• expired

Aussie Broadband NBN: 1 Month Free or 1 Year Double Data, Plans from $40/month (New Customers)


Offer 1 – First month free, 6 months double data
The classic Whirlpool special. First month free with 6 months of double data on any residential or small business plan. One offer per location ID, can't be combined with any other offer. Online signup only, new customers only. Use promo code WPFREETRIAL in the online signup system for this offer.

Offer 2 – 12 months double data
This is our longest ever double data offer. You get 12 months of double data on any residential or small business plan. One offer per location ID, can't be combined with any other offer. Online signup only, new customers only. Use promo code WP12MONTHDD in the online signup system for this offer.

Both offers work with our new slider plans and you can change plans at any time and the double data will follow with the plan change. For example select 250GB this month and get 500GB, slide to 700GB next month and get 1400GB etc.

These offers are available on all the speed tiers we offer but we will be releasing a third offer for the 150/100 tier in a couple of weeks. If you have an interest in this tier and are on FTTP then you may want to hold off. It won't be a double data offer for that offer, it will more be around a short term discount on the 150/100 tier as a trial for those wanting to see what super fast speeds are like.

As a bonus for those who signed up on the one month free whirlpool promo code (that didn't include double data), we will automatically apply the 6 months double data component to your account from the next billing period start, so you will also get a full 6 months of double data (regardless of plan). This is limited to those who used the Whirlpool free month code WPFREEMONTH (which is now retired).

Limited time
Like all special offers, the above two have a time limit. They are available for orders placed between now and 31 March 2018, we may extend past this date if the offer is well supported.

Per Phil Britt founder and Managing Director for ABB

per sunshine moon:
There is no doubt that a few other competitors have pricing that is better then ABB and for me that is a bit disappointing.
But the fact that I can depend on my speed to be consistent and within rage of what I purchased, the EXCELLENT customer service and personal notifications when there are known issues means more to me then saving a few dollars each month.

You can feel free to shop around and get the product that suites but do do your homework to be sure you are getting exactly what you need and want.

{edit} 18 Feb
Some or many price points have changed for the better- go here https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2705337 to see what they are or to the deal as they are updated there also.

Referral Links

Referral: random (339)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

Related Stores

Aussie Broadband
Aussie Broadband

closed Comments

    • That's good news for people that are staying, means less risk of congestion :)

  • and for any any outages or advisory https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2690338&… you want to keep up with.

    and anything you might want to know about ABb https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum/152

  • To bad that NBN still isn't available just 10km from the centre of Australia's biggest city. Otherwise I would have hopped on this deal.

    • +7

      Catch the train down to GigaTown.

      • Or drive there in your jigawatt car :p

    • +1

      Thank you to everyone that downvoted me for living in a suburb with overhead HFC cable running down the street.
      As of late last year, when the NBN workers came and put a box on the outside wall, we were supposed to be connected in Feb 2018 and I would be jumping from internode ADSL to Aussie NBN to take up this deal.
      Our are the negative votes for actually downvotes for NBN Co?

  • +4

    extremely overpriced even with the deal imo

    • +1

      Can u please suggest a better alternatives? Thanks

      • -3

        TPG, BuzzTelco, iiNet, MyRepublic

        • +17

          Congestion, Congestion, Just TPG, Major Congestion

        • +2


        • +2

          @yht: except not MyRepublic because they are shit

        • +3

          @Savas: so why recommend it? yht did ask for a better alternative.
          So you recommended MyRepublic knowing it's shit and then come back to say it's shit?

        • -3

          @ksama0079: he asked for better alternatives than AussieBB.

        • +1

          TPG had to partial refund customers cause they weren't even close to delivering on speeds people paid for.

          The others are just resellers and Telstra and Optus also had to partially refund customers for severely under delivering

        • +7

          @Savas: so by your logic, MyRepublic is somehow better than AussieBB, even though it's shit by your standard? So that makes AussieBB even shitter?

          Sorry, can't follow your logic, but you are entitled to your opinion.

        • -2


          from the Aussie Broadband CIS

          This service provides typical evening download speeds of 60Mbps for fixed line services

          which is exactly the same as TPG

        • +2

          @Savas: TPG to compensate customers for slow NBN speeds

          20 December 2017

          TPG Internet Pty Ltd (TPG) will compensate nearly 8,000 of its customers who were misled about maximum speeds they could achieve on certain TPG NBN plans.

          Between 1 September 2015 and 30 June 2017, TPG sold NBN broadband plans advertising a range of speeds, including the top 100/40 speed tier (download speeds of 100 Mbps and upload speeds of 40 Mbps).

          TPG advertised its high-speed plan as “Seriously Fast Internet. Up to 100Mbps”.

          TPG has admitted that by promoting and offering speed plans with maximum speeds that could not be delivered, it likely contravened the Australian Consumer Law (ACL) by engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct and making false or misleading representations.

          “The technical limitations of NBN’s fibre to the node technology meant many TPG customers could not reach the advertised 100/40 speeds they paid for. Some couldn’t even get half those advertised speeds,” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.

