• expired

NBN Unlimited Plans 50 / 100 for $69 / $89 Per Month for 6 Months @ Aussie Broadband (New Customers)


Per Phil Brit on Whirlpool:
The good stuff…
Our new special offer here on Whirlpool is $10 off for the first 6 months on either of our unlimited plans. That means you can sign up to our nbn™ 50 or nbn™ 100 unlimited plans and you’ll only pay $69 or $89, respectively for the first 6 months of the service.

All you have to do is sign up online and use the promo code WHIRLY10 at the checkout to redeem the offer.

The catch…
The offer can only be redeemed via our online signup and cannot be used over the phone. Only new customers are eligible for this offer (so no cancelling and signing up again to get the cheaper price). The code will only work with our unlimited plans and not with any other plans. The offer will be available until the 31st of August 2018 or otherwise stated.

The code will still work with our small business broadband plans and will still work for customers in the pre-order window (up to 3 months before their area’s RFS date).

That’s it…
Yep, that’s it! A new promotion to get our 2018-19 financial year off to a flying start. If you miss entering the promo code or see this offer after you sign up, sorry but no backsies, you've probably chosen to join us because you've already heard about our services.

Referral Links

Referral: random (250)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

  • +10

    Is this the way killing existing customer who stick with AB ? Anyway, just need to move out :)

    • +3

      Yes they're killing existing customers with $60 worth of savings over 6 months.

      • +1

        You miss the point, killing them as a customer, after 6 months they will move on to another provider.

        • -1

          who will? if they do, then they'll be moving onto a cheap and crap service with someone else.

      • They previously offered the switch to unlimited to existing customers. Not sure if it was at this discount or not, but then the next day I got an email saying they made a mistake and I wasn’t eligible because I’m on fixed wireless nbn. Pretty over aussies shit to be fair.

    • Barefoot Telecom are half decent. They're doing unlimited for $59/mo 50-mbit service for the first 6 months.

    • no.

  • It will be great if it can apply for 500gb plan

    • Yup I got the 500gb plan from Telecube for $60

      • And how is th

      • +30

        at going for you.

        Sorry the net cut out. Like being with telecube

    • 50/500 is $74 and 100/500 is $85. I think this deal is a better deal and you get unlimited.

      • Those 500 plans are pretty expensive. I've been on iinets even more expensive unlimited 100 plan for a while and haven't checked if it's cheaper elsewhere, because it's so fast and reliable I don't want to risk moving from them.

      • +4

        Are you serious? Its only a better deal if you actually use more than 500GB.
        Otherwise you're paying MORE for something you don't actually use.
        Please explain how that is a "better deal"?

          1. zero risk of running out of data
          2. no risk of having to pay for more data
          3. The householders can use what they want, never worry about problems.

          That's why a lot of people like unlimited, not just those that (ab?)use the Internet as a vehicle for entertainment.

        • +10

          @resisting the urge:

          But if you know your household can use whatever they want and historically it never goes above 200GB for example, then this plan has negative value to you.

          Its suits:
          1. genuine high data users
          2. people that are too lazy to actually look at their usage and select an appropriate quota (the vast amjority of people on unlimited plans).

          Most households legit don't have the slightest clue how much they use, despite those households typically being the lowest users, and they pay for it (literally) by going to these unlimited plans.

        • +1

          @resisting the urge:

          Thank you for taking to time to break down the benefits of unlimited into digestible bite sized pieces

      • Thanks for pointing that one out. Might have got myself in not the best deal with this one.

  • +10

    Got the first month free promo, very happy with AussieBB.

      • +6

        The network does not suck for the majority of ABB customers, if you have issues contact CS. They will not over provision that is a promise from ABB… they will stop sell first.

        • That’s not true! We as a family with four homes connected to the same tower have had nothing but problems with ABB. They are very slow to log reports with nbn and they always say the issue is congestion when others around us in our small community have zero issues.

      • Huh?

        When I was last with them 6 months back the network was sh!t hot - is it munted now?

        …or you be trollin?

        • 6 months back I am not sure but AussieBB is one of the best according comments.



