• expired

FREE Courses "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" & "Textual Criticism – Digital Audio" @ Credo Courses


Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video (normal price US$199.00) https://www.credocourses.com/product/video-download-bh/
Textual Criticism – Digital Audio (normal price US$199.99) https://www.credocourses.com/product/textual-criticism-audio…

Free for a limited time.

If you aren't interested in Credo Courses deals you can simply hide that store from your deal feed. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:faq_beginner?#how_can…

Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video

This course addresses various views of authority regarding Scripture, canonization, methods of interpretation, the doctrines of inerrancy and inspiration and hermeneutics.

Bibliology & Hermeneutics
1. Course Introduction and Authority
2. Sola Scriptura
3. Transmission of Scripture
4. Canonization of Scripture (OT)
5. Canonization of Scripture (NT)
6. Inspiration
7. Proving INspiration
8. Inerrancy
9. History of Interpretation
10. Historical-Grammatical

Textual Criticism – Digital Audio
1. Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism
2. How to Count Textual Variants
3. The Number of Variants
4. Weighing the Discrepancies
5. Recent Attempts to Change the Goals of NT Textual Criticism
6. Materials and Methods in Making Ancient Books
7. The Materials Used Making a Codex Manuscript
8. A Brief History of the Transmission of the Text
9. The Role of the Canon in Shaping the NT Text
10. The Emergence of Local Text Forms
11. Illustrations of Scribal Corruptions (Part 1)
12. Illustrations of Scribal Corruptions (Part 2)
13. Some Famous Manuscripts: Papyri (Part 1)
14. Some Famous Manuscripts: Papyri (Part 2)
15. Some Famous Manuscripts: Majuscules (Part 1)
16. Some Famous Manuscripts: Majuscules (Part 2)
17. Resources for NT Manuscripts
18. Resources for NT Manuscripts: CSNTM
19. The Greek Text Behind the KJV
20. Textus Receptus/Doctrine of Preservation (Part 1)
21. Textus Receptus/Doctrine of Preservation (Part 2)
22. Tischendorf and the Discovery of Sinaiticus (Part 1)
23. Tischendorf and the Discovery of Sinaiticus (Part 2)
24. History of NT Textual Criticism Since the TR
25. Who Were Westcott & Hort?
26. Reasoned Eclecticism (Part 1)
27. Reasoned Eclecticism (Part 2)
28. Reasoned Eclecticism (Part 3)
29. Some Famous Textual Problems (Part 1)
30. Some Famous Textual Problems (Part 2)
31. Some Famous Textual Problems (Part 3)
32. Some Famous Textual Problems: Matthew 24:36
33. Some Famous Textual Problems: John 7:53-8:11
34. Some Famous Textual Problems: Mark 16:9-20
35. Which Translation is Best?
36 Is What We Have Now What They Wrote?*

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closed Comments

  • +10

    OP approximately how many copies of "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" actually sold for $199 before you posted this Freebie please?

    • +1

      FWIW, I don't know, but I bet there are some Xian Uni Libraries our there (in USA?) that might pay $$ for them, to support their creation & updates.

      I get & agree with your point, that this isn't a genuine Deal, in the OzB context.

      Let me add, that Jewish (and maybe Islamic, I would guess) groups do Not need to stoop to this level of Low-Ball marketing to win converts (in fact, Jews don't solicit for 'em).

      OP, kindly Move this non-Deal to a Forum.

      PS Hasn't these courses been listed very recently?
      I'm sure the poster would have been advised to move them off the Deals section of OzB.

      • -4

        You wrote Uni Libraries might pay for it since its free now. Therefore it's a genuine deal.

        • +6

          Excellent. Approximately how many copies actually sold for $199 please?

        • +1

          @PJC: 768

        • +2

          @EightImmortals: Superb, though they were all too busy to write a review.

        • +1

          Just bought 666 copies
          Thanks ;)

        • @Corrugated Ironman: Of course you bought them. You could have saved US$132,534 today but your priorities are from a higher calling. Those wonderful popups don't acknowledge your bounteous largesse, unfortunately.

      • +2

        srsly? You want to talk about how Islam converts people? srsly???

        • Gold gospel glory

    • +2

      how many copies actually sold for $199


      • His estimate would have sufficed.

  • +2

    I have just completed these courses. I couldn't sleep so thought I might as well learn something. If anyone has any questions or needs help with the content then let me know.

