• expired

Aussie Broadband - $10 off Per Month on any Unlimited Plan (First 6 Months)


Note: Targeted at telecube customers but technically open to anyone:

Aussie Broadband is pleased to offer Telecube customers switching over to us $10 off for the first six months on any unlimited plan, or $5 off for the first six months on any of our other plans.

We know changing providers can be stressful so we aim to make it as painless as possible – online applications will usually see your service switch across in anywhere between 15 minutes and a couple of hours. Please note that if you want to port across your phone number, switching across will take longer.

Aussie Broadband offers all-Australian support, no connection fees and no lock-in contracts (so if you don't love us in the first month, you're free to leave).

To take up this offer, you need to sign up at the Aussie Broadband website www.aussiebroadband.com.au or call our friendly team on 1300 880 905 and use the following promo code at the checkout: telecube

Referral Links

Referral: random (251)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • There's actually a targetted checkbox you need to click instead of manually putting it in the summary.

    Also, wouldn't this deal be better?

    Aussie Broadband Free Modem (Valued at $149) + $15 Postage on New NBN Signups

    • +2

      Not if you're on HFC and don't need a new modem.

    • Signup with free modem and customised plan. Will sell the modem once received as I am currently using the exact same modem. Does anyone know if the modem comes preconfigured? I will reset it before selling it.

  • +3

    As an ex-Telecube customer, I can say, my local HFC speeds are about 20-30Mbps faster (hovering about the mid 90's) and international speeds about 60-70Mbps faster (hovering around the low-mid 90's)

    I haven't used support yet. But no outages or slowdowns yet.

    As for the deal, there's often a first month free deal too, which can be better value if you're on a 50/20 or 100/40 plan

    • That's good news as I signed up to ABB at 25Mbps (down from 50 50MBps) so in real terms I'm punting that the speed will actually be the same or better than what I'm getting now. It was an extra $15 a month to go for the 50/20.

  • Is there a reason why Telecube customers are being targeted?

    • +4

      Telecube have gone bust it seems as they are cancelling all NBN services…

      • +1

        Is it just the NBN or is it all VOIP as well. I've got some credit in Siptalk still…

        • Siptalk seems to have been spun of as a separate entity now.

      • That didn't last long. To think that not long ago they were very respected around here, and talked about their pricing being "sustainable" as opposed to cheapest.

        • Not sure about respected..just cheap. Sometimes cheap = unsustainable.

        • @zeggie: They were the one people recommended here and on WP for fast speeds and no congestion because they didn't do unlimited, so didn't attract the leechers.

    • +2

      It all began with this Ozbargain post,
      And shortly after they were toast!


      Poor buggers

      • +1

        wow, I actually called it there that they would go into administration.

  • +2

    Recently saw -$20 for 6 months for everyone, now -$10 for telecube customer?

    • It's only $5 for me as I'm on FW and can't get any unlimited plans….:(

      • You can now if you haven’t seen - https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2749116&…

        Fixed Wireless Pricing
        Different FW pricing was introduced back in May because nbn introduced discounts for fixed line customers that didn’t apply to FW customers. As we were paying more for FW services we needed to charge more. A few weeks ago, however, nbn announced they would be introducing the same discounts to Fixed Wireless customers as well. This was in part due to our pretty heavy campaigning on the issue. This means we can now offer our Fixed Wireless customers the same plans and pricing as the other technologies. Before you ask, yes, this includes the unlimited 50/20 plan for $79. I know many of you will be happy about that.

        • Thanks. Yeah saw that on Thursday and signed up accordingly.

  • Telecube is shutting down their NBN services effective 4th September 2018.

  • +2

    It’s constant running ad on Facebook. You can use Facebook10 coupon to get $10 off each month for 6 months. But I think free modem deal is better as you can sell it later. From my experience they only care if you are a new customer. Once you signed up, the service goes down

    • Goes down as in no new deals for existing customers?

      • +1

        Yeah or if you signed up without a deal and your service hasn’t started. They wouldn’t apply the deal.

        • -1

          Nope, When I signed up ages ago, a promo started the day before I was connected. I emailed and they honoured it.