        • +4

          I switched from Exetel to ABB and went from 25 down to 93 down in 15min of switching,

          Deff one of the best networks out there and they publish their CVC loads too which is great to see if your area is getting hammered or not,

          Never seen my one go over the allocated amount so IMHO worth every penny,

        • +1

          I think he means the nbn itself is a mess, not ABB?

      • +2

        Their network is one of the best. Never been <90Mbps for me.

        9:47PM http://www.speedtest.net/result/7444451515.png

    • +3

      I got first free month + double GB 500->1000 ! Happy with that.

      The only problem I have is that they do maintenance a lot and it usually goes down around 11:30pm, a bit early!

      Also seems to have weird DNS/first load issues.

      • +4

        Try setting primary DNS to and secondary to - those are the new CloudFlare ones and are meant to be super quick

        • +2

          Yeah tried that :/

        • @StoneSin:

          Did they work?

        • +1
        • +1


          Damn, I use it and it's fine (I'm with Telstra though on adsl)

        • Maybe u can try just the Google DNS

      • +1

        Is this maintenance regular? 11:30pm is definitely too early as I like to play Overwatch with friends til 1am or so. I'd rather go somewhere else if I keep getting disconnected every 11:30pm

        • Maintenance is only once a month and sometimes you might go a few months without it.

        • I get heaps of emails telling me about maintenance. They seem to do it at okay times, but the periods are really long.

          I think what happens is they tell me 2-6am. But what really ends up happening is it shuts off around 11/1130 and doesn't turn back on until the morning. Gets annoying only after a couple times.

          Could just be my area though.

        • The maintenance is all the time when you’re on fixed wireless. That could be more a fault of nbn co than isp however. They slapped up towers that clearly wouldn’t service the entire town claiming only a few would use it then they decommission the old phone lines that ran adsl and then they have issues. The government is bonkers. And now we cheesy mal as our leader we’re all screwed.

        • Never had any maintenance. They've sent out 4 notifications that the internet will be down for a day (in 2+ weeks time), but it's never actually gone down.

          Had down periods of 5 minutes on 3 occurrences.

    • +5

      Heh. Seems I touched a sore spot with a badly-worded comment. The 'network' I'm referring to is the nbn in general, mostly because I'm in an area that's surrounded by FTTP and I've been stuck with FTTN on ancient copper lines. I suffer daily dropouts from a couple of minutes up to an hour at a time, almost always during peak periods when I need to use it for work or halfway through a movie/TV show. ABB have been fantastic every time I contact them and go through all their troubleshooting in good order, but as soon as they escalate to nbn…well, the silence can be deafening at times.

      When it's working as intended it's brilliant. I know it's not ABB's fault they have to provide a service over sub-standard infrastructure.

      • If they have escalated it to nbn they will not have been met with silence.

        They would have received a response and you can request the response from ABB.

        • +1

          I have. The response has inevitably been "More testing required". I've had a stability profile added, more port resets than I can remember, a replacement modem, I'm now on a 3-4 day trial of a new modem setting to see if it prevents the dropouts. I'll be ringing them back tomorrow to find out results. ABB already tell me that the status of my connection is 'risky' (such a charming definition…) so I'm still going through the motions with them.

          I've spoken to my neighbours and they're all having the same problems. One even had a technician out several times simply to get their connection to a semblance of 'working'. The difficulty here is we're all with a different ISP so it's hard to coordinate efforts, but I've been telling everyone to complain to their service provider ever time they have issues in the hope that nbn may recognise a pattern of instability in this specific street.

        • On the other hand, Whirlpool is filled to the brim with peoples accounts of nbn™ failing to fix issues, or their thresholds being ridiculously low.

          What's your association?

        • @Chazzozz: sounds similar to my position though I'm no where near as bad, only really drops out during heavy rain. Well I guess more testing required is better than silence 😉 will come down to if it's above or below the threshold, off the top of my head I can't recall the threshold in regards to drop outs but I'll see what I can find out.

