• expired

12 Fresh Cage Eggs 700g $2.70 (1 Month Shelf Life) @ Coles (Instore and Online)


Fresh Cage Eggs are on special at Coles. Great for meatheads like me who consume copious quantities of animal protein every day just to maintain a muscular physique for superficial purposes. These have plenty of shelf-life and are not a clearance item so you can stock up and save a few dollars on a staple food.

Chicken eggs are a nutritious source of highly absorbable protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D and zinc.

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closed Comments

  • Has anyone asked the chickens? Maybe they like it?

  • +2

    Some (one-sided) points:


    Looking forward to all the negs.
    Thanks and good bye

  • Meat is murder

  • +3

    Animal cruelty is not a bargain.

  • Asian grocer near me sells 700g of caged eggs for $1.50 if you want a real bargain.

    At that price I'd imagine the chooks are living in a matchbox though.

  • Eggcelent deal plus I like my chickens in cages

  • +2

    Please don't buy cage eggs, animal cruelty is not worth cheap prices :(

  • Still at the regular 3.00 price at my local Coles (both big and small Clayton)

    So, not national.

  • i buy free ranged eggs, but to neg vote a bargain(if legitimate) just because you don't like the product, shouldn't be allowed. If you disagree on how the product is made sure voice your opinions, that's your right.

    But if you neg vote a legitimate bargain just because you don't like what it represents is silly and illogical.

    But in your responses if you provide facts and links to reputable news outlets of particular companies or trades within Australia in recent years then you will probably win a lot of people over.

    pretty much gonna wait and see if this post gets negg'd now…

    eats his scrambled free ranged eggs on toast for dinner

  • oh, eggsxciting

  • +3

    You'd have to be a special kind of jerk to feel good about saving a dollar or two by buying caged eggs. https://imgur.com/a/Ns8Xr

    • +2

      It's not about feeling good. For some of us it's about survival. Literally putting food on the table vs having our families go hungry. Why do you think woolies sells individual toilet rolls? For those of us who can't afford to buy in bulk (12 rolls) the $1.20 goes a long way.

      • Buy some pasta. It's $1 at Woolies and a packet feeds the whole family.

        • +5

          Nah, not going to have my kids go malnourished just to keep some chicken lovers on the internet happy lol

        • -3

          @Chateau: liberally apply cream to burn area

        • +4

          @Chateau: Some people should get off their 'high horse'. As a single and well off person, I can afford the 'luxury' of paying dearer prices for things such as 'organic' 'freerange' etc. However it has been proven that insecticides, pesticides vaccines, farmed seafood and intensive farming of animals have all contributed to lower prices and better health outcomes for those who are not as fortunate as me. Whilst I contribute to animal charities, I don't hold it against those who are not as financially comfortable as me.

        • -2

          @Peck: This is a post for chicken eggs, not beluga caviar. Good effort to try and link a lack of ethics to a lack of money, though.

        • +2

          @Chateau: This is also not a post for family planning.

        • -2

          @PJC: Agreed. I don't see a lot of planning going on.

        • +1

          @Chateau: Nor should you. OP posted a bargain for eggs.

        • -7

          @PJC: Go busy yourself with your next cheap Chinese watch deal because I'm getting the feeling you're stalking me.

        • +6


          You probably shouldn't have had kids if you can't afford to feed them. Just a thought.

          The above comment to Member idonotknowwhy is disgusting. It is entirely normal to shop price-consciously when raising children.

          … because I'm getting the feeling you're stalking me.

          I come here for bargains; OP posted one and I was the second commenter. You know where the Report button is.

        • -6

          @PJC: Make a placard and go on a march, sweetpea. Don't forget the hashtag to validate your outrage.

  • +1

    1 month shelf life…
    So about the same as a caged chicken then?

  • +1

    fowl name checks out

  • I love cage eggs and support all farmers, it’s my choice. Stop telling me what is right or wrong.

    • +1

      You have limited education on the subject that's all.

  • +1

    While it has been established that eggs contain cholesterol, it has not yet been proven conclusively that they actually raise the level of serum cholesterol in the human blood stream.

    • It is actually lowering cholesterol at the same time so it balances out. This is proven already AFAIK.

    • +1

      Ah love a Simpsons quote!

  • +1

    Downvoting caged eggs.

  • say no to caged eggs

    • +1

      Why? Don't caged eggs taste the same as free range eggs? Caged eggs are also usually cheaper!!

      • Its personal opinion, free range gets a far more diverse diet as opposed to pure grain based feed. Does diet, sunshine, activity, different hormone levels (due to lowered stress) result in a better egg? Is Coke better than Pepsi?

  • +1

    I came here to see if the guy who eat raw eggs is here?

    • +1

      No, he is running behind the free range hens to eat the fresh eggs as they are laid to reduce the chance of salmonella poisoning.

  • Animal cruelty is not a bargain.

  • +1

    Please eat locally sourced free range cage free higher welfare eggs guys.

    • +1

      thank you for not negging the deal.

      • +2


  • +1 for affordable and natural food.

  • Same shXt in my local IGA for $1.99 for ages.Colworths needs a game changer.

  • OzB should ban cage egg specials.

    • +1

      Should ozb also ban handguns? How about meat or clothing made of cotton?

      • Nah, these guys don't care about humans.
        If the handguns were aimed at other animals, then maybe, but cotton is fine

      • Don't be silly whooah1979

  • +3

    I haven't gone back to read all the replies, but.. I wonder how many people who boycott caged eggs realise that they must be consuming them via processed foods that contain egg?

    I find it very strange that eggs create such controversy while other animal products don't around here.

    • I guess the movement and campaign against cage eggs has been going for a while, decades even and it continues to ramp up!

  • Costco currently has packs of 60 eggs for $7.
    About half the price of this if you're into caged eggs.

  • +2

    Just bought 4. Thanks OP

  • Downvoting Just because cage eggs are a crime!

  • -1

    Only one carton left at my local Coles:


  • +1

    Your negative vote on this post has been revoked by a moderator as this comment has been unpublished due to "inappropriate use of negative vote".

    Mods are walking on eggshells.

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