          ABB are awesome. Their service and reliable and FAST. I went with Mungi for a period of time and the speeds were far worse during 5pm-8pm so I switched back to ABB.

        • +1

          @zeggie: well they refused mine.

  • +1

    What happen to the credit it TC account? Will we get it refunded?

    • The chance of that is nearly zero.

    • Best eay is to email [email protected] and ask. But they should do. It looks like they've moving all VOIP over to Siptalk, so your credit will be xfered if you have VOIP with them.

      Also you need to give TC 3 business days notice before you move. Make sure you do that or you might have some trouble.

      • Does that 3 day rule still apply given the current context? I mean it was them notifying us and not the other way around.

        • Well i believe in their t&c's it states you must give them 3 day and they must give you 2 weeks. But you can always ask.

          They could frustrate your move (I'm not sure if they could refuse you move since you're technically still contraxted to them), and they may not refund any money or at least delay it.

          Basically they'll be copping abuse, so I'd always be eztra nice, that way they're much more likely to help you out and even do you a favour.

      • Siptalk is alternative provider other than ABB right?

        • Siptalk is Telecube's cheaper consumer VOIP (they also did NBN).

          So they don't do NBN now either, but I believe (from Whirlpool) that they're moving all VOIP services iver to their SipTalk brand.

        • @supabrudda: ok, that means nbn with ABB and voip with Siptalk?

        • +1

          @yht: yep, thats what I am doing.

          although I haven't gotten the "you're migrating to SipTalk" email yet. But I disabled auto-topup and removed my credit card from Telecube. it appears that the email thT went out was directed to auto topup users to re-enter their CC details, but in the Siptalk portal.

          Here's the letter as posted in Whirlpool

  • if you had an ongoing deal i would sign up, as i am looking for a long term provider. 6months deal doesn't mean much to me.

    • -1

      Same here. Would love to have a permanent deal. I signed up for $59 for 6months ($20 off) but the full price of $79 would make me churn again. At $69 I would feel it is value/quality and would stick with them longterm.

    • +1

      There is a reason they have been rated the as the highest evening speed in the most recent ACCC report. You either go cheap, middle of the road or premium. It sounds like you want Premium at a cheap price. CVC costs alone for providers are too high to offer this kind of pricing long term.

      AussieBB do a good job getting people in with short period discounts (which are costing them $$$ in the short term I can guarantee) in the hope you don't dog them to go a provider offering you 100/40 for bugger all per month at a speed you'll constantly whinge about until another budget provider comes along.

  • Need to churn two accounts from Telecube. If ABB would give the previous $20 off for 6 months as in most recent deal, would jump right now.

    How about it ABB?

    You could monopolise all of the Telecube victims if you were to offer the the same deal you just had.

  • If ABB would give the previous $20 off for 6 months, I will jump in too.

    • Me too. Come on, ABB, you can do better than this

    • Sign up with a referral and you get free month too, not sure if these two can be combined

  • +5

    This is probably against the spirit of ozbargain, but being in IT a long time ago I decided that worrying about 10 bucks a month extra for interwebs was definitely a penny wise, pound foolish situation.

    Ported over and never had to worry about availability again

    • +1

      Needs and circumstances differ.

    • +1

      Time is money, so outages, slowdown frustration and the resulting missing out on a bargain is enough to convince me that it's a worthy investment.

      I actually found that i rarely use over 300Gb/mth so switching over to a 100/40 500gb plan is $85/mth (what I was paying on TC) or 50/20 500gb is $74

      Lastly surely most of you professionals out there can claim at least part of your internet as a tax deduction?

      • How? Unless you have a home based business

        • Working from home, self study.

        • @supabrudda: How self study can be categorised as business expense?

        • Could also be trading from home.

        • @yht: its part of Self Education. If its related to your work, e.g. keeping up skills, expanding skills, etc. You can claim it. There's also online journals/magazines related to your job. Then there's stock market if you've got shares, online banking if you've earning interest.