        • @kyerussell: I'm yet to see an issue that meets nbns criteria for being an issue requiring remediation simply being ignored, i have seen issues take a very long time to be fixed and I've seen differing opinions as to what should be considered an issue. I'm sure nbn would love to provide every one with a "super" fast and 100% reliable connection with 100% fix for any issue, but at the end of the day they can't do that as they are working within the constraints and guidelines provided to them, politically, financially and corporate. Could they still do a better job? Absolutely and no doubt they are trying to, they aren't purposefully trying not to fix things

        • @Ethernia:

          only really drops out during heavy rain


        • @Ethernia: Thanks for offering. My dropouts happen irrespective of weather so I'm not sure if it's environmental or physical, but I do believe the whole street has some underlying issues. Right now I'm just being patient and waiting to see what the next steps are.

          What really irritates me is there are greenfields in town that received new FTTP which works very well; I know people who live in these areas and they're quite happy with their level of service. The fibre cable actually runs so close to my house I can almost smell it, but my street was too far after the rollout - my town was in a Phase 2 area and started connections ~2013 but we only got service this January - and by the time it reached us the decision had long ago been made to go with FTTN wherever existing infrastructure made it possible. It's a shining example of how our government works: announce something awesome that makes the current administration look great and leave it to the successive ones to water it down so it's either affordable or feasible. This is one case where I so wish there had been some follow-through all the way so the nbn could have been just as fantastic as Kevin told us it would be.


        • @superforever: Sadly, yeah :(

      • I had massive dropout issues when I switched to NBN too. It took several visits by an NBN tech to resolve the issue which was frustrating but ABB were fantastic throughout the ordeal and they applied as much pressure as they could to get NBN to sort it out. I shudder to think how long it would've taken to resolve if I'd been with a provider with crap CS.

      • Best advice - tweet it. I did and some radio show host contacted nbn on my behalf then they sent some nbn guru out. Then deafening silence for a while but then they fixed it. There was a two prong issue with mine. Half was the tower and the other half my receiver. But yeah twitter is the answer. ABB also don’t always correctly escalate the issue. Nbn actually told me there was no escalation from ABB which is why I was pulling hair out for 6+ months on 2mbps max downloads. No compo either from ABB after it all. They conveniently didn’t have records because they always used their “congestion” slogan on me. They also told me they would receive my speed tests if I did through the ABB portal. Nope!

    • +2


      • +1

        Nah, he had the same whinge on Whirlpool.

        Welcome to business 101 in Australia!

        • Welcome to business 101 in, Australia The planet earth. Fixed it for you.

    • +1

      It's annoying but good luck finding an RSP that doesn't offer new deals to customers. I'll be looking to move away from ABB once my 6 months of double data is up.

      • -2

        Hope you don't move to somebody with speed problem during peak.

        • +1

          No idea who I'll move to yet, I'll do the research closer to the end of the 6 month period. Any suggestions?

        • @nurries: YEA!!! STICK WITH ABB !!! if you have any issues between now and then contact them they will do all they can to fix you up!

        • +8

          @Sunshine Moon:

          Zero issues with them, I just don't want to be paying $85/month for 500GB on 100/40.

        • -3


          Hope you don't regret if move to somebody else.

        • +2


          How about providing suggestions instead of just hoping this and that lol

        • +1

          @nurries: lol. i'm on the same deal as you and my 6m just ended. turns out i never used more than 500gb anyway though so the deal was wasted on me

        • @nurries:

          I just don't understand if you have no speed problem with AussieBB why would you bother to move away because of just small difference?

          All the other ISPs cheaper must have a reason.

        • @superforever: it’s called competition. Price wars. Are you an ABB rep or something ?

        • @superforever: it’s called competition. Price wars. Are you an ABB rep or something ?

        • @kelza83:

          I am not ABB rep just very satisfy with the speed during peak.

          it’s called competition.

          You got what you paid you.

