• expired

40% off First Box @ Hello Fresh + $35 Cashback via Cashrewards (Expired)

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Take 40% off your first Hellofresh box

$35 cashback from CashRewards
Expired, now $25

Referral Links

$115-$125 off 1st Box: random (376)

$115-$125 off First Box, $20 off 2nd & $10/$20 3rd Box + $9.99 Delivery for Referees, $80 Credit for Referrer.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Plus 3 free meals with your first order.

  • How do you get 3 meals free?

    • It's applied automatically with your first order.

      Check their website.

      • +5

        I believe it's applied automatically with a code, so you wouldn't be able to use this one aswell

    • I've tried this. Yes, you will get 3 meals free. But the min order - Classic 3 meals is for 2 people = total 6 meals.
      So simply say, half price for min order. And if you don't deactivate the account on the next day. It will charge you weekly for auto supply.

  • Is this subscription or one off?

    • +1

      it's a subscription service, but you can cancel it.

  • +5

    I got the 2 people x 3 recipe box (ingredients for 6 meals in total) for $41.97 after the 40% discount, and now waiting for the $35 to appear in CashRewards.

    So hopefully a small grocery shop for $6.97

    • Ordered the same, hopefully all good.

  • +1

    can you cancel after your first week?

  • -1

    Automaticly gives 50% off on site, 3 free meals… This cash back deal isnt that great really when u consider normal deals…

    50% off, 3 meals free so cost is $16, $10 off for referal code is $6 no waiting.

    Having to wait for cash back is significantly worse…

    Edit referal thing in op is for cash rewards lol. Oops

    • +4

      This deal is 40% off, (so nearly the same as the 50% off (or "3 free meals" as they call it) PLUS you are getting $35 cashback, this definitely seems better unless I'm missing something?

      I.e total cost (Inc cashback) for one box with this deal is $6.97, compared to total cost of website deal being $34.95

      • Hmm true. Im using this deal with a referal code (sign up to make an account, send $50 off code, use deal on email+1 then i get $50 off now and $50 off next one on other account lol

        • not so straight forward, u also need to create a new cash rewards each time.

  • +1

    Does this sign you up for a ongoing thing or can it be a one off? bit confused with the description.. :)

    • +2

      same here! "Valid on Classic, Family & Veggie Boxes only and ongoing subscriptions" …. the way I am reading it, it says cashback is only valid on subscriptions. so if I place the first order and cancel it, no CR!?

    • +4

      You can go to the "calendar" and pick "skip week" until you get the cash back.


      As always, make sure any changes to your subscription are made on your online account by Tuesday 11:59PM AEST/AEDT (for WA, SA, NT) or by Wednesday 11:59PM AEST/AEDT (for QLD, NSW, ACT, VIC) the week prior to your next delivery. If you'd like Customer Care to make the changes on your behalf, please call us by 4pm AEST/AEDT respectively.

      • Sweet. that sounds like a work around without cancelling.

  • +3

    How do they define new customers? By address or name or new using cashrewards? Had a free box before.

    • Interested to know this one. My girlfriend just signed us up last week, not sure what discount she got but definitely wasn't 40%, we're going to try cancelling hers after our first delivery and see if I can sign up using this deal instead. Hopefully they define by name/payment details instead of address.

  • Hello Fresh..my daughter WAS using them she had issues about quality of FRESH vegetables and use bye date on the protein..

    • We've been getting them for almost 6months,no issues with protein yet apart from their steak being pretty average in quality, so worth steering clear of those recipes. No issues with dates though.

      Veggies on the other hand, we've had mouldy zucchinis, broccoli well below par, and missing garlic cloves.
      Each time the missus has jumped onto the chat and made a point of it, and results in that meal being credited. Annoying, but resolution is good.

  • +4

    Wait, I have to cook it myself?

    • We find it better than the pre-cooked microwave it up meals.

      • Because you are making it from scratch …

        • Yes, my point was in response to the shock of having to cook it.
          I haven't had a recipe yet that takes more than 40min, and of that hands on/prep was only about 20mins.

  • Hypothetically, say I've used HelloFresh before, via Groupon and then I cancelled. Could I sign up via cash rewards using my partners name and claim the cashback?

  • Any join in promo to cashrewards?

  • Thanks for the post OP. I probably would never use this service otherwise. Normally $22 a meal (for 2) + you have to cook?!

