This was posted 14 years 2 months 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$1 Bowling at Strike Bowling Bar (1 Game and Shoe Hire) Valid Sun - Thu [VIC/NSW/QLD]


1 Game of Tenpin Bowling for $1 including shoe hire. Valid 26/12/2010 to 31/01/2011,
Sunday - Thursday, from 4pm to close.
When you jump on this deal, you can redeem your voucher by simply going to and following the prompts.

Can't be used with other offers or function bookings.
Bookings essential - online bookings only.

They have 11 locations in NSW, VIC and QLD.

NSW link…
VIC link…
QLD link…

This deal is through jumponit (a group buy site) and when I checked at 9.15, 432 people had already registered in Sydney, so the deal is on.

I managed to open the website before, but it's currently down for maintenance (I guess they had a large influx of people coming at once and weren't prepared) so hopefully it's back up soon.

EDIT: 10.30am: website is back up

Mod: Fixed URL

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closed Comments

  • rofl..

    Due to overwhelming popularity of the $1 Strike Bowling Deal our servers have requested a coffee break… we will be back ASAP

  • +1

    If they sell too many coupons, Strike will not be able to cope with all the traffic. So I hope jumponit don't get too gung ho and sell too many coupons. I did some quck back of the envelope calculations:
    The deal is valid for 36 days. Take out Fridays & Saturdays, and you have about 25 days. Assuming, they have 6 hours a day (4pm to late) and 11 locations, and an average of 20 lanes per facility available, at an an average of 30 minutes per game, you are looking at 66,000 games possible.

    Remembering that this is school holiday time, they will already be booked to 50-80% capacity most evenings. I've been there a few times during school holidays and have had to wait about an hour to get a lane.

    So, the maximum number of coupons to sell is about 10-15,000. Sell any more and they will be pushing themselves to full capacity. Let's see how many they end up selling!

    • the strike bowling bar's i know of in vic have like 8 lanes tops, it's not quite AMF.

    • Strike sent me an email about this.. They mentioned they will have 50,000 coupons on offer

    • They've sold 18,000 in NSW so far. There are 42 lanes in all, incl Tamworth & Newcastle. That means 3 games per lane per hour every single day have already been sold to Jumponit users. A lot of people are going to be disappointed if they don't book early enough!

  • cant even get on the server

  • Does this actually count for Vic? It's a Sydney based deal and only lists the Sydney locations on the page.

    • Heard an ad on the radio in VIC today…

    • +1

      Have added in the links for VIC and QLD as well, you can navigate to them from the regional homepage i.e. and

  • goddamn keeps saying
    busy try again
    well stuff that then cbb

  • managed to buy 10 vouchers finally…

  • When trying to buy "This offer is limited to 1 per person. The extra x vouchers must be gifts in different names."
    Your vouchers need to be in the name of the person who will use it

    • I got through and purchased 10 vouchers. Just had a look at the voucher sent to me and the conditions are:

      • Limit 10 vouchers per person
      • Valid 26 December 2010 - 31 January 2011
      • Valid Sunday - Thursday, 4pm - close
      • Not redeemable for cash
      • Can't be used with other offers
      • Can't be used with function bookings
      • Bookings essential - Online bookings only

      Where did you see it said limit 1 per person?

      • In (still) trying to make the transaction (on credit card page) - They don't state it on the T&C page ;-) You have to enter names/emails on the transaction page for it to (try and) proceed and then you have to re-enter the names everytime the transaction times out :-(

        It's possible they put in that limit afterwards… basically an easy way to build their e-mailing list.

        • They had the 10 names and email addresses of the people the voucher was for.
          So I just split it between me and my girlfriend and had all the vouchers sent to my email :)
          See if that works, otherwise Strike probably realised they were going to sell too many vouchers and decided to cap it to 1 and I was just lucky lol.

          It took me forever to complete the transaction, but once I got to the checkout it was relatively quick.
          Good luck!

        • i really don't know what you're on about. It says limit 10 vouchers per person. On the page that you're talking about where you have to enter the 10 names and email addresses, i just entered my own x10 and it transacted fine. After all it does say in T&C's limit 10 vouchers per person. It wouldn't make sense to say that and then expect a person to submit 10 different names. Doesn't say anywhere that it has to be for 10 different people. I've also already made my reservation on Strike and it went through fine.

        • You are right, it does say "10 vouchers per person" in the T&C.
          During the transaction it also says "“This offer is limited to 1 per person. The extra x vouchers must be gifts in different names.” and "Your vouchers need to be in the name of the person who will use it".

          That's what we are on about - the seemingly contradictory wording that appears. It also doesn't make sense to have to gift the vouchers to yourself and have to enter your name/email address for each one does it? If based on your wording, you are in the type to want to get stuck into someone, do it to the people that set it up/poorly worded it not us for stating factually what is on the webpage.

        • I did not know what you were referring to because that message has not/currently does not appear for me - “This offer is limited to 1 per person. The extra x vouchers must be gifts in different names.” Hence, i was wanting to stop the misinformation and confusion getting spread. That is all.

  • +1

    When you go to buy this, it does mention that its 1 per person. When I put 10 in, it says that you need to gift the other 9 (as they need to be in other names).

    edit sorry, already mentioned

    • Beat ya ;-)

      On retrying transaction (and having to re-enter details): "-BUSY TRY AGAIN (AP)-" :-(

      • try a few more times
        I got myself 30 vouchers

        • Under different accounts I take it. I'm just getting a blank screen on refreshes now :-(

    • nope i never got that message, it worked fine for me to put my name in 10 times. There was nothing to block me from doing it. Also if you look on the right hand side it says "Same name on vouchers" or "Send as gift". There's nothing to say you HAVE to gift the other 9!!

  • As already stated, the deal is valid in NSW, VIC & QLD but I reckon it's probably best to use the links for your own capital city as it is a bonus deal for all the cities. I don't know if it makes a difference thought.
    On the Brisbane link (… )the deal expires in 10.5 hrs and only 388 have been sold.
    On the Melbourne link (… )only 2000 have been sold.
    And in Sydney there are 58hrs remaining but 5500 have sold.

  • The one for Sydney is now unavailable I wonder if you can buy the one from Brisbane or Melbourne and use it in Sydney?

  • Is it true the vouchers you do not use will be refunded back into your credit card?

    • FAQs says No, but on the home page there is a "30 day money back guarantee". So, I'm confused.


  • dodgy, i was just on it and it still had like 20 hours left or somethingh????

  • yup sydney sold out lol 20,000

    • Ah bullocks was gonna get me some when I dad comes home with the CC…. :(
      Meh time to take a risk and buy one from Brissy or Mel :D

    • Now the eBay market in vouchers can take off :-)

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