        • +1

          @nurries: I've been reading good things about Future, I've been with ABB before and experienced too many dropouts so in limbo with a company with the letters tc… (I know)… Anywho… They have deals on whirlpool for unlimited, issue with them is a painful set up fee and to some a 12 months contract… People are quoting 47 on the 50 plan. Pricing without the set up is decent, with it I'm disheartened! DCI is another I've read good things about and they dropped the setup if you byo. Just biding my time to latch onto a 'new customer' deal that's not baited and has consistent sustainability in their service.

        • @sme73:

          Link to their site? Google is directing me to some random .org website.

        • +1

          @nurries: Typo, I said Freedom, it should say Future https://futurebroadband.com.au
          They have deals for unlimited on Whirlpool expiring 14th July… I think definitely in the mix
          The 2000gb plan is more for me rather than the unlimited deal

    • +1

      I got a deal not too long ago as a current customer… so they do put them out from time to time. I paid 12 months out and got 2 months free.

    • Yeah damm I'd jeopardise my service that is being delivered well to save $10 damm that will be good.

    • Make sure you don't sign up using an offer that is only available to new customers of your next ISP.

  • Tried to sign up at our new place but apparently we can only get a fibre with 2 companies, iinet and iprimus or something.

    • Perth?

      • Melbourne.

        • Newish estate I'm guessing? Probably Redtrain or similar network

    • under places vic? such as riverwalk

  • +1

    I live in suburban melbourne, still cant get NBN

  • +10

    I moved over to ABB after Telecube screwed everyone a month or so ago (congestion was also becoming unbearable), now my speed is so much better and most importantly there's no slow down at all in NW Tassie during peak hours. Couldn't be happier.

    • I signed up with telecube but didn't get connected, then left. What happened? I'm with ABB and it's been great

      • Telecube raised their prices (basically what used to cost $69 (100mbit) a mth now up $89 a month.

        I'm still with Telecube, I simply dropped down my plan from 100 to 50mbit, and it's costing me $65 with 1000TB peak usage with unlimited offpeak. Still a competitive price so I have not bothered leaving.

        • +1

          Providers had previously lowered the plan as NBNCo Wholesale was offering them twice the bandwidth for the original price to try and get people onto 50mbps plans. I believe the NBNCo wholesale offer to ISPs has ended so they have effectively halved the bandwidth available to every ISP so they had to rise prices of all plans again to compensate.

        • +1

          The price wasn't the issue for me - it was that the support went so downhill that they were impossible to contact. Being forced to communicate with support via email when your connection is dead just isn't an acceptable solution. I had an outage that took a week to resolve because of this.

  • +4

    I don't know how good AB is but, $69 for 50/20 and $89 for 100/40 NBN seems pretty average. I get pretty good speeds with Exetel, and their 50/20 unlimited is only $59.99. Just did a speed test, getting 43/19 during peak hour. During the day time, I get full 50/20.

    • +2

      Same price if it was no lock in contract @ 69bux

    • I think you’d be in the minority with good speeds via Exetel.

      • Been with them for 12 months. Been pretty good so far(touch wood). Used to be on Telstra cable until the NBN man came and put a NBN sticker over the Telstra logo on the wall plug.

        • +3

          charges $5k to government

    • +27

      Never go full retard

      • You don't buy that? Ask Sean Penn, 2001, "I Am Sam." Remember? Went full retard, went home empty-handed.

    • +5

      Only local, as far as the tin can and string stretches.

  • If i wasn't still on a 24 month contract with iiNet NBN i would have taken up this offer.

    • +4

      So it’s worth a +vote?

  • Been on Aussie BB at my last 2 properties. Speeds and customer service is really good.

    Did churn to telecube for a one month period and ended coming back

  • +5

    Aren't $69/$89 very much the market rates for NBN 50/100?

    • +4

      Friend, even though the service may be the same price aussue offers a better service when it comes to quality, congestion and customer service than most.

      • +1

        Ozbargainers eat crap junk food, but all of a sudden care about "quality" for internet. I think I'll just stick with TPG.

        • +1

          Actually tpg has been rating very good I think was top 3 for the line speed by ACCC. I during night time I am getting around 43mbps for 50nbn.

        • You don't want to be seeing your reflection on the TV, smashing creak junk food, while it's buffering

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