Great price. Woolies still selling it for $10
Invigorate the senses with Brut Original Refreshing Splash On. This premium after shave formula leaves skin feeling conditioned and refreshed
Great price. Woolies still selling it for $10
Invigorate the senses with Brut Original Refreshing Splash On. This premium after shave formula leaves skin feeling conditioned and refreshed
Wasn't that old spice?
Rocket fuel actually.
I prefer Pino
Relive the 70s!
@franco cozzo: Far out, that first bloke was pouring it on like it was sun lotion! You'd have smelled him a mile off!
This stuff reminds of of Tom Selleck from his Magnum PI days
…why did they drop the "33"?
Very good find. Always wanted to have one. Bought one, thank you BA :)
Cheers mate 🍻
Now you can smell like a man.
…and apply to "balls" to scream like a girl.
Excellent price.
Awesome, I always wanted to smell like my dad!
When I was 18 a temp worked opposite me for a few weeks. She said she had tried fragrances by Dior, Guerlain, Lanvin, YSL, Gucci etc. and the only fragrance that really suited her was Brut 33 Aftershave, which she showed me in her handbag. She was 29 and undeniably attractive.
But was she as attractive as beerbudget's dad??
She looked good, don't mean she smelt good.
The same fragrance often has a different effect on different people. She smelt fine.
aint got nothin on bogan blue stratos
Brutal smell
Eew smell. Maybe okay back in 80s 90s.
Brut 33 = Woman repellant
Great price - bought 2.
Don't forget to use wish e-gift cards for a further 5% off :)
I smell father's day 😉😂
I use Brut as contraception.
It keeps women away.
Funny and very true 🤣
Plus a free insect repellent, you’re a true winner!
Thanks mate, I was suffocating from all the attention from women
@montorola I know, right? People don't realise the burden of being beautiful like us.
Might as well package this with condoms
It’s birth control on it’s own.
Brut ———> Joop ———-> ????
What's the next cheap cologne every man and his dog has?
You should have exams to study for. Off you go.
Davidoff cool water
Now your showing your age
I think litre bottles get refilled every night by the cologne elves.
Just for anyone that doesn’t realise, “splash on” is weaker than normal aftershave, which is in turn weaker than EDT or the normal scent you buy these days.
It also burns the f**k out of your skin post-shave
Almost read the first word wrong if ya know what i mean haha
Now I can smell like my grandad for less
am i the only one who read it butt refreshing aftershave..
I believe V.I.Poo works better for that xD
Hairy old wog scent.
I'm 17,look about 33. Do I fit the category?
Alcohol is generally terrible for skin. A dated product
Just got refund from Big W as unable to supply.
Actually yeah I just got a refund notice for One of the two which I purchased…Very odd indeed…but at least I got the one fulfilled :)
$2.97 is more or less correct weight for a bottle of this.
You've never paid correct weight for something?
This premium after shave formula
I don't think I've ever seen Brut described in that way before…
Great, everyones gonna smell like a foking brut mun!
I prefer Sex Panther or London Gentleman.
"Sixty percent of the time it works every time"
great odins raven
The official fragrance of bali
Picked up a bottle tonight.
Really is a refreshing drink!
Eau de shrek spoodge
I am a metrosexual male who always uses beauty products and moisturizers.
I would NEVER use an aftershave product or recommend it. Alcohol and aftershaves like this are terrible for the skin. Simply use a moisturizers. These products are only sold and still marketed as it used to be too "gay" for a man to apply moisturizer 30+ years ago. Just use some Nivea Men products and your skin will thank you much more than this garbage.
I always thought the alcohol in an aftershave somehow disinfects the skin after a shave, so if you even have a slight cut the alcohol takes care of it. How does a moisturiser sanitise a shave cut ?
Aftershave also acts an astringent, which can be beneficial to some skin - Wikipedia has a not too long explanation.
Good point. For those who get shaving bumps (like me), aftershave is the product for you.
Do you introduce yourself like that at parties? You could have just said that you're a male who uses a moisturiser product because you get a benefit from it. Instead you made an inane attempt to delineate yourself from the rest of us and dragged up a tired old cliché, hence the down votes. It's just one reason why I down voted you.
The other reason I down voted is because what works for you doesn't necessarily work for others. You've labelled a product type that works for me as "garbage" when it's the only product that actually does work for me. I don't use moisturisers because I'm not a metrosexual male or because it might be "gay", but because they just don't work for me.
I down voted you simply because I can.
Urban sexual male & Influencer
I exit Chemist Warehouse without getting my bag checked by announcing I was AngryChicken's Valentine this year.
I am a metrosexual male
…you lost me there
Good for you.
I'm still unsure what it means.
Polite word for wa*ker
They walk frequently?
Gran sale! Gran sale!
…you lost me there
Absolute junk wouldn’t pay 5 cents.
If you use this shit expect to be cast in the sequel to the 40 yr old virgin
I don't understand your reference. How does this influence acting and/or 'castability' in movies, and specifically regarding a sequel to the title you mentioned starring Steve Carell?
Yuck people still use Brut?
Get some taste and buy some Jo Malone.
And some people dont use anything
You say that as though it's a bad thing
You ever been on a packed train on a sweaty summers day ?
@BargainKen: I was being sarcastic and yes, sadly I have. I have about 4 in rotation I use (none of which are Brut)
Oos at my store
60% of the time it works every time
As birth control?
Why is Ozbargain full of trolls? It's actually quite sad. When you're a child you're taught if you got nothing nice to say, then don't say it. Rather than having a critical community. I guess people feel empowered by their anonymity. Sad.
This is a good bargain with 80 plus-votes cast in accordance with using the voting system as a true indicator of this deal's worth.
Ozb has 0 tolerance for trolling
Some people feel the need to project their own inadequacies.
I down voted you simply because I can.
Urban sexual male & Influencer
It must be Father's Day.
Wasn't this the drink of choice in Vietnam during that conflict?