          “TPG charged customers higher prices for the promise of faster speeds, misleading many customers into paying a premium price for a service they could not get.”


        • +1

          @ksama0079: On reddit Phil said that the difference is there company has data limits, shouldn't that make the plans cheaper? he also said:

          advocate on our customers behalf to have these congestion areas fixed within nbn.

          i don't need him to, there is no congestion on my POI.

        • -1

          @chumlee: people also have that problem with Aussie Broadband. I know TPG got fined for it but to me it's common sense if your not syncing at full speed to try the slower tiers.

        • +1
        • @spaceflight: also go with a plan that has no setup fee and no contract. i got telecube last week when they had 0 setup fee and no contract for 100/40 plan nd it never goes below 90mbps

        • @Savas:

          @ksama0079: On reddit Phil said that the difference is there company has data limits, shouldn't that make the plans cheaper? he also said:

          You really do have no idea. Providing a well provisioned service costs money but logic has no place with your arguments.

      • Try telecube

    • You can't have both cheapest and fastest, it's either one, the other or somewhere in between. I think ABB are doing it right, it shows their priorities are more on quality of service for all their customers than greed like other ISPs E.g. when it comes to not accepting any more customers when they reach 80% capacity and until they've provisioned more capacity for an area.

  • +3

    I notice that the speed will be limited to 1mbps once you reach the limit. Much better than 256kbps like others

  • +12

    I just got off myrepublic and are on abb. I couldn't be happier.

    at least my connection is usable.
    Myrepublic ping was 35ms. ABB is 9ms.
    I am prepared to pay a premium for a company that invests in its own infrastructure rather than reselling Optus @rap.

  • +3

    Did they change the prices? I remember 100/40 500gb was only $80

    • Looks like it. I was on the same plan for $80pm before I switched a couple of months ago.

      • Shady, I would've jumped on it if it was still that price but with double data which made it 1000gb per month.

        Did you switch plans or ISP? If isp, why?

        • I switched to Telecube and have been very happy with them. While ABB had great speeds and service, I just couldn't justify the price. That's my personal opinion.

    • Yep I stayed on my $80 500gb plan it is now $10 more but still worth it.

  • Anyone here with ABB that lives in Perth who can do a traceroute for me? Thanks!

    • +10


  • -4

    So what does 1TB on 100/40 cost?

    • +13

      $110, surely you could've checked this yourself.

  • Fyi their CVC bandwidth is alot better than other ISPs on nbn

  • I don't think my existing modem is compatible with the NBN.

    I read on Aussie Broadband's website they can supply a pre-configured modem. Anyone advise how much the modem would cost and what type it is?

    • +1

      I made the mistake of believing the OzBargain hype about ABB being a customer-centred company and bought their more expensive Netcomm NF18ACV ($169), which turned out to produce inadequate wifi coverage in a 3 bedroom brick and tile house and had to be replaced within days. Lesson learned: search online first - there's others have found it hopeless too, so why they continue to sell it beats me.

      • +2

        Best option is to buy your own

        • Also use a seperate router for WiFi, and a modem as a modem.

      • You didn't happen to have any Google cast devices on that home did you…?

        • Nope, nothing like that at all.

  • Damn, just signed up last week :(

    • Did you use the one month free whirlpool promo code last month?


      As a bonus for those who signed up on the one month free whirlpool promo code (that didn't include double data), we will automatically apply the 6 months double data component to your account from the next billing period start, so you will also get a full 6 months of double data (regardless of plan). This is limited to those who used the Whirlpool free month code WPFREEMONTH (which is now retired).

  • +3

    Just want to say I've been with Aussie Broadband for 6 months now. Fantastic customer service and the service has been consistently good. Advertised speeds and able to stream HD/download things ridiculously fast.

    Very happy customer. $65/month for 25/5 with 500GB limit. Perfectly adequate for everything I do (playing games online, streaming 1080p, working from home and utilising VPN to access work).

  • Tried to find out whether my home address is NBN available but their website doesn't recognise my home address which is already 8 years exist. Pathetic service.

    • Lol

    • +2

      Does NBN recognise your address?


      • Yeap, recognised no issues. Status nbn planned.

    • +1

      settle down mate, give them a call.

    • I am fairly sure that when you are NBN ready in your area ABB will have your address then.

  • Still waiting on upgrades in my area, otherwise would on.

    "Planned technology: nbn™ Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC)*.
    Planned availability: Upgrading the network*.
    Network upgrades to improve your customer experience will add an average of 6-9 months to your HFC connection. Please check back for an update in February 2018."

  • I got connected yesterday :(

    Is there any way I can get double data??

    • +3

      Honestly, just email them explaining your situation.

      They really do treasure customer satisfaction

  • Great deal …..if they could actually purchase enough CVC to start signing up new customers. A big chunk to the south of Perth has been on stop sell for 3+ months. Probably an NBN Co. issue but ether way, can't join up even though I wanted to.

    Joined iiNet in the meantime and happy with 46-48Mbit/s even during peak hours. Your results may vary.

