This was posted 7 years 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

12 Fresh Cage Eggs 700g $2.70 (1 Month Shelf Life) @ Coles (Instore and Online)


Fresh Cage Eggs are on special at Coles. Great for meatheads like me who consume copious quantities of animal protein every day just to maintain a muscular physique for superficial purposes. These have plenty of shelf-life and are not a clearance item so you can stock up and save a few dollars on a staple food.

Chicken eggs are a nutritious source of highly absorbable protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D and zinc.

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closed Comments

  • +75

    Thank god they are cage eggs, I don't like it when my eggs escape and run about all over the place.

    • +12

      I imagine they could get quite scrambled if they were free to roll.

    • +9

      Ah, another caged egg post, that's my entertainment for the day sorted.

    • +3

      you dont know what else they could be eating if it's running all over the place..

  • +60

    Ah, the calm before the storm!

    • +2

      Perfect for egging your noisy neighbours

  • +11

    I hear panda steaks are on sale too…

    • +5

      it's not real panda, it's cows butts, hard to tell to the untrained person … the give away is pandas eat bamboo, cows eat grass and sometimes they forget to clean the butts properly… that green stuff isn't parsley on the butchers tray …..

      • At least that part is authentic.

    • +1

      Caged or free range Panda?

      • +1

        Gourmets prefer Circus panda.

        • Kung Pao Panda with a side of bamboo shoots just to enhance the overall experience.

  • +1

    They should join a union.

  • -6

    Down down, prices are down

    Pun NOT intended.

  • +8

    Chocolate eggs or it’s nothing

    • +2

      free range chocolate eggs?

      • +1

        Nah cage better

      • Free —range— chocolate eggs

  • They would also be a nutritious source of omega 3 if they were free range.

    • +18

      Ah, the old free range eggs. I had an unfortunate experience with those when I was a wee lad.

      Not knowing what manner of egg laying beast a range was, but curiosity piqued and fervour for freebies aroused, I topped off the trolley before exiting the store.

      Security pounced and I had to explain the misunderstanding. Never again…

    • +37

      Tell me where we can get these $2.80/dozen free range eggs?

      • +8

        A dollar or so more… Peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

        • -2

          But why? Why turn those poor chickens out of their comfy air conditioned beds and make them forage for food in all weathers? I'm too much of an animal lover myself.

        • +44

          10c = $1

          Turn in your Ozbargain membership, you've lost the plot

        • +22


          I think he meant 10c each (x12) in order to demonstrate how little the difference is.

        • +2

          @LoopyLou: Ah yes that would make more sense - thank you for that clarification. (Probably would have been clearer if they said $1.20 or more)🙂

        • don't think they have beds, don't think its comfy, but yes its air conditioned.

          So is my office but I do like to outside, even it's hot for a walk at lunchtimes …. I think even the workers in call centres get to go outside at some time during their work day, or at get up and stretch.

        • +15

          A dollar or so more… Peanuts in the grand scheme of things.

          These are $2.70 for 700 g. That's $2.70 / 0.7 kg = $3.86/kg.
          The cheapest free range eggs are $3.80 for 600 g. That's $3.80 / 0.6 kg = $6.33/kg, 64 % more expensive than these. That's not peanuts!

          But I'll gladly purchase free range for the rest of the year if you subsidise my purchase to the difference. Or isn't the welfare of chickens worth that much to you?

        • +3

          @Scrooge McDuck: Ducks clearly don't care about chickens!

        • +2


          I'm partial to Gyro Gearloose, but that's about it.

        • +1

          @LoopyLou: That's a whopping 44% more per egg.

        • +2

          As long as caged eggs are cheaper people will keep buying them and supermarkets will keep selling them.

          So I propose that those against the sale of cage eggs subsidize Free Range Eggs so that they are even cheaper than Cage Eggs.

          Morally, how could they refuse?

          They will get the satisfaction of knowing they have brought an end to Cage Eggs, while the rest of us get cheap Eggs!.

        • @xev: would that be considered predatory pricing? ie they would only do it until the caged eggs companies went out of buisness. after that the prices would not need to be subsidised for "ethical" reason and the prices would go back up.

          not sure i see the difference between artificial low prices for ethical reasons and predatory pricing reasons. i wonder if ACCC would share my view.

