eBay price: $59.00 less PROXY 25% off eBay code = $44.25 [for eBay Plus members]
eBay price: $59.00 less PROXY 20% off eBay code = $47.20 [for the rest]
Link to PC Byte(ebay.com.au)
Quantity: More than 10 available / 86 sold
Link to Tech Mall(ebay.com.au)
Quantity: More than 10 available / 129 sold
Cheapest Harmony 650 price via staticICE is ~$57 + Delivery(staticice.com.au)
Harmony 650 product details (RRP $89.95)(logitech.com)
Original 25% off 51 Sellers for eBay Plus Members / 20% off for non-eBay Plus Members Deal
Quite a good remote.
Can be troublesome if your appliances send the same signal to turn on/off.
I program in a power toggle for such appliances.
Likewise if the appliance doesn’t have a dedicated ir signal for each input. Thankfully I use with devices that support HDMI CEC so it’s a breeze.