copy inside postal package?
medium copy between soft and hard
I received my package and there's no hard copy (or medium hard) in there.
finally bought one, great price, even cheaper than the QC35 2
Same here.
It just cracked the point where I couldn't hold out any longer.
TRS just makes it even better.
I am waiting until Nov 25 , which is exactly 60 days before my flying overseas. But watching these price drops makes it almost unbearable
Same, I’m waiting for Nov 6! Wouldn’t it be a bummer if all the deals dried up by then?
Good timing, my office headphones have started crackling on one side.
Wondering if Harvey Norman can price match it and then pay with Amex to get $50 back and make this headphone a sweet price of $295.95
It has a coupon so unlikely
No, they are not matching it, something about not being available to the general public and market value
They just price matched me
Damn…… oh well, I'd rather my money went to these guys than Gerry Harvey
Can you post a receipt please?
Any chance of getting this price on your ebay page? Would love to be able to use ebay gift cards
eBay + paypal takes fees out so I think its not worth it to reduce the price for them
Damn! I hardly use my QC35s, so I am not sure if it's wise buying these too. Bloody OzBargain and how it messes with our emotions. 😦
Yeah gotta resist going with the crowd if you don't need it! It ain't a bargain if its $350 that you didn't need to spend!
Absolutely! Thanks for the emotional support. :D
I went and tested both of them out. Neither sound bad, both have great NC, both very comfortable. Unless you want a new toy I'm not sure there is any reason to 'upgrade'.
At this price you'd hope the audio quality and NC would be at least decent. It's not a case of either being bad and more of a case of one being good of very good and the other being outstanding.
In my limited experience (owning XM3 and trying QC35 a few times in stores), it's more a case of one being outstanding and one being virtually outstanding. If you own one of them you'd need to be obscenely rich to justify buying the other too!
@callum9999: I have both but not so much rich. I use mine a lot, to the point where if I only had 1 pair is kill the battery in about 1 year.
Since the battery isn't replaceable I decided to buy one of each and have the best of both worlds. Sony's get used in the cooler months and Bose in the warmer.
Both have their strong points but I find the Bose the more practical of the two with better call support, headband robustness and device switching. Something Sony need to work on.
sell to me your qc35s at bargain and you can buy this sony
You can sell me your QC35s for $100 :)
Yeah, nah. :)
$120 ?
Pulled the trigger at 375 from A2A. :( Audio is great though and can vouch for the express shipping and tax invoice :).
Yeh.. same. Wish I bought now. Excellent headphones.
Also, A2A is good store with excellent customer service.
Wow. I was waiting till Christmas or Boxing day to have these. Any idea if they are going to be better priced or this is one of the best sales and we will see prices $33X max. If they are touching $300, it is worth waiting.
I have had bad experience before for boxing day sales.
They might get cheaper, but they also might not. I can ask my magic 8-ball if you like
So…. what did your magic 8-ball say?
still deciding
"Better not tell you now"
xmas day and boxing day sales never have anything good these days. You have to wait until late Jan or Feb for a good sale.
I just got price matched at HN online chat $349.95, plus amex $50 cashback!
How did you do that? I've tried but they said they cant go beyond advertised price.
Can you price match this item https://www.harveynorman.com.au/sony-wh-1000xm3-wireless-noi…
at 13:11, Oct 24:
Where did you see it cheaper?
They have a promotion with the code XSQ7YP3GVENJ to bring it to $349.95
This promotion is for everyone until 31st October, free express shipping in Australia
And Australian stock
at 13:16, Oct 24:
Yes I can do this price
at 13:16, Oct 24:
Are you ready to purchase now?
Thanks so much! I've got it.. But Amex Harvey Norman offer seems to be expired.
Just told them this was on here and they offered $385
HN agent said:
Sorry no we can't as the coupon is not a public one which is listed on the product page
Omg, just bought for 370 on Sunday from HN. Box not even open, what are the chances of taking it back for refund?
Omg, just bought for 370 on Sunday from HN. Box not even open, what are the chances of taking it back for refund?
Why? To save $20 you want to return to the store, hassle them to give you a refund, tell lies about why you want the refund or they won't do it and go through all that rubbish and more……
@Maverick-au: plus parking hassle, bogans honking at you to go faster and chances of seeing an ex-mistress who is pregnant now.
same, would not match the promo…
Well no go for me, says they don’t match ozb site and not advertised on addicted to audio. They find every excuses.
thats awesome. i couldnt get any of the agents to price match a deal that wasnt publically advertised. Interestingly though they pricematched this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/410109 and this is only avail after customs so is effectively GST FREE. Either way, got that price plus AMEX cashback and will be TRS'ing at the end of the year.
OP, will you guys be stocking the Sennheiser HD700’s again?
End of life unfortunately!
Too cheap!
If i order this now will it be shipped out tomorrow express? Hoping to get it by Friday, i live in Sydney metro. (Unfortunately going to newtown store is a trek for me).
Can't see why not!
Hardley Normal just offered me $385 over the chat service
read above, change rep and chat again keep everything ready so you just copy pasted
Told me Taylor is now a cleaner
Toilet cleaner?
Amazing how quickly the price on these got slashed.