        • +1
        • @xev: Perhaps they'd refuse for the same reasons you refuse to bribe all the people who do stuff you consider unethical?

        • @RockyRaccoon:
          Show me free range eggs $3.90

        • @RockyRaccoon:

          14% less product while costing 29% than this deal.

        • @RockyRaccoon:
          Yeah well…

          … Walks away

    • Here we go….

    • +8

      So where should they be sold?

    • +20

      Totally agree. Caged should be banned!

      **Opinion is my own and not associated with my association to Coles.

    • +7

      Free range doesn’t exactly mean that chickens are in a grassy field chasing rainbows. Free range chickens are still crammed into sheds they just aren’t placed in individual cages.

      • +12

        That's barn laid -

        Free Range means they also can leave the barn and forage in the grass. Personally I check for 1500 hens per acre for my free range as that's the recommended maximum there should be.

        Most of the cheaper free ranged eggs are 10,000 hens.

        Mind you proper free ranged is about double the price of caged.

        • +5

          Watch the Checkout segment on Free Range first.
          Looks like they are in a barn most of the time.

          There was an example where the throughput was 1 chicken / minute half-duplex
          They also train the chickens not to go outside.

        • @idonotknowwhy:

          Is the training cruel?

    • +2

      not sure why you got negged, the supermarkets are already moving more towards getting rid of caged eggs, the issue is more supply and farmers making the move and public not buying caged eggs as supermarket shelf space is too valuable to have for slow moving items so they would stock with cage free.

      They made the move in coles and woolies to cage free chicken meat already, prices haven't gone up, it was just public demand.

      Stall free pork was another move …. prices haven't gone up.

      • They made the move in coles and woolies to cage free chicken meat already, prices haven't gone up, it was just public demand.

        +1 That's good to hear.
        I don't have a problem with feel-good eggs as long as the price doesn't increase :)

      • +1

        They made the move in coles and woolies to cage free chicken meat already,

        Meat chickens never were caged. You've been fooled.

    • +2

      Yep, giving chickens access to 3 square feet on leave of space, once a day, definitely makes up for putting them into grinders, cutting off their beaks, etc. etc.

    • I consider myself an environmentalist.

      Factory farming is good for the planet. It takes; less water, less land, less food, less energy.

      Save the planet!! Eat caged eggs!!

  • +13

    Tbh, I actually knew about this yesterday but didn't want to start WW3 just because eggs were 30c cheaper..

    • +6

      I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with hurled eggs.

      — Gyro Gearloose.

    • To me it's just the principle that eggs are so damn cheap anyway.

    • +4

      I'll have to wait for tomorrow, used up all my negs already :(

      • +4

        same here! I'll be back!

  • Great for meatheads like me who consume copious quantities of animal protein every day just to maintain a muscular physique for superficial purposes.

    Do you know that many paradigm shifts are preceeded by overcompensation?

  • +9

    I see those egg council guys have got to you too

    • Love it!

    • +2

      The free-range mafia are out breaking necks protecting their egg racket

    • +2

      "Yeah you better run!"

  • +2

    Aldi's 700g caged eggs are $2.70 as well.

    • Weren’t they timebombed to about now? Or have they weasled out?

      • +1

        nah all the weasels got used in their meat section

    • +1

      Costco 30 cage eggs 1750g $6.69 which works out slightly cheaper.

  • -7

    You don't have to force a chicken to spend their entire life in a cage, yet you choose to perpetuate this.
    I am all for saving money, but this is past my limit.
    Perhaps you could be caged up..just for the sake of saving a few quid.

    • +1

      Your feelings aren't a reason to neg. Find some cheaper eggs or go cry vegan / ethics somewhere else

      • +25

        I don't think this is about crying vegan, because vegan's don't eat eggs.

        With all the money saved from the other deals here. I think we could fork out a couple of extra dollars for some less-cruel eggs.

        • +6

          Your comments are valid. However I think what the reaction is to those voting the deal down purely on their beliefs.

          Btw those expressing their beliefs without voting are left alone. So is it really a disagreement with the belief or a disagreement with the negative vote system.

          How many of these righteous ones, vote down the hamburger deals, pizza's, cheap chinese, when its not clear if any of these use cage eggs.

