• expired

Officeworks Price Beat Guarantee: Now Includes Parallel/Grey Imports From Stores Without Local Warranty


Hey guys!

Officeworks has decided that it will now be accepting Price-beats from stores with greystock, while previously it was only stores with Australian manufacturing warranty. It seems the store still needs to have a .com.au URL but we can now Price-beat with Dwi Kogan Becextech ect.

The change went through yesterday.

Mod Notes:

(1) The info above "It seems the store still needs to have a .com.au URL" is TBA, the policy(officeworks.com.au) does not specificially mention this. We'll update as information comes to hand, your experience may vary depending on store/understanding. Australian stores with imported stock like Kogan or Catch are more likely to succeed than overseas stores, although in some cases overseas stores have .com.au domains and local stores with imports stock have .com domains. Currently Officeworks policy does not mention store eligibility anyway, experiences likely to vary.

(2) Further info on the exact change below, from discussions.

Old Policy:

Our guarantee applies to all identical products and services with identical warranties that are:

stocked at Officeworks
in stock at our competitor; and
not excluded from the PBG (see below).

New Policy:

Our guarantee applies to all identical products and services that are:

Stocked at Officeworks
In stock at our competitors and
Not excluded from the PBG (see below)

'with identical warranties' is now removed from the policy.

(3) Why is this a deal? Purchase an item locally with manufacturer warranty and consumer law protection for the price of a grey import without manufacturer warranty and not protected by Australian consumer law. Not identical items in value (our guidelines refer to 'same product') and a general deal rather than for a specific item. Marked as long running deal.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    lots of upvotes but no deals! I am trying to find something worthy of a deal.. any ideas?

    What about:

    Iphone 8 Plus 64gig - Kogan = 1199 Officeworks = $1196 ==> Fail
    Iphone 8 Plus 256gig - Kogan = 1439 Officeworks = $1446.00 ==> Beat by 5% = 1367.05

    • Too many deals for your appetite :)

    • +3

      Or maybe, don't.

      Honestly, this post is enough. If OzB goes crazy abusing this on the first day then we all lose.

      Silently now, WD 8tb external $230.95 via Newegg pricematch $221 shipped + GST

      • Not sure OW sell the one with US power adapter to match tbe Newegg one.

    • Sure, just look for any grey import deals here at OzBargain and go to Officeworks to price match.

  • This is massive. Well done Officeworks.

    Hopefully it isn't sullied by some of the OW price matching experiences I've had in WA (hiding stock; matching price nationwide very quickly so almost nobody gets the 5% extra)

    • +4

      Don't bother going in-store to price beat, call the 1300 number it's much easier. Item can be delivered to your preferred store from warehouse if no stock available.

      • Unless you want the item straight away or your planning to use gift cards and your order is under $55

        • Only takes a day or 2 for item to be ready for pickup.

        • @tranter:
          Yes that's true but some people want it right there and then.

        • @Rakddon If the local store does have stock then usually you can go in and pick it up the same day, as long as you ring at a reasonable hour and the staff can find the item of course. It's just a way of sorting it out before you leave home. Someone could visit the store without ringing and it turns out they didn't have stock so they wouldn't get it immediately anyway.

        • @Rakddon: this deal is about matching grey import. So if say Kogan, you would need to wait more then few days…

        • @DvD:

          We were talking about price matching over the phone and in store.

          Nothing to do with grey item or not.

      • So what exactly do you ask them when you call the number?
        Thanks for the help

        • +3

          Just tell them you wish to purchase a particular item using their price beat guarantee. It will help if you have the product number ready from the Officeworks website. They will ask the details of the cheaper price and where you found it. You'll also need to pay for the purchase over the phone. Probably best to tell them early on in the phone call that you wish to collect the item from a particular store, unless of course you want it delivered.

        • @tranter: Ok. Thank you very much

    • matching price nationwide very quickly

      This isn't really fair, you can't fault them for this. That's sort of the whole point.

  • Well i guess most outright phone/tablet/computer purchases are going to be cheaper at OWS.

  • +1

    Is it bec in majority of cases when the new tarrif import law applies prices of overseas grey purchases would end up just the same or dearer

    • +1

      That must have helped, but I don't know their reasoning behind it

  • 230 Upvotes in under 40 minutes! Must be a record!