  • Zucchini is very prominent in these boxes , FYI

  • So normal price is $92 for two people for 4 meals a week, $23 a day. I understand convenience is the main factor for taking up something like this but that still seems like a bit much. Have people that've used it found the quality and ease of noms to be worth it?

    • Nope, I only use it when I get offered a 50% off one box coupon (seems to be once a month, although it has been more than that since the last).

    • Although the recipes are quite easy to follow, I find that my washing up has increased a lot, as theres multiple baking / pots/ pans for certain recipes compared if I were to cook for myself (one pot wonders) lol. The good thing I found was that I did cook things in ways I normally wouldn't because I wouldnt go out and buy certain ingredients that I dont use a lot (dukkah, spice mix) and they come prepackaged. I would give this a miss if it was full priced.

  • Can this be combined with $50 referee bonus?

  • Was really considering having a go of this and was just hoping for a good deal. This seems like a beaut, thanks!

  • same address different name and credit card, would this be consider as new customer?

    • Yeah, you’re a renter, you just moved in. Remember?

      • +4

        My 6 month old son got a free box a while back.

  • +3

    Avoid these guys. They are notorious for cancelling orders and coupons listed here in the past.

  • +1

    Looks like a lot of work for little savings, those who manage to get the discount good on you.

  • $10 delivery to Perth :(

    • where is Perth, again?

      • +6

        In Scotland, look it up.

  • ahh signed up without looking at the T&C in detail. If CR is not paying cash back for one and only order, can I cancel the order and get refund?

    • Cashback is payable for new customers only. Valid on Classic, Family & Veggie Boxes only and ongoing subscriptions.

      2 weeks ago similar deal with Shopback, the rep said no need to be ongoing make sure received first box then cancel. you might want to confirm with CR rep.

      • As somebody mentioned above, simply skip weeks until you receive cashback.

  • -3

    The meals are very average quality. Just be sure when you cancel you also cancel on the website and not just PayPal if you use PayPal as they tried to scam my friend into paying up when she just cancelled via PayPal and they delivered another box after she did this :(

    • +12

      to be fair, that is a pretty d*ck move to just cancel your payments on Paypal if you didn't inform the company properly…how are they supposed to know you have cancelled the service?

      • Reading the post it was she, so d*ck doesn't apply here.

        • +2

          These days, you never know….

    • +3

      On the contrary, I find them to be quite good quality. Good ingredients, very nice recipes.
      Never had an issue with HelloFresh.

    • I've found the quality to be excellent. miles ahead of the prepared meals from youfoodz. We use this as a luxury 'try to cook something else' kinda thing and find it fun. torn with the amount of packaging but it means veg stays fresh waaaay fresher and we haven't thrown anything away.

  • -1

    Tried it twice. I liked the recipes and produces were good & fresh but serving size way too small… It gets really expensive if you have to order the 4 person meals for two or three.

    • +2

      How much do you eat?
      We've never had an issue with serving size, and I feel like I eat more than what I should.

  • +1

    I don't think they pay the cashback. They haven't paid me AUD 30.84 since the last deal on 27 Feb 2018
    It keeps pending forever

  • -2

    Did anyone else read the title as fist box? (⊙.☉)

  • I don't like the auto subscription :(

  • Has anyone gotten one of those 'cashrewards has tracked your purchase' emails for this deal? HelloFresh is in my 'click history' right around when I ordered but there's nothing else giving any indication that they've followed the order. Hoping it works considering that was the only thing making this deal worth it!

    • Hasn’t appeared yet for me. I think it can take 7-14 days sometimes to even appear.

  • -1

    There is a massive catch to this. If you cancel you will not get the cash back. You cannot just skip meals until you get the cash back as suggested. You need to pay the subscription for 3 months without cancelling before its paid and you can only skip meals for a maximum of 4 weeks, so you are going to have to pay the high non discounted rate for a bit. (Edit - I might be wrong on this, if you skip what is allowed then wait a couple of weeks you might be able to skip some more ?)

    So in a nutshell if you like them and continue you get the cash back, but if you don’t like them and cancel you get nothing. Personally, I have a problem with the ‘we only give you a cash back if you like us’.

    I tried them, will get nothing for doing so and I was disappointed with the service.