          Just like cheap clothing/electronics are also based on abuses of living creatures (humans as well as animals). Are these to be voed down as well?

        • +6

          @RockyRaccoon: All valid points. But the key part of this deal is that these are advertised as caged, so individuals have clear information to inform their purchase.

          For other goods, whether it's food, clothing, electronics, etc, the information is less accessible. We have certification logos and grandiose mission statements, but those are often not front and centre or simply not understood. There's been a lot of work and messaging on egg production, and the broader market is aware of the facts. I don't know if the intended/planned solution is to change the system overnight, just to think a little bit more and make small changes where you can - and I suspect many of the 'righteous' are thinking along those lines. They're empowered with the information, and the choice, on this matter and can make a small change.

          When people talk about travelling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small. Why does no one in the present think they can radically change the future by doing something small?

        • +1

          @jesseboy89: As I said below, its the voting, which people see as an abuse (in their eyes) of the Ozbargain system. The rest is collateral damage. Just like when people complain about immigration, then make comments about one kind of immigrant. Anti immigration is ok, anti a partical race's immigration is just that racism. So when people mix the two its hard to get any consensus or rational discussion about the issue.

        • +1

          hmm, clean coal, adani, gift to mankind, and using tax payer money to bank roll something banks won't as they need to risk manage shareholders money …. some people live in the past as it's an easy way to make money, some people adapt to change.

          Small changes add up over time … SA got on large Tesla battery, now others are looking at even bigger ones.

        • My sentiments exactly. I don't believe most of the community here are too poor to afford free range.

    • +7

      What about fish? Or pigs? At what point is the animal cruelty ok? If you think it right through, the only solution is being vego.

      • (Seriously) trying to work out which is more cruel - Killing an animal for its meat, or "just" taking their "unborn" children (and eating them).
        Either way my bacon and eggs is looking slightly less palatable this morning
        plays "sad Hulk" music

        • +10

          or "just" taking their "unborn" children (and eating them).

          These eggs are unfertilised and so couldn't develop into a chick.

        • @Scrooge McDuck: Weirdly enough in some tests done on commercially produced eggs approximately 15% were able to be incubated to produce a chick. Don't ask me how since I don't know. Parthenogenesis anyone?

        • +1

          i saw that on jurassic park where it was just all females but through koaos theory ( quote jeff goldbloom) some managed to fertilise eggs ….

      • +1

        Well….I would say depend on what the reason you want to be a “vegan”…,,-83446,…

        Don’t know how much truth there is in the findings and studies, but something to think about.

        If you becomes vego because you don’t want to harm things that have emotion and pain and you believe those articles, you might need to be prepared to be eat something rather 100% synthetic to stay true to your moral belief…

        I am neither agree or disagree on the notion of being a vegan btw. This topic can become very philosophical without right or wrong very quickly…

      • +2

        If you think it right through you are using plastic etc which is permanent waste. The only solution is suicide and no children.

        But I agree with your sentiment to an extent. You can make the right choice where possible. I buy free range chicken to eat too where available. If somebody gives you two options (humane or inhumane e.g. halal) then you go humane every time. Why wouldn't you?

        • +4

          Why wouldn't you?

          Because it's more expensive.

        • -2

          coles and woolies have moved to cage free chicken meat and prices haven't gone up, in fact the roast chickens are even cheaper now … all about processes and being innovative.

        • +2

          @garage sale:
          I think they put the prices up before they changed so no one would notice :)

      • I think it's about stress minimisation between being born and being ready for dispatch, hence the move away from sows locked in stalls even in supermarket meat, allowing chickens to walk be it in the open or in barn.

    • -4

      Yep… this moralist (@smashed) equates a centuries-old practice of animal husbandry to the deprivation of human liberty. You don’t need to see some people’s karyotype to know they’re not carrying a full set of chromosomes.

      • +4

        Oh, so liberty only counts for humans.
        There are plenty or old practices which no longer happen because educated people now know better.

    • -1

      Also agreed, it is completely unnecessary.

    • +3

      Yes it's called an office cubicle. I'll spend my life there until I die.

  • +19

    I know I'll probably be downvoted for downvoting, but in this case it's very much worth it.
    Say no to cage eggs!

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