  • Any good modem router deals to go with AussieBB HFC NBN?

  • +1

    Still seems really expensive even with double data.

    • +1

      It is.

      You are paying for guaranteed speeds. If you don't care about how good the service is, the unlimited plans are much cheaper. Personally, the price is worth it to get 90+ down at all times, versus dropping to 5-10 during peak times like so many other RSPs

  • +1

    Very happy with AussieBB for my NBN.

    Aussie Call Center with helpful staff.
    I had an issue with my connection and they stayed ontop of a tech coming out to repair.

  • Hi,

    I signed up to Aussie broadband this week, got the appointment next Thursday. I am a new customer, how can I get the double data? Do I have to have a 12 month contract?

    • Don’t sign up via appointmeny. Signup online with either 1 of the promocodes. No there is no contract. You can opt out any time you want.

  • About to move out of home and was planning to switch to Aussie Broadband. Definitely will hop onto this at the new place!

  • +1

    I've been with AussieBB for close to a year and the last few months have worsened. Congestion and now more expensive. I'm lucky if I can watch 1 min of a Netflix episode. Was going to switch to Telecube but missed their $0 setup offer so still waiting on the fence.

    • +1

      I find this hard to believe to be honest… they constantly monitor their POIs to ensure minimal to no congestion. Have you even tried any trouble-shooting or called them up for support?

    • +2

      I bet if you would take your issue/complaint to ABB and not here you would find that they can make it better for you or at least they will put forth all effort possible to do so. GIVE THEM A CALL!!!! Call 1300 880 905

    • +1

      I'd be amazed if what you said is true.

      I've been with ABB for about a year, and ever since they went to their own POIs, its been perfect.

      If theres something wrong, its much more likely to be on your end.

      • It's probably not even as bad as he makes it sound, especially when he's in no hurry to change RSP. Can't even watch 1 minute of netflix? Really?

  • Been with ABB for around 3 months now, all I can say is they're great. I am a very happy customer.

  • Got my FTTP connected within 30 minutes of signup today. Speeds are great so far! Haven't done a traceroute yet though.

  • Anyone got any xperience with 25/5 plan for $70 on 500gb?is it fast enough?

    • Fast enough for how many users? And what will they be doing?

      • Watching Netflix. Just one person at a time. Two at most but very rarely.
        Maybe facebook and browsing web on mobile.
        Some times work from home.
        No gaming

        • +1

          I find 25/5 fine for similar usage apart from Netflix, but YouTube runs smoothly at 1080p if that's any help.

        • @iseenya: $70 not to be able to stream Netflix is no good =(

        • +1

          @Mahalo: I believe they were saying they don't use Netflix, but YouTube in 1080p (Full HD) works fine, so Netflix should as well.

          From what Netflix says on their site 25/5 should even work for 4K content.

        • @BradleyDS2: thanks. Looking at another ozbargain offer right now. Contemplating switching.

        • +1

          @Mahalo: Based on other comments, the deal you're looking at on Telecube is good.

          Apparently Telecube has similar speeds and service to ABB, not quite as good but also not quite as expensive.

  • I get NBN around July. I am planning to sign up with ABB based on great reviews I keep reading and hearing. Hope this deal is around then as it will certainly seal the deal.

  • -2

    Let me confess I am after a short and simple one-line answer: Does this beat TPG $59.99/month UNLIMITED ADSL2+ plan considering a year's expense i.e. $720/year irrespective of the speed? If answer is YES, then I am keen to evaluate else I love TPG for its cost and my requirements. Can someone suggest please? Thanks!!

    • For me, who values speed and service, yes. For you who values cost saving, no.

    • Basic mathematics will tell you hi
      I meant no but this sounds better

    • why are you comparing nbn with adsl

      • Because I am comparing cost vs benefit for my internet usage. I am just concerned after some basic comparison that unlimited usage plan of NBN is much costlier than TPG ADSL2+ unlimited plan.

        • You can get garbage unlimited NBN plans for $50 or what ever.

          If you don't care about speeds, then theres no point using the most premium high end RSP on the market

  • Can anyone recommend a good broadcom chipset modem for FTTN connection with a decent wireless AC connection?

    My parents house just got NBN ready.


  • Why it is now become an issue with speed between ISP whereas we don't complain that much with adsl? Is it because they can buy CVC to avoid congestion? Or am I missing something here? I have been using tpg for my adsl and looking for nbn provider, yes, tpg is cheaper but will it make any difference when you are watching netflix etc if the network is congested? I never felt any difference in speed for many years with tpg, except when I have a new phone which I suspect interfere with the wifi. Can someone please enlight me?

  • Please don't subscribe to this deal /s

    I want to join Aussie BB when NBN comes to my area XD

  • Offer 2 – 12 months double data
    This is our longest ever double data offer. You get 12 months of double data on any residential or small business plan. One offer per location ID, can't be combined with any other offer. Online signup only, new customers only. Use promo code WP12MONTHDD in the online signup system for this offer.

    Damn. Thats kinda insane

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