    • Well done. Did you pay $199?

      • +3

        No. As per Proverb 22:1

        "a good name is more desirable than great riches"

        I translate late this to read

        "Tightbottom is more desirable than payment"

        • Of course you are. Will you be submitting a review? The website shows there are none for any version of that course.

        • @PJC:


        • +3

          @TightBottom: Great. I was wondering why there are none so far. Especially as sales are absolutely thriving according to those frequent beeketing popups. David of Sweetwater USA has in recent hours purchased almost everything the website offers.

        • +2


          David is a bit of a larrikin. He technically lives in Roscoe to the west of Sweetwater.

        • +1

          @TightBottom: You have to admire his enthusiasm. Those popups are so very reassuring for prospective buyers, aren't they?

    • Yes, I'd like to know how this group's faith / religion / tradition (or whatever it is) compares to what Manis defines as a Religion (or is it "begin religious"), eg, in:

      • Search YouTube for "Warning- Religion May Be Harmful To Your Health"

      or try:

      (It's a serious talk comparing, eg, being Jewish with doing religion, in my words)

      I like this speaker's way of speaking… soft-spoken, subtly humorous, warm, etc.
      In a word: Effective ;~)

      • But Peterson says it is good for my health though.

        I like this speaker's way of speaking… soft-spoken, subtly humorous, warm, etc.
        In a word: Effective ;~)

        Then watch atch Bob Ross paints !

    • I'm sure you were asleep by the time you finished the first episode

  • +2

    Yes, I'd like to know how this group's faith / religion / tradition

    Great question. I will do my best to keep it brief. The science of comparative religion is perhaps the latest born of all sciences. Largely in consequence of this fact, our knowledge of what it really proves is still far from definite, and men draw most contradictory conclusions on this point. As in the case of all new sciences in the past, not a few people have endeavored under its shelter to attack Christianity and all revealed religion. These assaults already give signs of failure—as in similar cases previously— and a new evidence of Christianity is emerging from the conflict. It is only "a little learning" that is proverbially dangerous. The subject with which the science of comparative religion deals is religion in general and all the facts which can be learnt about all religions ancient and modern, whether professed by savages or prevalent among highly civilised communities, whether to be studied in sacred books or learnt orally from the people. Let me know if you require additional information.

    • -1

      more please!

  • here just for the comments

  • Bible bashers , trying to convert Oz Bargainers with a bargain that's not a bargain……could be wasting their time I think.

    • +2

      I don't think he's trying to 'convert' anyone? (I mean how do you do that anyway?) No one is forcing you to take up the offer nor to open these threads so I think you are safe from being 'converted', sneakily against your will. :)

      OK what he IS doing is simply promoting a product that explains or defends his beliefs and meh whatever, he might be a bit over exuberant in promoting such things in a post-Christian hostile society but none of us can say who might be lurking and is able to get some answers or growth from the content. In short, if you don't like it then don't click the link or ignore the thread. Is it REALLY that hard or is there something else going on? Tell me about your mother……

      • +4

        Wow looks like I touched a Christian nerve . ……what's the "mother" comment all about?

        • Lols, not really, I just don't understand the need for people to constantly attack others beliefs on a bargain website. Either you are interested in the product or you aren't, as I said, it's not that hard. :)

          "……what's the "mother" comment all about?"

          Bill and Ted's excellent adventure…party on dude!

        • +2


          That's my whole point we shouldn't be even discussing religion on a bargain website …. but here we are .

          And you lost me on the Bill and Ted's excellent adventure quote , as I gave up watching kids films when I was a kid.

        • @EightImmortals:

          party on dude!

          Incomplete… And be excellent to each other.

    • No one is trying to convert anyone. This is a deal that some Christians who want to increase their knowledge of the Bible will be interested in. If you’re not interested, that’s fine - there are plenty of other deals on here. No need to use this deal as an excuse to spread your brand of intolerance.

      • -2

        Also no need to use a bargain site to spread the word about your particular brand of invisible man in the sky religion …. must be plenty of other forums you can go to for that.

    • If the goal was to convert people, I would post deals from more conservative scholars. I don't always agree with those liberal scholars. And I don't see those deals converting someone. It's more for someone who already knows about the faith and what to learn more on those topics.

    • +1

      Where's the evidence of "trying to convert"? #lowqualitytroll

  • +13

    Another day, another gto21 religion based spam post.