  • -4

    I would be happy even if they drop the 5% price beat.

    • +17

      comment reported lol

  • Good move, Officeworks!

  • This is amazing.

  • Good information. I hope it goes nationwide.

  • Would have to be an identical model number.

    Most overseas stock have different model numbers for same products.

    So most price match requests won't go through

    • don't believe people who flatly tells you can't be done
      they'll most likely try to do it themselves and don't want you competing with them

      • Read comment below

        Past conditions still apply such as item must be in stock and same model.

        This will push gray importers to import different model numbers where available

        • I think it will exclude quite a lot of products from price beat. But in saying that Officeworks aren't as anal as Harvey Norman, for example, when it comes to identical product numbers.

        • This will push gray importers to import different model numbers where available

          Or possibly Officeworks are going to ask for all of their stock to have a different model number, which would be a bad outcome.

    • True

  • +9

    I can confirm with OP.

    Price matches no longer need an Australian warranty, but must be from a .com.au website. Past conditions still apply such as item must be in stock and same model.

    It’s a nation-wide change.

    Still waiting to hear more info on if eBay, etc. is included. But, for now, Kogan and Dicksmith are definitely in the mix now.

    • +2

      Smart move OW.

      They've just opened the flood gates to a tonne of new customers.

      • Or it's just a suicidal move I hope not thou

    • ebay plus members technically get free delivery, so i guess theres an extra $20 you save on the price beat as OW take into account shipping.

      • In the past, you couldn’t price match against exclusive deals, e.g. coupon codes, memberships like Costco, eBay Plus. I would assume it is the same.

      • +2

        They can match it with eBay Plus but you need to include the membership cost in the price. Same with Costco.

        • ohhh i see. which makes it all worthless/void. thanks for the knowledge

    • Does it say on the internal memo that it has to be a ".com.au" website?
      No mention of this online.

      • Hmm… I was mistaken earlier (sorry, first time posting) - it's a little unclear at the moment.

        They're speculating the differences between .com.au and .com/au (e.g. Kogan) and an "Australian" website (e.g. DWI). It seems almost like a guess-check-confirm basis right now.

        For now, Kogan is definitely being price matched - I hope they will clarify the rest of the online retailers soon.

        EDIT: Cheers :)
        EDIT: Total noob at using this formatting… lol

        • So DWI wouldn't be price matched? :(

    • -1

      Does this mean we forfeit the Officeworks warranty?

      • No, any item you purchase will have normal treatment

        • How do I price match when using afterpay online?

        • @AustriaBargain: I’d be amazed if they price beat and offer AfterPay as well unless they’re beating someone that also offers it. AfterPay take a huge % from the merchant.

        • @AustriaBargain:
          Not sure sorry, After pay is only online so I never deal with it

        • just wondering too, if I buy something online, can I go in store and get the price match or is it too late?

        • @AustriaBargain:
          The best you could do would be return it in store and then buy it again with a price match

  • Just my thought that OW will do the grey import as well?

    • +2

      They already do - just no one seems to notice or care.

      • Because when OW is the importer they, for all legal purposes, become the manufacturer. That is, OW handle the warranty issues for those applicable products.

      • As long as the retailer doesn’t go out of business in your warranty period or the manufacturer doesn’t have some other special treatment for local stock, there’s really no downside to Grey imports, they’re just bypassing artificially high local pricing.

        • That's exactly the difference when it comes to things like phones. I've had my local-stock devices get replaced instead of being repaired. A grey importer will more than likely try and repair it as they don't have the backing of the manufacturer. When the phone is already 1.5 years old, a replacement is certainly better than a repair.

  • This is a definite upvote!! Now hope this can make profitable too for OW.

  • Hopefully in turn Officeworks with their insane buying power puts the squeeze on manufacturers who charge Australians more to begin with.

  • +21

    It's time to set up an .au website and list items I want to buy and list items with a fake price!

    • +1

      Just make sure the phone number listed is not yours when they call to do a price check. Have a family member on standby haha

      • +8

        "hold on a sec, business call", walk out talk to the bloke and then come back in.

  • Well done officeworks

  • +1

    ling ling - "dont hate the player baby hate duh game"

  • This is great news! I missed out on the Airpods yesterday from Sydneytec eBay for the mrs… they're out of stock now.

