sale starts
00:01 26th of December Boxing day
sale ends
11:59 26th of December Boxing day
24 hour sale
Most products will be available online as well,
priority will be givin to instore purchases and customers.
We suggest you arrive at the store just before midnight on Xmas night.
Be there early to take advantage of these genuine bargains,
We have thousands more products that are not advertised and will be available in store only.
Products will only be available on Boxing day at these prices.
All online orders must be ordered for and paid for during this 24 hour period.
Stock limitatios may apply.
- Core I3 laptops with 4GB Ram from $497
- ULV laptops with 8 hours plus battery life from $598
- 4GB USB memory sticks from $1
- 500GB USB portable hard drives from $49
- 1TB external hard drives from $49
- USB mobile broadband modems with data included from $24
Plus much more
Core i5 notebooks from $660
and many new additions.
Please visit the below link,
product is being added and taken off as things sell out, new products are also coming online during this period.…
The above link will refresh
@MLN how do you get this numbers?Do we have to believe to your numbers without proof?
You are the only person who keeps defaming other companies(we know why, EVERYTHING MUST GO) by giving us some numbers!
What about the thousands of samsung HDDs?
Feel free to prove your point by uploading proof of stock availability and items sold from both companies(yours and the competitor) otherwise please stop providing generic answers to specific questions!