    • -2

      I replied to you before and gave you a link showing you how you can hide those deals on your feed. You keep calling it harassment or spam. It's not, you choose to keep seeing those deals.

      • +4

        Did you pay $199 for your copy? Might you submit the 1st review?

    • -2

      The topics covered in the course are some of the most interesting for the Christians. If you hate Christians and Christianity, that is not a valid reason to neg this post. How is this spam? Do you go to other deals that promote other ideas, archeological discoveries or views and insult prospective readers for their interests and beliefs?

      • They don't complain for example when we have religious deals on Udemy or by the user Scotty. It just seems like a double standard. I tried Udemy courses on religion, some of the Credo Courses are much better.

        • +5

          Perhaps amend your description to show normal prices as US$199 = AU$279 to make this Freebie even more impressive. How many do you estimate were sold at that price please?

        • +1


          About the same number as most of the non-religious Amazon books, Udemy courses, or itch.io games that get put up here for free…

        • @rygle: Don't hit his little hobby horse with logic…

      • If you hate Christians and Christianity

        I don't think these people hate it and to be honest I dislike the way people criticise others beliefs.

        However, I agree with the dukeofnukem. These are starting to sound like the gun posts.

        • +2

          I'd hate for these "deals" to be banned. These just need to be moved to the forums and have the whole "bargain" notion removed.

          Just post it as a free sermon.

  • I am constantly disappointed in how religious claims can be made without any genuine supporting evidence and be tolerated on this site. If the same 'truth claims' were made about another subject for example a 'medical' device or a diet supplement then they would be removed. Why does a religious post - but only Christian ones as far as I can tell - get a free pass? If I post the 'learned writings' for free of Islamic scholars or Scientologists will they also be allowed to make outlandish and unjustified claims and not be removed? Could it be that Christianity is being given special treatment despite it being just as much a primitive religion as any others?

    • +2

      If the same 'truth claims' were made about another subject for example a 'medical' device or a diet supplement then they would be removed

      I have seen lots of sudo health things here which haven't been deleted, however, if they are obviously fake then they are not a bargain and should be negged out of existence.

      These aren't doing any harm. At the worst they are fiction which isn't a reason to delete them. For others they hold a lot of value and as such a bargain.

      If I post the 'learned writings' for free of Islamic scholars or Scientologists will they also be allowed to make outlandish and unjustified claims and not be removed?

      I don't see why they would be deleted, but if so, then yes it is double standards.

      • Yes, "what's the harm" indeed.

        I mean it's not like religion has started wars, oppressed millions of people, had its followers do all sorts of immoral things - including kill - in its name or that of it's deities, instilled dubious morals, forced itself on innocent people through corruption and legislation, torn families apart, caused severe psychological trauma to many, created an environment that fosters unwavering, unquestioning belief rather than critical thinking that affects its victims daily lives and every choice they make, been used to support an institution that abuses children and covers it up…need I go on? If you honestly can't see the harm that religion causes to society, you're part of the problem.

        On the other hand, there is no benefit, literally not a single thing, that religion can achieve that can't be achieved through purely secular means.

        Sure, maybe there are some people who find comfort in believing in magical fairy tales over, you know, reality, the truth, and science. And maybe there are even some exceptional circumstances where outrageous lies really are morally superior to reality (a general fear of death definitely not being one of them), but in those cases surely you can come up with better fiction than mainstream religions, with all the baggage that they entail.

        If religion is your best answer to some perceived need to lie to people to make them feel better, honestly I'd rather see homeopathy and healing crystals on OzBargain; they also don't work, and like religion are dangerous to the extent that people may put their time and money into them than actual medicine, but at least they don't hate gay people and threaten you with eternal torture for not believing in them.

        • will you have world peace if we get rid of all religions?

    • +3

      I don't have a problem if we have "free of Islamic scholars or Scientologists". It won't convert me but I might be interested to study certain topics on other worldviews. An atheist can also post deals on for example: "The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins. I don't see why non-Christian materials should be banned. Everyone has different interest, what's a bargain for some is not for others.

      • Have you any idea why there are no reviews for any version of this product please?

        • +2

          @gto21: Yes, I don't know much, indeed my ignorance approaches legendary status, but for no adequately explored reason there are zero reviews, so it seemed apposite to ask you as this is your 8th Credo Courses post. Did I inquire how much you paid for your copy? I forget.

