More batteries for the ozbargainers.
AAA's are a bit cheaper at $4.49 (500mAh)
More batteries for the ozbargainers.
AAA's are a bit cheaper at $4.49 (500mAh)
Yeah I think OP got mixed up: these are the brown very-low-capacity Laddas, and $5 is not really a bargain for them.
OzBargainers usually buy the the much-higher-capacity white ones, as they are similar to Eneloops (for $8, which is a good price, see the link someone posted below).
Regular price. Where's the bargain?
When u peel the Ladda sticker off and see "Eneloop", the bargain aspect will be self evident :)
Different batteries in the article to the ones here.
Er, no. These are not the "eneloops" that everyone (myself included) + votes for. These are 1000mah vs 2450mah (the supposed eneloop pro's).
Yeah the brown cells are most likely IMO not Eneloop (different physical packaging and different capacity), I’d say more likely to be a cheaper Chinese manufactured cell.
500mah for AAA …. most LSD can now do 900mah ….
that said ikea have 2 streams of rechargeable batteries and this listing is for the lower capacity stream …..
caters for a market, some people don’t know what mah is or what LSD is ….. hey it says rechargeable , they grade batteries, charger and go home with their other ikea stuff.
might be why they have 2 streams of batteries to cater for different demographics.
Not good value for such low capacity batteries. Aldi's Activ batteries are more than double the capacity and their everyday price is only $1 more than this bargain.
2450mAh AAs
IKEA FAMILY price (quick and free to join on the spot)
$7.99 / 4 pack
1 Feb, 2018 - 31 Mar, 2018 while stocks last
Much as the regular ladda batteries are eneloop pros, these are likely eneloop lite. Designed for low drain devices like remotes and wall clocks. Even lower discharge rate than regular eneloop and more recharge cycles.
Not sure why people would buy rechargeables for tv remotes. By the time the initial set that comes with remote and these run flat, it's time for a new tv anyway =)
Such is the Ozbargain way… :-)
But - after you've had an alkaline leak and ruin your expensive remote, then good quality LSD rechargeables become very attractive.
I've never had an Eneloop leak.
The next best option are Energizer Lithium.
I've never had a Varta leak. Aren't they the ozb choice for alkaline?
Or just recharge the batteries for the new remote and save 2 batteries from landfill =)
My nose shaver takes low drain batteries. These are perfect.
The real bargain is always in the comments.
Funny how near identical post from BrodenIt got 226+ upvotes for standard price and straight away people $hit on this deal
homersimpson, it seems you are just not winning the ozb popularity contest which is apparently what gets upvotes here, not validity of actual deals.
Brodenit's deal is for the larger capacity Ikea Ladda's.
totally different deals.
Brodenit deal was for a reduced priced AA which is 2450mAh and LSD (and apparently are eneloops)
OPs deal is for the normal price for 1000mAh rechargables (probably relabeled BTY).
you can't compare the deals, well you can: this deal which is not a deal Vs Brodenit's deal which is good
Except the deal you linked to is for the 2450mah cells for only $3 more. These batteries are less than half the capacity.
No deal, low mAh
Out of curiosity can you charge IKEA Ladda with your Eneloop charger? I feel like the answer is yes just to be sure.
The 2450mAh AA are widely rumoured to be rebranded Eneloop Pros. There are just low capacity rechargeables.
Based on my pass experience with Ikea batteries, they will leak and ruin your devices. So better stay away.
Poor value
Normal price is not a deal. Very bad value.
joke right? 1000ma AA's? Is it 1992? LSD now.