    Where's the cheapest place .com.au online store to find Airpods so I can get OW to pricematch and beat it by 5%?

    Kogan has them for $209. IT Station seems to be the cheapest I could find that has them in stock for $199 - http://itstation.com.au/index.php?route=product/product&prod…

    This site has them for $189 but it isn't a .com.au site (doh) https://www.eglobalcentralau.com/apple-airpods.html?gclid=EA…

    Anyone else looking for these?

    • Yup me too. Umart has it for $195 but its showing preorder on NSW. However, it is in stock in GoldCoast and Sunshine Coast. You could try that brings to about $186

  • Wonder what hardly normal will do to compete? Nothing?

    • +31

      Complain to the government.

    • +1

      Whinge about the colour of the sky

    • Make prices higher, have a whinge to the government, have a whinge to News Corp, jump on you for an upsale.

      Take your pick.

    • +7

      Complain until legislation is introduced to make price matching/beating illegal.

    • Gerry will call everyone and every inanimate object “professionals”

  • Always thought what is stopping someone from creating a quick .com.au website selling phones ect, (no actual stock) for 200 ir 300 bellow market and going in to officeworks and pricematching it. Not hard to do

    • +1

      Require ABN/Hosting/Website -.com.au is one of the expensive domains to register.

      • Correct

      • last time I checked ABN cost just $37.00 /yr or $84 for 3 yrs.
        And .com.au cost the same as a regular .com domain.
        Hosting price may vary but usually start from 3.99/month.

        so it's not that expensive to setup a website and get a massive discount, but i'm pretty sure officework would not match the prices from such websites.

        I could be wrong.

        Anyone willing this to give a go??

        • +1

          Anyone willing this to give a go??

          The cost is more than just registering an ABN and hosting a website. You then actually have to run a business.

        • @tranter:

          To some extent that's correct as ATO will ring you within couples of months of registering and ask you to provide a proof that you are running a business. If you can't prove it they will cancel your ABN.

          But still, u will have time to get the price matched. Once you get the discount of your dream. you can pretty much forget about the ABN and dump the whole setup.

        • You need a functioning website which includes the checkout process.

          I guess you could have it functioning properly all the way to the payment stage, without it actually being able to complete the transaction once payment details are entered.

        • +1

          If you're going that far you may as well accept payment and not ship anything.

        • An ABN has always been free, if someone is charging you they're doing you dirty.

          Making a fake grey import bargain site would not be expensive, but I doubt it'd last long before OW Head Office excluded you from the price match.

        • @chriso1:
          exactly that's the point. you can always accept the payment. It's very easy to link Paypal to a website. So it is doable.

        • +2

          Yeah why not steal people's money at the same time. You people are funny.

        • @tranter:

          not saying that it's the right thing to do but there are people who will do that.

        • +2

          This is blatant theft mate. Get off Ozbargain, we don't need this crap.

        • +1


          I've had an ABN for years – I've never got a call from the ATO about it.

        • @Easton:

          yeah. It used to be like that but apparently if you register these days they will call you.

          I registered the last yr, and they rang me asked to provide some proof that i'm running a business.

        • -1

          @The Wololo Wombat:

          Surely no one does. And I'm not saying that anyone should do it. Just saying it doable. [@The Wololo Wombat] you don't have to be offensive about it.

        • @dealhunter4u: You said 'anyone one willing to have a go'….

        • @The Wololo Wombat:
          Are in you media ??
          If you ARE QUOTING someone then you better quote till the end.
          You quoted what I said but u did forget to put "?".

      • Don't necessarily need an ABN but yes there are certain requirements that need to be met.

    • +1

      A .com.au requires an ABN, whilst an ABN is not hard to get, it would be traceable to you directly. If OW really wanted to do a little digging, they could find out the website is fake and attempt to hold you liable for fraud. Plus their staff are not stupid (assumption).

    • +3

      You could start a website ahly92sgenuinemacbookpros.com.au and sell MBP's for $2 and buy out all of Officeworks stock. you'll be a millionaire by tomorrow!

    • Why .com.au? No mention of .com.au. Just .com can do.

  • my local officeworks are a holes. Will be interesting to see how stores handle this (or not).

    • +2

      order through the 1300 instead

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