        • @PJC: I admire your perseverance for the last 8 hours. You deserve a reward. Review of Textual Criticism. https://www.credocourses.com/product/textual-criticism/#revi…

        • +2

          @gto21: I am honoured! Approximately how many copies of the hitherto unreviewed "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" actually sold for US$199 before you posted this Freebie please? Let's assure your fellow OzBargain Members concerning your description's normal price. By the way, how much was your copy?

  • Religious propoganda disguised as "free information".

    Just because herpes is free, doesn't mean it should be shared.

    • -1

      If you're not interested in herpes https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/378657 additional benefit no tshow junior. And If you aren't interested in Credo Courses deals you can simply hide that store from your deal feed. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:faq_beginner?#how_can….

      • +3

        Hiding a deal is for deals that are actually bargains but not to my taste.

        Negging a deal is for posts that aren't actual bargains.

        • -1

          1) Prove to me it's your taste. Tell us why it's your taste?

          2) Bring evidence it is not a bargain.

        • +2


          Prove to me it's your taste. Tell us why it's your taste?

          That's just silly. Proving taste.

          Bring evidence it is not a bargain.

          Look above at the number of comments that are pointing to the suggestion that $199 is not a normal price.

          Let's start at the very first comment.

          OP approximately how many copies of "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" actually sold for $199 before you posted this Freebie please?

          Many more similar comments in this post. More in other posts.

          Essentially - reduction in RRP that practically no one pays is not a deal.

          Proove my taste. Jesus. Is that what their teaching as religious defence now.

          OTOH, I have faith that yours is salty.

        • -1

          @tshow: Once you decide to answer the first question and get yourself trap into a dilemma because of the inconsistency of your arguments. Please let me know, otherwise, I'm not interested in diversion tactics. I knew you had to divert; you must have noticed your logical fallacy. I'll reply when you can write why it's your taste. If not I'll just ignore your message.

        • @gto21:
          I'm not religious. I do not get trapped in inconsistencies of arguments. That's almost exclusively the MO of religion.

          I now close with the same move - please let me know once you have fixed insert some kind of excuse and I'll assume a slam dunk on this argument. Hmmpf.

          Helps if you imagine an upturned nose as face turns away. Maybe use Meryl Streep's face. She does that move well.

  • +2

    Haters will hate…

  • +3

    Is this really a bargain?? :(

    I can make a product, set the RRP to be a certain amount (let say $199). But I always give it out for free. Would people still consider that to be a bargain?

    Negging this because it's not (a bargain), nothing to do with me being a believer or not.

    This post will probably be more welcomed in the forum.

    • +2

      1) Should Udemy courses also be moved based for being often free?
      2) And if we have similar deals on a regular basis should they be banned (freebie or not)?

      • bargain

        a thing bought or offered for sale much more cheaply than is usual or expected.

        I see that @pjc likes statistics/real reviews/evidence. I like that too.


        I copied a long-running Udemy deal posted by tightarse (+140 upvote, -0 downvote). One of the courses offered is Casual Japanese Conversation - which is no longer free. To learn japanese from Udemy is going to cost you $23.99 for 15 classes.

        To learn japanese in Melbourne in a proper classroom is $212 for 8 lessons/term (50-mins general class).

        To learn japanese online is $10-30 dollars per month.

        By monetary value, you will save from $10/month to $212/term if you decided to take the Udemy Course when it was offered.
        You mentioned that a Christian apologist paid for the Textual Criticism course. I hope you told him about the deals that you have posted recently. I hate that feeling when I bought something and it goes on sale the next day.


        On 10th August 2018, you posted
        FREE Video Course "Christian Apologetics 101" Dr. Doug Groothuis @ Credo Courses
        On 12th August 2018, you posted
        FREE Digital Video Course: "Textual Criticism" and Audio: "Church History" @ Credo Courses
        On 15th August 2018, you posted
        FREE (Digital Video) Course "The Historical Jesus" by Dr. Darrell Bock @ Credo Courses
        On 18th August 2018, you posted
        Free Digital Video Course "Apologetics Boot Camp" @ Credo Courses
        On 25th August 2018, you posted
        Free Digital Video Course "The Discipleship Program" @ Credo Courses
        On 5th September 2018, you posted
        FREE Digital Audio "Old Testament Theology" by Dr. Tremper Longman @ Credo Courses
        on 6th September 2018, you posted
        FREE Digital Video Course "Introduction to Theology" @ Credo Courses
        on 8th August 2018, you posted
        FREE Courses "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" & "Textual Criticism – Digital Audio" @ Credo Courses

        For the last 31 days, you have posted 8 deals from the same websites of similar contents.