          The way H&R block told me is that is you keep a (6weeks I believe) diary of your work-related internet use, then work it out as a percentage of your internet usage. The missus and I both claim 25% each, but we work from home at least one day a week and do some work i the evenings. But I count relevent udemy courses, youtube, websites, blogs & forums (alas not here).

          Check with a tax accountant. I'd be very surprised if professionals can't claim at least 10%.

      • Solipsism (noun)
        Definition: the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.

        Needs and circumstances differ to yours.

        • My kids would differ ;-)

  • +4

    ex-ABB user, moved to Telecube for cheaper price. Then they price jack, then they shut down.

    I saw the 20$ off offer previously. A bit too lazy to change as it's only 6 months. Now I regret I didn't jump boat few weeks ago.

  • jumping on this deal to flee the telecube sinking ship

    Hopefully a quick transfer for FTTN and a succesful CC chargeback for telecube's fee they took out yesterday

  • Been thinking about switching due to dropouts I've been getting on TC's service. Now they go bust with a week's notice and ABB don't have any availability in my area for 3 weeks.

    Pretty damn crappy for them to lump this on people in a week, surely they would have known further in advance.

  • I swapped from telecube to Aus BB very quickly and simply this evening. :)

    • what about if you are on FTTN?

    • Will telecube refund the remaining part of the month I paid. The auto top-up went through a couple of days ago.

      • no they wont, they are bankrupt. You will need to do a chargeback or paypal dispute

        • Hmm will have to get onto that this morning. Thanks

  • Another TC refugee here, was deciding between Mungi and ABB. Ended up swinging the ABB way, given there are no lock-in contracts can't lose really.

    Hope all the staff at TC land on their feet, and I hope TC do right by their customers, especially those of use who have a monthly rollover payment coming up between now and 4 September :/

    • Exact as things should be in 2018, by lunch time today the new ABB port was up and running and speed tests show almost exactly a 50/20 speed (FttP ftw)

      So great stuff all round.

  • +1

    I switched to mungi and have noticed no difference in connection performance or peak times…… was paying $80 at abb for 50/20, now paying $60 for the same level service.. I think everyone gets caught up in the hype about ABB…

    • Yeah it's much of a muchness at 50/20 speeds, like a buck or two a month at most on plans over a year after the various discounts are applied.

    • -1

      Mungi costs more than $60 for their 50/20 plan

      • +1

        It was a promo

  • Quick reminder for churning on FTTN, do I have to have Telecube disconnect existing service for ABB to be able to activate or will ABB just go over the top of Telecube?

    • I have the se question and have emailed ABB, but no response as yet

      • I think last time I moved provider I only disconnected after the new one stepped in, fingers crossed it's the same with ABB as I'm sure Telecube will be hammered at the moment.

        • +1

          Yes, ABB responded that I should not call TC to cancel before ABB connected.

  • Also FYI for folk from TC:


    Get ya chargebacks ready and kiss your credit goodbye.

    • +1

      just submitted mine..
      hopefully Citibank are good at getting $

      but bye bye $11 credit i had
      that could have bought some sweet sweet eneloop batteries or xiaomi pens

    • If I paid through paypal but paypal is linked to my westpac bank account and mastercard do I do it through paypal or westpac?

      Have sent a ticket in paypal might ring westpac also today but for a different reason.

  • Just tried calling them to switch but the person told me I can't take up the offer unless I'm an existing telecube customer.. :(

  • +1

    Telecube emailed me today to say Aussie we’re extending the offer:

    Aussie Broadband have advised they are extending the transfer offer made to Telecube customers until 11:59pm on Sunday 2 September 2018. As a reminder the offer is outlined below. To date around just under 1000 Telecube customers have taken up the transfer offer to ABB with the transition being quick and smooth.

    ** ABB (Aussie Broadband) **

    Aussie Broadband is pleased to offer Telecube customers switching over to us $10 off for the first six months on the $79 and $99 unlimited plans, or $5 off for the first six months on any of our other plans.

  • I just called up and was connected within an hour. I signed up for the 50/20 offer. I ran afew speed tests and they came back on average 25-32/18-20

  • I was holding out for a 1 month free offer, upset that they extended this one

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