This was posted 6 years 11 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Inland Professional 240GB SATA III 6Gb/s 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive - US $38.46 (~AU $50) Delivered @ Amazon US

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Inland Professional 240GB SATA III 6Gb/s 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive - $29US $50AU del

Sorry guys this should be deleted .
Despite the picture showing 240GB and the description showing 240GB the actual UPC is for 120GB .
Same UPC here :…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I thought I got a good deal getting a Intel 545s 256gb for $49…

    • wow. from where please?

      • +1

        One time deal kinda thing. Using the kogan method of
        Purchasing a $50 off $120 spend from eBay (I had a voucher credit to get it for free)
        Free shipster trial for free shipping
        $10 referral code.
        If want more detail look at my latest post…

  • shit that's cheap, I may regret this purchase..

    • +3

      Wait. Are you allowed to swear on the Internet?

      • +3

        (profanity) no

      • +1

        OMG Some genuine OG internet gangster badboys negged you for discouraging swearing :/

  • I ordered 2 for $90Aus delivered …
    Never heard of the brand but how bad can it be :)

    • +1

      Actually for this sort of money you could get 480GB raid 0+1 for $200 …

      • raid 10 not raid 0+1

    • +7

      Losing all your data.

      • +1

        Don't worry.
        Use SSD for OS & programs.
        Documents & porn keep on hdd.
        Use macrium free for daily or scheduled back up & you are all protected.

        That's what I did.

        And running VM from SSD is quite faster if you use one & snapshots again on hdd.

  • +3…

    It's Microcenters' in-house brand. Using a lower-end Phison controller, and MLC flash (not TLC) with an unknown OEM

    • MLC is better than TLC.

      • +3

        but Waterfalls

        • Diggin' on you :P

  • +1

    OK, I'm game, I rolled the dice for 1 of these.
    According to reddit they're good quality..maybe

  • Sweet thanks. Another drive to install stuff on.

  • its only getting better from here…

  • +2

    Weird how Camel x 3 tracks to the 120gb version

    EDIT - You read it here 1st

  • +1

    and it begins….

  • Tired will look tomorrow.

    • +1

      Is like #1 on the "how to miss out on a bargain" guidebook. Today though your sleepiness has paid off.

  • Well, just bought one. I already have SSD's for every system I own, but I don't own 'portable' SSD's yet. Guess I now need an UASP USB 3.0 enclosure.

    Edit: cancelled the order, as Slickdeal comments seem to suggest this is actually a 128gb drive

  • +1

    so 240 or 120??

  • 2 bought for 90 aud …. thanx op.

  • Yeah says Here that you'll actually receive a 120gb model.

  • 240 or 120?

  • +1

    Thanks OP. I just ordered one from Tokyo, Japan.

  • +2

    my order confirmation from Amazon says 240GB…..I'll just get them to send me a second one if the first turns out to be 120GB

    • +1

      It's 120GB. Wrong size listed on the Amazon page.

      UPC 618996723140 and model 349381 (which is on that Amazon product page) is listed as the 120GB drive on the Micro Centre site. It's written right there check it out for yourself.…

      Micro Centre doesn't even have any Inland branded 240GB SSD drives listed on their web site.

    • It looks in every way to be a 240gb, as far as I can see on the link page.
      Hopefully amazon will honour the purchase.
      I think most you could lose is have to send back and just get refund.
      At best, hopefully receive the 240gb model pictured.
      It seems some people more skilled with amazon than I am, have found something, somewhere to show it is not 240gb.
      Lets wait and see. I definitely want it at 240gb, I maybe want it, at 120gb.

  • +2

    You are all going to be disappointed when you receive 120GB SSD drives.

    • +2

      $38 is still cheap for a 120GB drive. My plan is to upgrade my mum's ageing Aldi desktop to shut up it's horrible noisy HDD, 120GB will still be big enough.

      Will be interesting to see what Amazon offer as compensation.

  • +1

    Ordered 2, let's see how this pans out. If they ship the wrong one, that's misadvertising and Amazon would need to step in. I'm guessing orders will just be cancelled once they realise the error.

    • -1

      Well i can tell you now you'll be getting a total of 2 x 120GB SSD drives.

      • +3

        Thanks :) Maybe you should tag yourself as rep?

        • I just got off Amazon live chat with Amir and after going away for a couple of minutes to confer with someone else Amir "confirmed" it's 240GB.

      • -1

        Now Im even more confused:/ lol.
        How did these people work out it is 120gb not 240gb .
        Im pretty sure Im mistaken in my perception of it being 240gb (it all shows as 240gb on my phone), but how did people find out it was 120gb ?
        I think people mentioned product codes or model numbers etc, did someone just have a random hunch to check model number or product code, then discover kind of by accident that its 120gb, or is there some section they clicked on that im not seeing .