        For the last 31 days, 3 different people posted 3 deals from Udemy of various contents. One of them is Learning Python (not the snake, but the programming language).

        I would consider your posts to be borderline spamming/advertising. Shouldn't the moderators be moderating these posts?

        Quote from you
        "The neg votes are most of the time based on their hatred for religion or/and Christianity. It's easy to see when you read the comments. Not one of them ever showed a better deal."

        I do not hate religion or/and Christianity. I purely think that your deals are not good deals. But you challenge everyone that negged your post. You say it is "not worth wasting my time with them". Many people are turned away by good christians like you.

        And unfortunately I have showed a better deal with Udemy (see above).

        • Myer has "similar deals on a regular basis"

          My favourite is 20% Toys. It happens almost once every 3-4 months. I still wanna see them here because they are actual real ozbargain deals.

          Dammit, if only they have 20% off 8 times every 31 days.

        • It's subjective. You can have a 1000 votes for Udemy, but I'm not interested to learn Japanese. It's not a deal for me. It can be for others. I don't think it's a deal should I neg it as well? Its actually thanks to the Christian apologist I know its free. I wrote most of the time, I did not write every time. I'm not here to convert anyone. If people join or leave, it does not affect me. And I never claim to be good. Its other people on Ozbargain who keep giving me that label. I won't describe myself as good. I never did and never will. I don't know what's the point with the link, it's too long I don't have enough time to read it. You want more Toys deal. I hope you get it, I don't need it. I don't care if I see Toys deal or not, I will just scroll. I hope to get more Credo Courses including this week. You can come this week and next week as well to comment, you can come to neg. After that move on. I will post what I think is a deal if I see one.

        • Just one link can have hundreds of free courses for Udemy. For example https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/392367. Will you be able to do another statistic including how many courses in every link? Including active deals like the one above. And go longer than a month. The longer you go, the more accurate the average will it be for Udemy.

        • @gto21:
          Uhm, you do realise that I'm being sarcastic when I say good Christian like you, right? (Is being sarcastic allowed in this website? - moderator let me know if I can't be sarcastic here).

          Quote from you
          "Because of the neg votes, I'm hoping religious people will realize how some individuals are against freedom of speech and freedom of religion"

          By negging this post, I am actually exercising my freedom of speech. But you are trying to shut me up by bringing up another (actual) deal that you deemed "not a deal" for you. Of course, you are free to neg the deals that you believe that are not actual deals, and I will be doing the same.

          I hereby jumping off my soapbox because it feels like I'm going round and round. In conclusion, I still think these kind of posts are better in the forum.

        • @Himesama21: Did I say you can't neg my post? I actually invited you to come back this week and the following weeks. And no I won't neg a deal because I don't need it. The vast majority of the post I don't need. Unless I can find better and cheaper, I won't neg a post. But thats me. You made your point, I've read it. You are right, we will go in circles. No point continuing this conversation. Peace

  • +2

    So OP have you or anyone actually paid $199 for this?

    Seems like you keep being asked similar questions but avoid them.

    • Yes, I actually know someone who paid for the Textual Criticism course. He is a Christian apologist. And yes I do actually ignore some people. Not worth wasting my time with them. It's usually the same person.

      • +1

        Approximately how many copies of the hitherto unreviewed "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" actually sold for US$199 before you posted this Freebie please? I think you forgot to answer previously.

      • +2

        It isn't very Christian to ignore :(

        • +1

          It is very Christian actually. You are supposed to ignore individual who only wants to argue and not waste your time with them. Which I think is a good rule.

        • +2

          @gto21: PJC isn't arguing.

        • @dylo: I was not referring to this deal but to other conversations, I had with him last few weeks.

        • -1

          Always come to OzB for the uninformed to state their clueless opinions as fact.

        • +1

          @Mic Cullen: Unfortunately, that is how religions work. State repeatedly that things for which they have no credible evidence are the absolute truth, rinse and repeat. When society allows, kill unbelievers. This was a popular tactic by 'loving' Christians for most of their existence (and still continues). When no longer acceptable say that those who did such acts were not 'true' Christians, continue to do that for the myriad of other changes to the interpretation of the book of rules. Of course basing their religious foundation on a tribal war-god from the middle east bolstered their predisposition to barbarity.

