Decent discount. Not too sure who would want one of these at this point in time. Was a few left at my local store. Was told that they would be the same price at stores that have stock.
[QLD] iPod Touch 16GB $99 (Was $275) @ Big W Townsville (In-Store Only)

Last edited 19/09/2018 - 15:31 by 1 other user
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Didn't realise they still made these.
Was discontinued last year or the year before.
Although Apple is only selling 32GB and 128GB models, so I imagine the 16GB pictured is an older generation.
The 16GB 6th-gen was discontinued 2 years ago. It's more likely old-stock 6th-gen rather than 5th-gen. If there's no rear camera, it's a 5th-gen (16GB 5th-gens lacked the rear camera).
Yes it is called vintage.
I read [QLD] as [OLD] and thought "yup, right"
Shoulda gone to specsavers.
Or buy a cheap Android phone for the same price, and put a 64GB MicroSd for $25.
Well if you don't care about the sound quality you can just buy cheap audioplayer for the price of MicroSD card.
But if you do care - ipods are quite decent audio players, not the best for the price (if you just need an audio player) but still good enough, so 99AUD is actually is a bargain.Plus Apple still pushes updates for these unlike 99% of Android devices including flagships
Got to agree, a bargain and I bet they go quick
Or just acknowledge you’re going to own a smartphone irregardless and this is $99 wasted
That you, Paulie?
My old man refuses to get one, where this could be the gateway drug for it. I want to get him listening to podcasts and audiobooks so his brain doesn't turn to mush like it already is lol
Kids nowadays use iPhones or iPads. Nobody use iPod Touch.
My kid does. Got my iPod touch two years ago for 120 bucks , sixth generation. Same processor as iPhone 6. Bloody happy with mine
My youngest has an arsehole dad that won’t let her get a phone until she is 14. She takes her ipod touch everywhere, games, books and access that funny intertube thingy when other people give her that wireless connection people talk about.
.Didn't get a phone till I was 13, pretty reasonable.
Just last night she was moaning about her her friend, Victoria, has an iphone X and an Apple Watch. 13 yo.
@entropysbane: sounds like my daughter's friend Sarah, who has a Hermes backpack for a school bag. She also gets her lunch delivered to school by uber eats every day. Didn't even think that was allowed.
@entropysbane: We asked a 10 yo cousin what they wanted for their birthday and the response was an iPhone 8, MacBook Pro or Apple Watch.
They’re going to be severely disappointed.
sounds like arsehole kids if you ask me.
Besides, who does she need to call? She could probably call all her friends on IM type apps anyway.
If she wants it, get a job and pay for one herself, you can work at 12 years old delivering newspapers.
Yep, agree, that's what I did. Kids should not have mobile phones at least till 14 yrs. old, even if they can pay with their own money from own work or anything else.
@ozhunter68: Yeah, there's a lot of research starting to appear showing the severe effects on mental development social media and gadgets has on kids with developing brains. It's bad on us older folk, let a lone a brain that hasn't matured well enough to have a chance at become a fully developed brain.
they cause huge spikes in serotonin, which is close enough to giving a kid access to the booze cabinet when they get upset.
Throwback to 2010
Crippled iPhone 4
No band 28?
Yeah, but it has a massive 16GB of storage for all your media. That is such an awesome size. And a it has a touch screen too, not many devices have those.
iPhone 6?
Bad value, not really a deal unless your silly enough to pay for apple name. $30 phone + micro sd is half the price…
Am not really an apple fan, but if you care about semi decent sound quality (and a responsive ui)… a cheap android and sd would not be comparable IMO.
Actually i own a cheap boost as a media player for the gym in my house, never had a single issue?
You drive decent headphones from it?
I have no love for Apple, but in no universe is the sound drivers in a cheap android phone comparing to the ipod touch. You cite cheaper every day of the week and that is fine, but the value of the ipod will be audio quality, better screen, updated apps and it is still supported by Apple.
Screen, audio output, camera, performance, and support is better than anything at $30. It would come down to how much you value those things. If you are looking for good audio output you might struggle to find anything at $30. Maybe a used FiiO x1 could be found at that price? But then you wouldn’t be able to use streaming apps like Spotify.
I'm the biggest apple hater, but this is a great deal for a music player. No $100 Android phone is going to be as responsive or good enough quality wise to compare with this. Only downside is probably the size of the screen which shouldn't be an issue if you're using it for music.
If it's a 6th generation Touch (mid-2015), processor and benchmarks are similar to an iPhone 6.
Cheaper than buying an iPad
because its about 700% smaller
That's not physically possible
perhaps as a coles mini ipod touch?
iPod? Who's that?
16GBs. My gawd. One thing I truly disliked about Apple is the fact they had no expandable storage options and they held onto the 16GBs models of their products for so long. Having such little storage ages the product pretty rapidly/artificially.
Worked for an apple store circa gen 3 Ipod. They came in 16GB and 32GB - use to be ample storage once upon a time ago when apps and video files were not supported.
Many did expect to sync from a PC on a regular basis.
Ironically storage for audio is probably less important now days given streaming services have replaced personal libraries for many customers. Of course you’d want a cellular device though.
We use an Apple based pos system that uses ipods for ordering. Would buy all of these if I was in Townsville.
Do any stores actually have stock though?…
Thank god OP's photography skills were enough to see the product code.
This is only for space grey.
Me too please. I really need a new iPod for work
Whats an ipod?
These might not have camera
Sometimes I just hate Apple.
So you have to have iTunes to use these guys?
If it’s the 6th gen, then it gets a new lease on life with iOS 12. Apple worked some magic and iOS 12 makes old devices snappy and quick again.
Or just never update the device.
The iOS 12 update is amazing. It’s first time I’ve seen an update claimed to improve performance actually do what it claims. Google, Samsung and Microsoft never live up to their promises. Good job by Apple. Maybe get another couple of years out my ancient iPad at this rate.
Windows 10 did a good job, brought a struggling 2011 mid range business laptop from being chucked out for two years.
these will cost a pretty penny in 20 years time
Are the DAC and amp on these good?
$99 doesn't seem to bad considering that it is an apple product but would anyone really still be buying these at a price anywhere close to $275 though?
idk if it is allowed but can someone buy me one and ship it to me? pm me if u can
thanksDoes this run fortnight? I wanna get addicted to fortnight and eventually lose my job, home and current financial freedom in pursuit of success from a child’s video game.
here comes the brodens