        • You can Google the UPC # on the Amazon page (618996723140) and you'll see references pointing only to the 120GB SSD.

        • -1

          Is this like something to do every item listed ? Or just if your suspecting the listing is too good to be true

        • +1

          @ozzpete: It's a quick way to confirm a product matches its description. It could be massive oversight on the description, or a copy/paste error on the UPC and other similar information. But I suppose because the price for the 120GB SSD on MicroCenter's page matches the price on Amazon's 240GB SSD page, it's assumed the Amazon description is incorrect.

        • -1


          Yes it's 120GB and the Amazon product title description was incorrect.

  • LOL! As someone pointed out on SlickDeals…it's listed in the 'Beauty & Personal Care Dept'

    • -1

      More confused :/ lol

  • +1

    Sorry guys this should be deleted

    Just fix the title to 120Gb

  • Speaking of which is this still a bargain at 50 bucks? What do there usually go for these days?

    • Cheapest SSDs according at present to StaticICE are $54 but that does not include shipping (and it's also a lower-end Kingston).

  • The r/buildapcsales reddit thread has a number of people that have ordered this drive with same day shipping. What happens to their orders should give us an idea as to how Amazon will respond.

  • +2

    sold out?
    can't add anymore

    • -1

      You wouldn't have wanted to buy it any how since it was really 120GB unless you need a 120GB drive.

    • cause they altered the title and spec regardless of crap written below.

  • -6

    The product page now shows as the product title "Inland Professional 120GB SATA III 6Gb/s 2.5" Internal Solid State Drive (120GB)" at $29.99 USD + shipping. So well there's proof that it was a total cock up.

    LOL the folks at Amazon stuffed up accidentally listing it as 240GB when it wasn't. You all accidentally ordered 120GB drives. This is what i told you all hours ago but most peoples wouldn't listen. I would be cancelling your orders if it hasn't already got to the shipping stage yet. But most peoples would be asleep by now and it may likely have already shipped by the time they get up. Too late by then.

    • +1

      Isn't false advertising a no-no?

      • +1

        Yeah it was an accidental false advertising. It still even has pictures of the 240GB drive even although it's not what's actually being sold. It's really the old 120GB drive. The listing itself now clearly states the 120GB SSD.

        I maybe feel for those waking up in the morning to find out that they've made a huge mistake. What are they going to do with their new 120GB SSD drives. I suppose you could place a few of them in RAID 0 if you ordered multiple units.

        Here's proof that clearly shows it was really 120GB.

        • +3

          It was a 'glitch' in their words.

          I had a chat with one of the Amazon reps and here is the full transcript - forgive the excessive redactions, just want to maintain privacy haha


          Rep: There is a glitch in the website [Chimpus], this item is of 120GB I have tranafsrred (sic) this issue to my team and they are working on it [Chimpus]

          Me: Ah ok, so this means that the order confirmation I have is incorrect?

          Rep: That is correct [Chimpus], just a glitch with the title of the item

          I cancelled my order after that chat.

        • +1

          pile of dog shit - original listing in description was for 240 gb. Why do people write crap?

          so wasn't the title was wrong- the picture was wrong but also the description was wrong.

          for those that don't get it - the item u bought was definitely sold as a 240gb drive, and why anyone would believe Amazon reps covering their employers arses beats me.

          so both above statements are totally false based on later altered spec and yank grease.

          Finally references to upc are what exactly? you look at every item u ever buy at the upc?

          Is it reasonable to expect every customer to look at every upc every time? According to this thread the seller has no responsibility whatsoever for what they picture describe and label, which means u can't ever expect anything u have bought in good faith to arrive from Amazon.

          a crock of steaming doodah…..

        • +2

          @petry: Have you dealt with Amazon Support recently? They are not like they used to be. They won't even price match their own price after they shipped the item to you nowadays - the terms and conditions of their price match policy have changed (even if you haven't received it). Also, we don't live in the United States, so returning the item isn't that simple. You will need to post the item(s) back and then get a postage refund from Amazon.

          Amazon are known to cancel orders which had pricing errors or incorrect listing issues. Amazon don't charge your card right away. So, unless you read all Amazon's terms and conditions fully and know their rules inside out, be prepared that Amazon Support may just point them out when you try to argue with them.

          This is not the first time an incorrect deal got posted and just like previous instances, people do get upset (which is understandable), but if you want to gamble and demand Amazon Support to right the wrong, then that's your choice - don't complain about people pointing out the truth. We all want bargains, but punishing Amazon for errors made by other companies isn't better than the people who made those mistakes in the first place. Amazon support are more by the book nowadays so it is best to cancel the orders, rather than going through the mess. This particular SSD isn't worth it to be honest.