        • +1

          If only Christians had done that instead of deciding to convert 'heathens' at pain of death as they have done for the majority of Christian history. Much like slavery, converting at the point of a sword was the 'standard practice' for Christians for most of the last two thousand years. Now those aren't considered 'true' Christians though by many - just as the injustices perpetrated by modern Christians will be viewed as flawed in the future.

        • @Rayve: The best two comments I've seen around here in a long time. Thank you.

        • +1

          @gto21: I am definitely referring to "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" and you are entirely aware of that.

        • @Rayve: 1) Can you show us where it commands a Christian to kill unbelievers. I want you to bring evidence from 33 AD until now. Christians are commanded to kill unbelievers or force conversion. Bring biblical evidence. 2) If you get rid of Christianity, will you have world peace?

        • @gto21: First, not once did I claim that getting rid of Christianity would bring world peace. Getting rid of religions however would remove one reason why people hate others.

          As far as commands in the Bible to kill unbelievers and evidence of Christians killing others in the name of their religion I am not sure if you are actually serious? Surely you know enough of the Bible and of history to have evidence of those things in abundance. Deuteronomy has several passages that command the 'righteous' to kill unbelievers - "you shall stone that man or woman to death" for worshipping other gods, or in Chronicles - "But that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman." These passages were used by 'good Christians' throughout most of Christian history to justify killing others, particularly when those others had resources the Christians wanted.

          If you are going to make a counter-argument - 'but that is the Old Testament' - are you saying then that these commands from your God were in some way moral then? Or was your God evil then but now reformed? Why did he explicitly allow for people to used as slaves for life? Why was it moral for people to be allowed to beat those slaves to death (so long as they did not die within a few days)? Please explain why that was moral or good? Should people be kept as slaves? Is it moral? If it is not why do you disagree with your 'god'?

        • -1

          @Rayve: Deuteronomy nice try. Let assume your right for argument sake. Let assume that what Deuteronomy teach. That not what I ask you. I already knew you had to go to Deut. Christianity did not even exist back then. I'll ask again, read slowly show me where it commands Christians to kill unbelievers or force conversations. If you can't just say you can't instead of diverting. The word slave in the bible can be used for individuals who can't pay their debts. Instead of dying they offer their services as a slave. The modern-day servant might be more appropriate word. Or should a whole family die instead? Now that you admit without Christianity you still won't have world peace. Can you tell us without Christianity will people still kill other people? and will still enslave people? Christianity is against lie and stealing. The slavery your probably thinking of, include stealing people and based on lies, for example, black people are inferior. Answer the questions this time. And don't forget your proof from the bible for force conversion this time!

        • +1

          @gto21: Nice try on the slave question but you are lying and I suspect you know you are. Sure Hebrew indentured servants can go free after seven years (but there are loopholes for that) but from the other tribes? - Those you get to take in war or buy in the market and keep for life and pass onto your kids. In Leviticus it clearly says "However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance." Where do they get to 'pay off their debts' and be free? Is this a moral command from your 'God' or do you think it is still a moral thing?

          And what about the beating them so long as they don't die in a few days a well? Is that moral? Why are you lying about what those passages say? Can it be that you know that those things are immoral? Why is that your 'God' can command people not to eat shellfish but can't say a thing about not owning and abusing other people?

        • -1

          @Rayve: If its slavery and I'm a liar. You just admit the slave was set free. As a result, people from non-Abrahamic faith were not the first one to abolish slavery. Since you criticize a whole faith for the actions of some Christians. Now defend the people outside the faith, for abolishing slavery must later. What can you say for your defense?

          For your so-called loophole. v.49 “An uncle or a cousin or any blood relative in their clan may redeem them. Or if they prosper, they may redeem themselves.

          Even you quote "you may" which does not mean automatic, necessary, expected, or standard practice.

          Furthermore, in your so-called loophole, those who do not leave will include Exodus 21.5, “But if the slave declares that he loves his master, his wife, and his children and does not want to be set free."

          Slave getting paid, I don't usually hear about this one. “if they themselves earn enough, they may buy their own freedom.” (Lev. 25:49). Many outside the faith don't pay their slave, anything you can say for your defense?