    Delivery instructions were not followed and box was left in the street, thankfully I came home about 20mins after otherwise I doubt it would have still been there. Some of the produce was bad, half rotten tomato, rubber zucchini and a lemon complete with fruit fly. All meals, 5 in total, were used from the first day. Ingredient quantities were a bit under. These were 4 person meals and we did need to add more even though there were 3 of us. Lastly, the weekly meals had to be chosen from a preselection of just 8, you can’t choose from ALL their recipes so you always get a couple your just not interested in. It also means it’s impossible to work around a speacial diet as you could easily do with a full choice. It waters down any sort of value if you can’t look forward to trying every meal, after all you paying a premium price for them. Customer service was constantly soliciting for feedback, which is goo, but it wasn’t actually interested in the problems. I had no offer for replacement, refund or discount. Nada.

    Hope this helps others

    • +1

      Incorrect. False. Etc

      I got cashback even though I cancelled after my first box.

      • Thanks for clarifying. I joined during July and the cash back T&Cs clearly state that it won’t be paid until November and the subscription must be active at that time. If it’s paid anyway that’s great. Much happier to have given it a go if it’s costing me less

  • +2

    Heads up to those that took on this offer. I received an email from the CashRewards team about a glitch and it not registering purchases.

    Your HelloFresh Transaction

    Firstly, we’d like to thank you for being a part of our CASHREWARDS community.

    We're contacting you because we've recorded click activity on your account through to HelloFresh between 24/07/2018 - 03/08/2018.

    There was a glitch with HelloFresh transaction reporting during this period. If you've completed a purchase on the HelloFresh website, it may not have tracked into your CASHREWARDS account.

    If this is the case, we want to make things right for you as quickly as possible.

    Please contact us by either responding to this email and attaching your HelloFresh Tax Invoice or by submitting an inquiry via our Contact Page.

    Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.

    Kind Regards,

    The team at CASHREWARDS

    • I got this too. Requested an invoice from HF which they emailed me and I forwarded to CR, which all seems to have gone smoothly. Only thing is on CR it says the expected approval date is 28/10, which makes me wonder if as someone above said they want your account to still be active by then for this particular deal. Hopefully not..

      • This is the Terms of the current cash back. Note the only on ongoing subscriptions bit. The previous cash back which was bigger and slightly different wording. It also said cash back wouldn’t pay until Oct and subscription must be active.

        ‘Cashback is payable for new customers only. Valid on Classic, Family & Veggie Boxes only and ongoing subscriptions’

        But as someone else said the cash back was paid after they cancelled anyway.

    • Thanks for the comment - didn't notice it in my emails!

  • +5

    I signed during this deal and my wife and I loved it. Tasted great and improved our quality of food immediately and at $3.33 p/p for a meal (after the discount and cashback) it was a great deal. And for our lifestyle it is a very good option.

    But, being a classic ozbargainers I couldn't stomach the prospect of paying 3 times more ($11 p/p) after the initial set of bargains, so we instead decided to go through the next week's menu and try to buy the ingredients we needed ourselves from Woolworths/Coles/Aldi/Fruit Barns (depending on specials).

    I have to say, for the effort and lower quality of the outcome (e.g. some of the specific flavours were different), I have to say, I'm considering just paying full price! Anyway, see below for what we ended up paying.

    Thai Pumpkin & Veggie Curry with Roasted Cashews ($3.90 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    1 bag cut pumpkin $1.50 100% $1.50
    1 Onion (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 knob ginger $0.60 50% $0.30
    1 bag baby spinach $3.00 50% $1.50
    1 tin coconut milk $1.50 100% $1.50
    1/2 tub yellow curry paste $2.50 50% $1.25
    1/2 cube veggie stock (leftover from previous Hello Fresh) $0.00
    1 packet jasmine rice $6.00 10% $0.60
    1 packet roasted cashews $0.50 100% $0.50
    1 zucchini $1.90 50% $0.95
    TOTALS $7.80

    Speedy Mexican Pork Tacos with Quick Pickled Onions & Aioli ($8.77 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    ½ unit red onion $1.11 50% $0.56
    2 clove garlic (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 bag cos lettuce $3.50 100% $3.50
    1 tomato $2.66 20% $0.53
    1 carrot (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 bunch coriander $2.99 50% $1.50
    1 long red chilli $0.26 33% $0.09
    1 packet pork mince $5.50 100% $5.50
    1 sachet Mexican Fiesta spice blend $2.00 100% $2.00
    6 mini flour tortillas $3.70 60% $2.22
    1 serve garlic aioli $3.00 17% $0.50
    1 packet shredded Cheddar cheese (already had - estimation) $0.75
    TOTALS $17.54

