A dummy booking of Departure ex SYD 10th May returning on 18th May is 81200 miles and $155.18 in taxes. On skyscanner the same dates cost $2730.
This makes the booking 3cents per point when using krisflyer miles.
Blackout dates and specific flights apply.
Multiple cities are available for this promotion, worth checking it out.
If you fly further, it becomes greater value.
Sydney to Düsseldorf return is 147000 pts and $193.68
fly out 10th, return 22nd
on skyscanner it is $5847 bringing it to 3.8cents per point
Good deal, but..
Such point valuations only hold true if you were happy to pay $2730 for that flight anyway.
If you weren't willing to pay the real price anyway, you're overstating the value of each point.