          I give you an example for the beating. Exodus 21:26 "An owner who hits a male or female slave in the eye and destroys it must let the slave go free to compensate for the eye." Many people outside the faith don't free the slave after beating them. If we do follow this it's still better than other people were doing. Now can you defend the people outside the faith who beat their slave and don't set them free? Since you like to criticize a religion for the action of some. I use the same debate tactics on you, and let see how long you last if you can answer.

        • +1

          @gto21: How much did you pay for your copy of the hitherto unreviewed "Bibliology and Hermeneutics – Digital Video" please? Perhaps you missed my previous inquiries.

        • -1

          @PJC: Well done, because of your perseverance. You unlock level two, here's a review which includes this course in a bundle.

          1 review for The Theology Program Bundle – Digital Download
          Rated 5 out of 5
          Sheila Boyd (verified owner)
          August 23, 2018
          This is an amazing program. It has answered so many questions for me, even some I didn’t know I had. My faith has grown both deep and wide and I feel much better equipped to defend my beliefs. Thank you for recognizing the need we all have to better understand and to know our Glorious God.

          And here's the link: https://www.credocourses.com/product/theology-program-digita…

        • @gto21: Wonderful. Did I ask how much you paid for your copy? I can't quite remember.

        • @PJC: you need to reach level three for this one. Keep persevering, your doing great so far. Good Luck.

        • -1

          @gto21: So, is slavery as advocated by the rules of your 'God' something you consider moral or not. Why don't you actually answer the questions. It is a fair question and one it should be easy to answer. Is it OK to buy a person, not of your tribe, in a market and own them for life. Is it OK to beat those people if you want to (so long as they don't die in a few days)? If this was 'moral' then why isn't is now? Why did your 'God' who you believe is the most powerful being in the universe, who could issue commands and rules including things like not to wear mixed fibres simply not say that owning another person is bad?

          Your 'tap dance' of 'but my slavery is better than heathen slavery' really doesn't answer the question. These are your three options - either the rules on slavery as contained in your bible are moral, immoral or amoral. Which of those is it. Just a one word answer please.

        • +1

          I thought you disapproved of diverting.

          Keep persevering, your doing great so far. Good Luck.

          You need more than luck. 97 clicks (2 of them mine) in 31 hours for a Freebie! How much did your copy cost?

        • -1

          @Rayve: You can ask a question but you can't tell me how to answer the question. Some questions can be answered in one word and other requires more than one words. You might not like the answer, not my problem.

          1) Not once you had any verse to support force conversion. You completely "forgot" to bring the evidence. Although I ask you more than once.

          2) You could not demonstrate the world will be a better place without Christianity. Based on my previous message you made me realize all your arguments can be turned against you, and the world is a better place because of Christianity.

          3) You could not show the Christian were commanded to have slave. Which was the question. But you diverted. You admit yourself its the OT. Even so, I addressed the point. I demonstrate the slavery it's talking about is people in debts. Not the stealing of people. But even if I'm generous and pretend its the same kind of slavery, I showed they were treated better than by non-Christian. I don't know why you keep repeating yourself when I clearly show the slave can choose to stay. I also show you an example if you beat them you have to set them free. I showed you the verses. You can repeat the same wrong statements several times, it won't make it right. Why the God of the bible is moral, one it's not the slavery your thinking; those people otherwise will die because of financial issues. Two even if I'm generous and pretend its the same slavery, I demonstrate they were still treated better by Christians. You can't criticize the bible when in your worldview its even worst.

          4) Maybe more importantly, when I turn the table on you. Criticize you for the action of others, you can't answer. Let be consistent and let see how far you go when we demand the same thing from you. Inconsistency is a sign of a fail argument.

          5) Are you an atheist?

          I think we are done here, you don't have answers but just repeating yourself. Unless you answer question 5, which is a new question. We might continue the conversation if I can be bothered today.

        • @gto21:So you think your 'God'is moral but he sets out rules for slavery which you know to be immoral but you cannot admit that your perfect 'God' can be immoral so you cannot answer the question. I understand that cognitive dissonance must be avoided to hang on to delusions.

        • @Rayve: Your just asking questions and never answering any. If you want to have a discussion we can. If you don't want to listen, repeating yourself or answer any questions you can have a monologue. You don't need me for a monologue. Enjoy your monologue.

  • +5

    I was sure I saw a post about free copies of the Koran being "unpublished" as "Free religious texts aren't bargains", but of course I can't find it as it's been unpublished.

    I did find this comment from a mod about free religious texts belonging in the forums though.

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