        • I know amazon support are crap - have been for a long time regardless of the hype.

          its amazons responsibility when they know its the wrong item to sort it out - not to knowingly ship the wrong item.

          in this case the item was replaced with another later - therefore its entirely their responsibility.

          Not just a picture, or a title or a description but all 3 - sending out 1 biscuit as opposed to the packet purchased effectively. They're a business and they have legal responsibilities, they need to sort it out not pass the crap onto their customers to sort out after they know its wrong.

          I'm not demanding the items, I'm simply requiring what is reasonable - they sort out their own crap that they are responsible for. if amazon won't take responsibility for their fake sales they're even more shite than they were.

        • @petry: If they sent you the wrong item, it will most likely require you sending the item back regardless whether it ended up being a refund or a replacement. You need to decide whether you want to go through that for this particular SSD.

          After what happened, you can decide whether you want to go through the mess or you want to move on cleanly. When I checked this deal, I looked at the price history first (and it didn't make sense - the site was showing 128GB) and other sites and stats etc.. are all showing 128GB. Plus, based on the performance figures, the SSD is below par for MLC SSD, and also below par for TLC SSD and the chipset is a cheap and nasty one. It was just too fishy for me to even bother. It's just not worth the trouble for an SSD where most people will use it either as a secondary drive or a portable one. The vendor is clearly dodgy.

        • @netsurfer:

          If they knowingly send out an incorrect item just recharge your card, cause they know the order was wrong, and they knowingly sent out a different item. People need to tell them its been changed, then amazon have to sort it out.
          Otherwise they are seeking to profit from a fraudulent sale.

  • +1

    Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #30 in Beauty & Personal Care

  • These are confirmed to be delivered as 120gb…

    • Yep, cancelled my order after seeing this. Shame too, was gonna use one to install FFXV to :P

    • -1

      How does that page confirm it as 120gb? It doesn't even mention 120gb at all.

      • If you actually read the comments…

      • Got same day delivery so I'll let you guys know what size actually ships today.
        Edit: They just came in and they are 120 gb, oh well I guess well I should start on the return process now :(

        • You must be living in the USA then.

          Every body is going to be getting 120GB SSD if they don't already get their orders cancelled. Well can't say i told peoples so because i was telling you all since last night that it was the 120GB model. It didn't take much to figure that out.

        • @hollykryten:

          I live in Australia.
          You will notice that it is a quote

        • @spaceflight:

          Fair enough. My mistake of not noticing the quotation mark.

        • @hollykryten:

          All okay.

          If you have a look at the reddit page I linked to you will see there is discussion around the size from people who can get same day delivery

  • Cancelled my order … not worth potential hassles.

  • As the Amazon Primers said on reddit…. 120GB delivered. So just to be sure I spoke to Amazon.

    Joel: I checked with our catalogs team Clear. There seems to be some website content error when you placed the order. 120 GB SSD will only be delivered to you.

    Order cancelled. Ah well next time.

  • Just chat to Amazon and this is what I got from them. Cancel or not…

    You are now connected to Vigneshwaran from
    Vigneshwaran: Hello, my name is Vigneshwaran. I'm here to help you today.
    I can confirm your order was placed for 240Gb and you'll receive correct item. The error is already corrected, there is no need to worry.

    • From an Amazon online chat rep. I would take their word with a grain of salt.

  • +2

    120GB ssd received today in Melbourne.

    • Have you contacted Amazon regarding a return? Or will you keep it?

  • keeping the item to save trouble.. chat did not help too much about this dishonor conduct..only provide return shipping to get refund, but not willing to compensate even the return shipping..

  • +1

    After 30minutes on Amazon Chat, they finally budged and gave me 35% refund. Still not 50% like reported reddit users but I'm happy with this.

    • I couldn't be bothered and chickened out . Good for you .

      • Ahaha but $50 is still alright for a 120GB ssd.

        • What argument did you make?

  • +1

    Today I received 2 x 120GB SSDs as expected. Dropped an email to support where they suggested a return to which I suggested some partial refund. Without any further email exchange, next minute I see an email confirmation for 40AUD refund for my 93AUD purchase. We'll, it wasn't that awesome deal but not that bad either. Especially the way Amazon handled their mistake. There is simply no way average Joe should check the serial if it is the correct item or not. Of course in my case I knew it was an error but tried my luck anyway.

    • which email did u send too?

      • On your orders Amazon page there should be a link for customer service, from there contact us etc.

  • +1

    I received my 120GB drive several weeks ago.
    Finally got onto customer service chat just now.
    I forgot I accidentally signed up for amazon prime at some stage.
    3minute chat, basically "thanks for being a prime custmoer, full refund coming your way in 2-3 days".

    Wish I'd bought more

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