    Dukkah Chicken with Roasted Vegetable Medley ($8.44 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    1 sweet potato $1.26 100% $1.26
    1 zucchini $1.90 50% $0.95
    1 red onion $1.11 50% $0.56
    1 red capsicum $1.50 100% $1.50
    2 chicken breasts $7.96 100% $7.96
    1 sachet dukkah (already had - estimation) $2.00
    Fetta cheese $0.50 100% $0.50
    2 cloves garlic (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 bunch parsley $3.00 50% $1.50
    1 lemon $0.44 50% $0.44
    TOTALS $16.87

    Beef & Bok Choy Noodles with Coriander-Peanut Sauce ($5.55 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    1 bunch coriander $2.99 50% $1.50
    1 carrot (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 packet crushed peanuts $0.50 100% $0.50
    1 bunch baby bok choy $2.50 100% $2.50
    1 packet beef strips $9.00 50% $4.50
    1/2 packet udon noodles $3.05 50% $1.53
    1 sachet thai seven spice blend (Can't find anywhere but bought Masterfood thai seasoning for $3.75) 10% $0.38
    mixed sesame seeds (leftover from previous Hello Fresh) $0.00
    TOTALS $11.10

    Caribbean Chicken & Coconut Rice with Caramelised Pineapple Salsa ($9.57 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    1 tomato $2.66 20% $0.53
    1 sachet mild Caribbean jerk spice blend Can't find anything local and online prices are high $5.00
    1 tin coconut milk $1.50 100% $1.50
    1 packet chicken thighs $12.66 33% $4.22
    1 cucumber $3.20 100% $3.20
    ½ unit long red chilli $0.26 33% $0.09
    1 packet basmati rice $5.60 13% $0.70
    1 tin pineapple slices $2.40 100% $2.40
    1 bag baby spinach leaves $3.00 50% $1.50
    1 bunch mint (We have some in our garden) $0.00
    TOTALS $19.14

    Thai Seven-Spice Chicken with Ginger Coconut Rice ($4.26 per person)

    Ingredient Total Price Paid at Supermarket Percentage Used Price for this Recipe
    1 knob ginger $0.60 50% $0.30
    1 tin coconut milk $1.50 100% $1.50
    1 packet basmati rice $5.60 13% $0.70
    1 head broccoli $0.57 100% $0.57
    1 carrot (already had - estimation) $0.20
    1 long red chilli $0.26 33% $0.09
    1 packet chicken thighs $12.66 33% $4.22
    1 sachet thai seven spice blend (Can't find anywhere but bought Masterfood thai seasoning for $3.75) 10% $0.38
    1 tub sweet chilli sauce $2.90 10% $0.29
    1 sachet crispy shallots $2.75 10% $0.28
    1 sachet black sesame seeds (leftover from previous Hello Fresh) $0.00
    TOTALS $8.52


    • 1/2 tub yellow curry paste - $1.25 worth
    • 90% packet jasmine rice - $5.40 worth
    • 1/2 red onion - $0.56 worth
    • 4 mini flour tortillas - $1.48 worth
    • 83% bottle garlic aioli - $2.50 worth
    • 50% parsley - will plant it for later (we bought one of those potted one)
    • 1/2 packet beef strips - $4.50 worth
    • 1/2 packet udon noodles - $1.53 worth
    • 80% masterfood thai seasoning for - $3.00 worth
    • 74% packet basmati rice - $4.20 worth
    • 90% bottle sweet chilli sauce - $2.61 worth
    • 90% packet fried shallots - $2.47 worth
    • TOTAL = $29.50 leftovers we need to use

    Curious for ideas about how to make this work better, but based on this, once we've used the leftovers we're thinking of going back to Hello Fresh

  • I don't want to open another post but I received a 4 x $20 discount from Catch:
    $20 OFF your FIRST four boxes (total value $80) - Only valid with Classic, Veggie or Family plans. Delivery fees may apply. *household's first four boxes

    Code: MULAK0127

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