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Powershop Switch your Mates Programme Referral Bonus Increased to $100 for 2 weeks


Powershop increased their Switch Your Mates referral bonus to $100 (up from $75) for two weeks only.
Both referrer and referee gets $100

You can use Ozb referral system for random links.

Check the Energy Made Easy website https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/ NSW or http://www.yourchoice.vic.gov.au/ for Victoria to compare rates.

Email from Powershop

Well, we’ve supercharged our mates program so it’s time to share the love! From Monday 24 September until midnight Friday 5 October, any of your eligible mates who join Powershop using your referral link will score $100 power free (supercharged up from our usual $75 power credit) .

Referral Links

Referral: random (360)

Referrer receives $75 credit and referee receives $75 credit on first bill.

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closed Comments

  • Overpriced retailer

    • +3

      Strongly disagree, excellent value in QLD and you don't have to fight for a good deal. Also carbon neutral without paying a cent (full green-generated power costs more though)

  • +1

    I cannot comprehend this deal so I'm nervous to click on the link.

  • +2

    Try Tango Energy. The cheapest so far.

    • +1

      For you and your circumstances maybe.

      • +1

        for me too. in fact if you're in Vic, I'm yet to find a bill that wouldn't be cheaper with them and no pretend discount trickery

        • try GloBird Energy…

    • agreed. Tango also has a $50 signup offer if you pay via direct debit

    • Tried for a week to sign up with Tango and kept having issues. Not sure if they’re overwhelmed at the moment (they’re usually #1 on the Vic Gov’s energy compare site) but I had to resort to joining Powershop instead, who made signup quick and painless.

  • Powershop have the most confusing bills so would not switch anyone to them because of that. With whats happening in the energy market you would think they would make everything simple for the consumer.

    • What in particular is confusing?

      • You get a "power review" which is what you pay to get the discount. If you dont then you get the power account and if you have automatic payments its made at the higher amount and not discounted.

    • +1

      Err.. the idea is that you don't get a bill because you aren't sitting there waiting for a bill.
      I don't think this power supplier is for you.

  • -1

    Just check the reviews in the app store. Do not recommend them

  • +1

    I'm confused. Title and description don't really tell me what the product or service is. Only clue is the link to energy matters.

    Honestly, I thought it was about power tools.

    And, why… And how do I log in to a site I've never been to?


  • -1

    Funny these guys were the OzB/Whirlpool darlings a few years ago. Then they went all Telecube on us (except they're in business).

  • +1

    Do they still have the prepaid offers that you need to prepurchase? It was confusing.

    • Yes. My aunt changed to them thinking they were 100% green. They're not, you can pay extra for that, but they are 100% carbon offset. She is finding the app very confusing. I think she has the hang of it now and you can get about 24% off your electricity by prepaying a few months ahead.

      • You're lucky to get 16% these days.

  • +1

    I generally review my Power retailer once an year and Powershop was the best deal for me. I definitely encourage you to check out the Government comparison websites.

    How it works was a little confusing for me before joining, but once you have it it's very simple. Easiest use case is, they send you a bill, you log in and pay early to get a discount.
    In addition to that, they have an app and a few times a month will have a special discount where you can pay for about 1 or 2 days of power at an even better discount. If you do this, when the bill rolls around it will be less the amount you have already paid, and your overall discount for the month will be slightly better.

    Combine that with the referral program, which is always on (usually $75, but currently $100), I've had two referrals so far which gave me $175 credit in my account.

    They have a competitive Solar Feed in Tarif, and the app also lets you track usage daily, so you can decide if the heater or aircon is really worth it.

    Their website says:

    "We are owned by Australasia’s largest 100% renewable generator, Meridian Energy. Our office is based in Melbourne, with our support teams located in both Melbourne and New Zealand. Powershop is Australia’s only electricity retailer to be certified 100% carbon neutral by the Australian Government1 and have been ranked the greenest power company three years’ running.2"

    I'll review retailers again when I get a chance, but I've been very happy with Powershop, after moving from Origin, and Red Energy.

  • You only save a noticeable amount of $$ if you prepay.

    If you don't want to prepay then you're better off looking elsewhere.

  • Is this paid as $25 per month for 4 months? I notice $75 referral changed to 3 x $25 instead of 1 x $75 at some stage.

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