Starbucks are offering their Tall Signature Hot Chocolate for $3 on World Chocolate Day, 7 July.
Available at all stores.
Starbucks are offering their Tall Signature Hot Chocolate for $3 on World Chocolate Day, 7 July.
Available at all stores.
More like starsucks amiright
Juvenile joke
7 eleven 2 dollar hot chocolate is a better deal. Buy your own marshmallows and whip cream from woolies.
And a free bag!
marshmallow are 1/2 price this week at woolies!
Might as well buy the chocolate from Woolies and make it yourself, which is what 7/11 is probably doing anyway.
how much do they charge normally?
$4.80 according to a photo I have of the menu in Hyde Park Starbucks.
Thanks for your better deal - available anyday🍨
Strange how a dearer single option available for 1 day gets more upvotes😞
Is there any hot chocolate, be it liquid or powder or commercial that actually tastes like chocolate?
mmmmm sounds good!
These guys make a delicious hot chocolate product: it's a little pricey for a commercial product though. You could just as easily DIY it though.
Lindt have their chocolate flakes, they're pretty good and is just shaved chocolate basically
What's wrong with cheap ass 77% sugar Cadbury?
I'm not kidding btw I love that stuff lol.
I find the Vittoria shaker ones quite nice too and decent value. I find a combo of the normal and dark shakers tastes quite chocolatey, at least my definition.
Fancy ones like Lindt too rich for my over sugared blood :P.
Too bad, starbucks closed long time ago in SA…
And two and a half times the kilojoules of a can of Coke. Bargain!
How do they compare to Gloria Jeans? I love their white hot chocolates.
Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne
Does it come with virtue-signalling included?
Not 50% off, not happy.
I visit Starbucks daily.
Download their app and register a new account, the email can be anything as they do not verify emails.
Login and claim your 50% off voucher on your first purchase. Repeat unlimited.
Same here, works a treat :) Had an issue the other day with the code not working/scanning, but they gave me a free coffee voucher to compensate, I've got no issues with Starbucks.
Don't mind Starbucks at Flinders VIC, great staff and well run (frequent USA traveler so that a norm)
Sure you can get $2 7/11 over the road, but do you really want to wait 30 mins in the queue.
who even buys star bucks
Ehhhhh animals, the lot of em!
In the USA there's a Starbucks at every street corner, here they're rare as hens teeth since the restructure.
We have 7/11 instead XD
The franchise (Australia) rights for 7/11 & Starbucks are owned by the same company.
So what they basically did was use the Starbucks values and used them for 7/11.
Nothing wrong with that when you are running a business.
Rare as hens teeth ? You must have never have been to #melbourne, you cant turn a corner without seeing one…
i always get free hot chocolate at the pokies !!
With cream & marshmallows? 😋🍧
Didn't work
Yet you voted +
Just shows how F'ed up the voting system on site is.
Bought largest size ($6) for $3 by scanning new account reward in App. This size was $2.40.
Pretty ordinary hot choc - won't buy again👎
Nearly 100 upvotes for something you can get any day at cheaper price by creating a new account???
Starbucks' beverages suck.