This was posted 6 years 6 months 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Officeworks Price Beat Guarantee: Now Includes Parallel/Grey Imports From Stores Without Local Warranty


Hey guys!

Officeworks has decided that it will now be accepting Price-beats from stores with greystock, while previously it was only stores with Australian manufacturing warranty. It seems the store still needs to have a URL but we can now Price-beat with Dwi Kogan Becextech ect.

The change went through yesterday.

Mod Notes:

(1) The info above "It seems the store still needs to have a URL" is TBA, the policy does not specificially mention this. We'll update as information comes to hand, your experience may vary depending on store/understanding. Australian stores with imported stock like Kogan or Catch are more likely to succeed than overseas stores, although in some cases overseas stores have domains and local stores with imports stock have .com domains. Currently Officeworks policy does not mention store eligibility anyway, experiences likely to vary.

(2) Further info on the exact change below, from discussions.

Old Policy:

Our guarantee applies to all identical products and services with identical warranties that are:

stocked at Officeworks
in stock at our competitor; and
not excluded from the PBG (see below).

New Policy:

Our guarantee applies to all identical products and services that are:

Stocked at Officeworks
In stock at our competitors and
Not excluded from the PBG (see below)

'with identical warranties' is now removed from the policy.

(3) Why is this a deal? Purchase an item locally with manufacturer warranty and consumer law protection for the price of a grey import without manufacturer warranty and not protected by Australian consumer law. Not identical items in value (our guidelines refer to 'same product') and a general deal rather than for a specific item. Marked as long running deal.

Related Stores


closed Comments

    • +3

      Yes much easier to do price beats on their 1300 number.

  • -1

    So I could price match this?…

    Was going to use the price match. But Kogan is better

    • +3

      call them?

    • Doubt it, because Kogan indicates this is shipped from overseas.

    • +1

      Um, the biggest issue isn't the price beat. It's that Kogan one is the 2016 model. It's the model to avoid in general.

      You could have got the 2018 model but with 256GB SSD (instead of 512GB) for less from price beating JB Hi Fi deal last weekend. The CPU advantage is significant.

      Not sure whether OW stock 512GB 13 inch Macbook Pros though. However, if OW actually still have a 2016 MPB with 512GB, I reckon they will be keen to price beat and get rid of it.

    • Different model

    • You could get officeworks to price match this one……

      Again it says imported but I thought that was okay now?

  • Anyone actually tried and getting a big ticket grey item from say kogan price matched?

  • +1

    Kogan smashing time!

    • I heard Kogan are in trouble over Refunds and ACL?

  • Does it cover eBay? Would be great if they price-match eBay with the 20% discounts going on. :)

    • +1

      I doubt whether they would match Ebay, as it's a marketplace with a lot of small sellers - very easy for an individual to list something and change a price temporarily for the purpose of price matching!

  • Kogan however doesnt have Stock for many items, they drop ship from HOng Kong etc (or have their own warehouse there, doesnt matter). Are you sure that Officeworks will pricematch with them?

    If I was Officeworks I wouldnt be, the reason being that Kogans delivery times are often a couple of weeks.

    • There are two issues with the Macbook Pros Kogan have in stock.

      • Most of them are 2017 or 2016 Macbook Pros.
      • Some are 512GB ones (which OW generally don't have in stock).

      So, unless you are lucky enough to find an OW staff not checking the model number (unlikely) and the overall discount difference is > 15% (JB had the 10% off and you could do price beat to get additional 5%), not sure whether you will actually be better off.

      Furthermore, unless you can really get 2017 or 2016 at a big discount, the multi-threading performance gain on the 2018 models is significant (thanks to AMD, Intel finally doubled the cores on the 8th gen i3/i5 processors).

      However, in general, 2016-2018 Macbook Pros all seem to have issues. 2016,2017 - keyboard; 2018 - (initially, CPU thermal throttling and now the T2 chip / bridge OS stability issue).

  • i'll believe it when I see it. Yes I will stand at the register for that exact moment

  • Is this for ALL STORES or just certain ones?

    I love buying from Mascot or Bondi store. They price beat as I show them the Australian company. The Pitt St store does not honor price beat. They even ask me to call office works, and if customer service tell them to price beat, they will price beat.

    So I called, with the number they give me. The office work on the phone confirm! I put it on loud speak for the manager of PITT ST STORE. They said that the customer service did not order them to price beat. I ask for the customer service to tell them from which the customer service said that it is up to the Store manager to proce beat. They are not alowed to order people. This is goong on circles.

