½ Price Luv A Duck Breast Fillets prepacked $7.60pk @ Coles
What's best, Legs or Breasts?
Source: Pricehipster
This Coles special is now only available at select states, reportedly in Victoria.
½ Price Luv A Duck Breast Fillets prepacked $7.60pk @ Coles
What's best, Legs or Breasts?
Source: Pricehipster
This Coles special is now only available at select states, reportedly in Victoria.
JV bringing the heat
I've noticed the expiries on these are often months!! What is in it that allows it to keep so long!?
My guess would be that it is vacuum sealed
That sucks… :(
Preservative sodium nitrite? "Sodium nitrite and nitrate are often added to sliced turkey as preservatives, but those compounds, which occur naturally in some foods, may form nitrosamines, which can cause cancer in lab animals": http://www.onlineathens.com/article/20120818/news/308189990
can cause cancer in lab animals
Thanks for the info, won't be feeding this to my lab animals.
They're just vacuum sealed, meats last way longer as they're no air to oxidise the meat and feed the bacteria. Same way anything hermetically sealed will last much longer.
Specially bred long shelf life ducks.
UHT ducks
packed with inner gas ….bacteria need oxygen so you either vacuum pack (keeps for months) which sucks the water out of the meat or you pack with innert gas (keeps for weeks).
Do they do this with other types of meat? I've never really noticed.
Yes, I get lamb bones for my dog that are vacuum packed from Coles.
It's not vacuumed. There is a black packet underneath the duck, I presume that's the preservatives
The black packet is to absorb moisture, it doesn't contain preservatives.
Wow good to know
It's already been mentioned, but yeah it's just the way it's packaged: http://www.packagingnews.com.au/news/news-from-foodpro-food-…
"cryovac simple steps"
Maximum 4 weeks. Months only if frozen.
$19 per kg at half price. That's pretty expensive for duck breasts.
Duck me dead!
Where have you ever seen them cheaper?
Username checks out.
Dem duck titties ain't cheap.
For comparison, I think the going rate of Chinatown roast ducks is about $13 to $15 for half a roast duck (which fills one takeaway container). As for breast or leg, with duck it'd be breast. Leg can be sinewy?
Pity, still not available in WA it seems :-(
Can confirm
yeah, they fly south for the winter not west
What's best, Legs or Breasts?
Breast is best.
if you want grill and slice then breast, if you want to make a casserole,or confit then leg.
You really know your ducks.
1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup red wine vinegar, 1 cinnamon stick, 2 star anise. Add cup chicken stock, reduce, add peel from 1 orange, with the juice from the same, further reduce and combine with duck.
You mean.. Cook the duck in the soup?
What is this supposed to be, genuinely curious. I'm a newb cook so reduce how much? And when did the duck get cooked? I'm assuming your instructions are only for cooking sauce
This is a sauce for the duck. You'd probably reduce it by half, taste as you go to check thickness and concentration of flavour. If it's weak, keep reducing. For bonus flavour, cook in same pan as the duck was cooked in (or deglaze the duck pan with some chicken stock and transfer to saucepan).
How long do you cook the duck on the pan?
@ippy: The Coles page gives a rough guide for cooking times. Enjoy a Gordon video for technique: https://youtu.be/qAfmfCArUgA
Nice been wanting to give duck a crack with the Sous Vide after I jumped in on the recent Anova deal.
Try this with Duck Maryland, sous vide then finish on the grill… https://www.seriouseats.com/2017/12/how-to-make-sous-vide-du…
Nice. Yeah doing Kenji’s sous vide beef tongue tacos this weekend.
Nice one, post here on the outcome if you feel like it. I have trouble getting the wife to eat offal, but that looks superb, keen to hear how it goes! I do the duck maryland above semi-regularly. Super easy to get great results…
@lime111: Will post up on Saturday how it goes. Someone needs to start an ozbargain sous vide thread.
@lime111: The tongue was a total win. I swear if you were able to keep the cook secret and told your family it was just slow cooked beef they wouldn't be the wiser. Absolutely delicious, went down a treat with everyone.
Here's some photos I put together…
@Cheaplikethebird: Nice work mate, thanks for the photos. Agree an ozbargain sous vide thread is a good idea. Reports on the type of meat, temp and time, with photos, i've got a few good ones to add…
Are these only available only online? I went to two stores in Melbourne and they don't have them.
Likewise in Adelaide
I’m a breasts man.