    I later go to bondi store and price beat without any problem.

    So my question is "Will this new policy be honoured in all of Office Work Stores?"

    • I've also previously had inconsistent price matching between stores. I was knocked back at one but given the PBG at another without fuss in the same day. Largely I have no issue but I have seen problems with it in the past.

    • I've had no issues at Pitt St

  • +1

    This is the best thing since sliced bread. Well done Officeworks and thanks OP for sharing.

  • +2

    I'm a fan of Officeworks, it's good initiative to generate turnover and keep liquid, considering the sheer number of stores/inventory/staff employed.

    Keep our local economy going people!

  • +1

    400+ votes for a first post. Not bad.

    • +2

      amazing actually, as it's not even technically a deal - no real bargain given :)

      i wonder if a non-deal could end up being the most popular deal?

    • +3

      Where can I cash them out? :)

      • any of the bitcoin exchanges should do fine

    • Don't see why not. Unless there are exclusions yet to come?

  • So what would be the best produxt/site to get the best deal?


  • What is the record for the most up vote in OZbargain?

    • This might be the quickest to achieve 500.

  • Kogan has the S9+ Black 64Gb for $1049. If pricematched to OW, it will bring it down to $996.50. Is this the cheapest S9+ Au Stock ever?



    • S9+ from Kogan is a different model (Dual-Sim vs Single Sim), so would likely be denied.

      • damnit! which grey import model is the same as the OW then?

        • I think Vaya might be the cheapest @ $1219 delivered, I think most of the import models are all dual SIM, so it'll be tough to match the cheaper ones.

    • Aust stock right here, $999

      Pricematch $949.

      Heaps of times where ti was below $999 for eg:

  • I've always met with a helpful attitude from OW staff when going for a price beat. Naturally, they want to see the price with shipping costs included, which is fair enough.

  • +1

    OP, when is this scheduled to commence? or is already live now?

    • +3


      • -1

        So how come we didn't know till today? LOL

        • The update was posted at approx. 5:30pm yesterday, so I'd assume no one saw it until this morning.

      • I price matched something yesterday and they were doing their normal checks

  • I have successfully price-matched to Ebay via the phone before.

    • now you tell us????

      • +2

        Have posted about it previously in a relevant deal.

  • +1

    Good luck with this, I Can't even get them to match a physical store. Had to escalate to a manager 3 times. Staff will make up any excuse. I'm done with officeworks. Used to love their service now it's awful with rude as staff.

  • +1

    Friend just spoke to Officeworks about the Nokia 8 and they said:
    "because the nokia 8 says "in house warranty" they can't price match it. It would need a warranty that you send to Nokia for them to price match it"

    So either they didn't get the memo…

    • +1

      I mean this only came to light yesterday. id do the click and collect option via 1300 Office as others are suggesting to see if that gets it over the line.

      • Thanks for the tip, friend called and arranged the price-match against DWI. Perfect.

  • To add to this, I have now found with the price match I did yesterday, they no longer care if the price match is local or not.

    In my case, I'm in Melbourne and the store to match was in Bendigo. Nothing added for delivery though that wasn't an option anyway.

  • This one on Airpodswould have been worth it!

  • hmmm… unfortunately OW don’t do 4k UHD bluray players otherwise i will be there in a jiffy….

  • Anyone got any idea on how to get the macbook pro 2017 with this price beat at a good price?

  • This is overwhelming, can someone chuck in a few phone examples/deals. Thanks

  • +15

    harvey norman doomed

    • +1

      It's still a live and dangerous creature. Its hideous tentacles still trap many Ozbargainers daily.

  • +1

    now just need OW to match coupon codes

  • Can I know where does it say on their website?

    • that is only finding on OW website.…

      What about online stores?
      Our Price Beat Guarantee includes products you find online - as long as the item is identical and in stock. When assessing the PBG from online stores we also take into account the added cost of delivery to your location (if any). If the identical, in stock product can be purchased and delivered to your location via an online store for a total price lower than the one we are offering, we will beat that total price by 5%.

      no clear enough.

  • Just checked with Elizabeth St Melbourne Officeworks, they rejected my request saying Dicksmith and Kogan are online stores, not 'real' stores and they have grey stock etc etc..

    • +2

      There is a shop that used to be dick Smith with all the logos still there and is no longer used near my place

      You could argue it's a physical store

    • +7

      Give it some time for the employees to learn the new policy. Half of them probably didn't even open their inbox yet.

      • That's what I figured too, didn't wanna argue so I just left. Will check in a few days time.. cheers

  • Just went there yesterday to buy padded mail envelope. Their prices are highly inflated. Padded envelope was $1.14 for a piece, elsewhere it is just $0.22 if buy in bulk of 20 pieces. Officeworks don’t sell in bulk, making profit of 500%.

    • +1

      Their prices are highly inflated. Padded envelope was $1.14 for a piece, elsewhere it is just $0.22 if buy in bulk of 20 pieces. Officeworks don’t sell in bulk, making profit of 500%.

      A little unfair calling all their prices highly inflated based on the price of 1 item compared to a bulk purchase of a similar item presumably of a different brand, elsewhere. In any case, something has to pay for the rental of the large premises and car park, all that staff, price matching, etc.

  • +5

    So has anyone got anything successfully price matched with the new policy? Seeing a lot of queries but no confirmations?

    • Price matched/beat Kogan on an Apple Pencil this morning - not the cheapest deal ever ($145 vs $144 > $136.80) but it did work. Kogan sells these as 'direct import'. NSW/Newcastle area.

  • Anyone tried price matching Aussie ebay sellers? if so would they match after applying any of the 20%, 10% discount codes going on right now ?

    • +2

      They still don't match coupon codes as per the T&C's.

    • +1

      OW will not match any discount codes.

  • Smart move Officeworks now you know how businesses works and will make huge profit.

    For starters we now can match AirPods, iPhone, macs and the list goes on!!!

  • Seriously, about time someone gave Kogan a run for their money.

  • -3

    1000 upvotes, yet no relevant deals or successful price-matches.

    • +2

      Yeah, screw people giving information to the community. #bastards

  • +1

    Up vote 1000 - haven't seen 4 digits for a while.

  • +1

    How about this? Macbook Air(…)

    Price beat at officeworks for 1139$

    Iphone X - 1413$ (Price beat kogan)

    • You, wildweasel, are the hero we need.

  • +1

    When assessing the PBG from online stores we also take into account the added cost of delivery to your location (if any)

    So if Kogan are selling at $1000 + $20 delivery you wont get it for $950 it would be $969

  • Does this mean they will support Amazon which now has local warehouses?

    It comes with

    • Amazon Australia was fine but I believe it had to be their official listing, not a third party (like how we don't do ebay)

      • Just got knocked back at my local OW on a price match against an Amazon AU item (fulfilled by Amazon). Reason given was that Amazon is a seller, not a reseller, and hence they have no way of knowing where Amazon got their stock from (even though it was the same exact model and part number).

  • The question is have all your staff been trained and informed about this? I had come across one that didn't even want to price match HN or TGG.

    • That's going to be mostly on the managers responsibility to inform the staff, so hopefully they are on it

      • -2

        It sucks then. Most of the managers are like "I am the manager and I make my own store rules". Good luck to OW letting those store managers to bend and make their own rules.

      • Went to the Pitt St OW on weekend to price beat an iPhone 8 red from Dicksmith but the guy said they couldn't beat it cause Dicksmith was a liquidation store, what the…? How do you fight this?

        • Haha… What an excuse.

          Phone the hotline and pick it up in store.
          Talk to a manager.
          Get a female staff member that actually knows what their talking about.

          I've had no issues with this store.

  • +2


    They still going to offer AU warranty at grey import prices?

    This is going to hurt them alot. Though it will generate a lot of sales.

    Past conditions still apply such as item must be in stock and same model.

    This can be interpreted in a number of ways though. If the grey phone has no B28 and has a slightly different part number is it still "same model"? Does the color still have to match? Some overseas colors are not available here.

    • Yeah the only sure items are ones that have the exact same model for everything, so products that sell the same global model everywhere will be easy, products that change for lots of regions still probably not get matched.

      • Most electronics have different model numbers based on regions

        Some electronics have AU at the end of model numbers to specify Aussie stock.

        So it's going to be very hard to find an exact model number since most gray imports come from Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore

        • Yeah unfortunately some items seem to be like that, the easiest to Price-beat would be Apple products which often are identical I think, and items like speakers/keyboards/smartwatches which are mostly identical around the globe.

        • +1

          Not all keyboards are the same, different regions use different layouts, shorter delete key etc so different model #

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